Dark souls is the most flawed, but from a thematic, narrative...

>dark souls is the most flawed, but from a thematic, narrative, and artistic perspective is the best in the entire series. many people simply 'don't get it' and this causes fear and anxiety in them.
>dark souls 2 introduced the game series to the masses and is unique in every way and in many ways changed the entire industry for the better. arguably the best in the entire franchise
>dark souls 3 is based more on history than innovation, and tradition than novelty. it plays, looks, and sounds like something we have all seen before, but still is good in its own right
>bloodborne is the antithesis of the entire series, a project focusing more on provocation and cheap thrills than making a steller, much less acceptable work of art. completely entry level in every way, designed for fans and critics without an eye for detail or care of consistency

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your thread will go straight to page 10, but holy shit what a pleb

Daft Punk didn't even start making legitimate music until RAM - to call that "cheap thrills" or a "much less acceptable work of art" is completely backwards. The early albums were so simplistic and repetitive they were literally made to have multiple tracks mashed up for live sets.

boards.Sup Forums.org/mu/

Most people who don't like RAM are hipster bitches. Except for the Pharrel Williams tracks it's Daft Punk at their finest.

There are so many issues with this post it's laughable.

>thinking Dark Souls is most flawed
>thinking DS2 introduced it to the masses

And the worst mistake of all:
>thinking Daft Punk is good dance music

Listen to juke, microhouse, Villalobos, etc. and MAYBE you'll learn

>Daft Punk didn't even start making legitimate music until RAM

You're extremely lucky I'm not standing right next to you as you type complete bullshit like that.

>thinking Daft Punk is good dance music

>thinking there exists 'good dance music' in the fucking first place

Eat a bullet.

What dance music have you even listened to outside of the charts?

I bet you're one of those Homework fags.

Old DP albums run on a 40 second loop.

This, but I'd say Fragments of Time was their lowest point. Contact is the best song they've ever made.

Alive 2007 is the only good Daft Punk album. Nioh?

Not a single thing because I'm not a fucking 19 year old anorexic chick with more holes in my brain due to MDMA than swiss cheese


again, kill yourself or your opinions may find someone to do it for you one of these days

Here's some good dance music, you're welcome


If you took fragments off that album, it would be nearly perfect from start to finish. Heres a good remix of that track, tho.


Post your taste kid, I'd love to see how much worse your taste can get.

comprised entirely of songs that were created for other full release albums

>arguably the best in the entire franchise

Yes, but in a way that makes them work, since those songs are overly simplistic and don't stand up on their own.

>youtube playlists
>thinks he has taste in music
heh okay
>x genre is just for y
>i'm the smart person here
heh okay
>likes RAM
>thinks his opinions matter
heh okay


>comprised entirely of songs that were created for other full release albums

>...that were intentionally left spacious and repetitive and empty so they could be played this way live, which is a better arrangement of the music altogether.


>Fragments of Time is the worst song on the album

How do people with such bad taste as this get through life?

>he's still in that 9 month phase of using last.fm before the inevitable burnout sets in and he quits using it

how cute

...good dance producers, like Mark Fell and Ricardo Villalobos, don't put their work on Spotify, kid. If you listened to dance music you'd know that.
I download FLACs but it's easier to link to youtube.

The burnout from opening foobar and listening to music?

You've already outed yourself as the most immature, tasteless simpleton in this thread and potentially entire website if I allowed you to keep speaking.

For what I'm sure is the final time: end your life.

You're alright, user. There's a few tracks I liked more on RAMM, like that one and the closing remix of Instant Crush.

If you haven't already, go check out the actual Darkside releases.

Let me know when you want to post your taste, or at least name 10 albums you like.

>'dance music' instead of an actual genre name
>i download FLACs

keep not knowing what you're talking about, bud

>that were intentionally left spacious and repetitive and empty so they could be played this way live, which is a better arrangement of the music altogether.

Not saying live music isn't great, but give me a single fucking source that Daft Punk intentionally 'left songs empty and repetitive'

>using foobar

kek. that explains it.

There are many genres of dance music and to name all of them would be tedious and pretentious like you.

Well this thread certainly isn't missing any of the animosity found in 'Which souls game is best' threads

explains what, user? enlighten us

>dark souls is the most flawed

I couldn't give less of a shit about these teenager's and manchildren's opinions on Dark Souls. I care about their horrible taste in music.

You keep calling it "dance music". Am I getting trolled? Can you not even use a blanket term like IDM?

Touch is the best off of RAM.

>Daft Punk didn't even start making legitimate music until RAM
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwww laaaaaaaaaaaaaaadssssssssss

>youtube playlists

What kind of fucking retarded standard is this?

I always had issues with last.fm tracking my plays on mobile devices, so I quit using it just like everyone I ever had as a friend on there.

>streaming music from his phone instead of using rockbox
looks like you're a pleb, user

So BB is the best?

I don't stream music. Its all from my library. I can hear the crappy bitrate on spotify through my car stereo.

Holy shit you're a fucking pleb

do you seriously not understand? do you need this basic of an idea explained to you?

Given the material itself it's impossible to come to any other conclusion, since they clearly know what they're doing live.

Homework is Demon's Souls you dumb faggot.

>this bloodborne shitposting
Typical PKEK

Are you implying Discovery was a bad album you fucking waste of sperm?

Apparently so, music god.

What would Cross be?

Souls 2 is the worst of the souls games though.

Demon's - Homework
Dark Souls - Discovery
Dark Souls 2 - Human After All
Dark Souls 3 - Alive 2007

well, like you said, it's dance music, right? right, user? right?

>50% of the game is unfinished/clearly rushed bullshit

Yeah I'd say you are trying to bait pretty hard

Everything about this post is so fucking massively retarded

[citation needed]

its perfect

But Dark Souls 2 isn't the best in the series.

fuck off dadrocker

>You're extremely lucky I'm not standing right next to you
t. five foot 100lbs manlet

Gonna need a bigger b8 than that

I thought I was the only one who stopped using last.fm, but looking into the sites traffic over the last few years confirms that it will die a slow death.

If it weren't for the conformist Sup Forumstants it'd prolly already be dead.

so you have nothing at all to backup your opinion. cool


>posts bad bait
>calls every post responding to his bait
you're not very good at this, user


>posts bad bait
>calls every post responding to his bait
you're not very good at this, user


What is the Interstella 5555 of Dark Souls?

Every Vaati vid played back to back