Design an Overwatch hero you would want to see


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fast as all fuck hero with a flak cannon

who isn't black

2 fire modes? Are you fucking insane? This is way too complicated for Overwatch.

he can see through walls but has no weapons

Terry Crews with a big ass gauntlet.

Nice try Blizzard

Black guy who fires kfc chicken and heals people with a watermelon cannon. And ability makes him run faster while screaming "DAAAADDYYYY WEERREEE AREEEE YOUU DAAADDDYYY?!"

Pro-Wrastling inspired tank.

Primary: suplexs/powerbombs/ect anyone close.
Secondary: Irish whips people around the map.
Passive: Jumping off of high ground lets you perform elbow drops and drop kicks.
Ultimate: Giant swing, damages and knocks back any enemies hit by the enemy you are swingling.

Has "Stylin' and Profilin'" Emote.

Defense hero who has a summon or partner they can use to follow them around or guard a point.

Pharah but she has the rocket jump potential and splash damage output of the TF2 Soldier.

Black man who gets fucked up the ass by other men.

Character who teleports you to a better game

Italian hero
Old time overwatch villain
Like pic related

Stupid and stupid
Based black man
The best
Homoerotica he shall be called

Some kind of onmic who despise humans
Same way that zarya hates onmics

An actual loli
with a big sword
not black, not brown
White, yellow, or qt robot

a cute shota who seduces other heroes

god damn
this game should soon be re-named negroverwatch

>Irish character
>has a rocket-fist/flamethrower for an arm.
>can boast around using it.
>reloads by stuffing potatoes into the fuel tank.
>ultimate is kiss of the Irish a flaming spiraling missile creating firenado in its wake.

Good idea for a tank desu senpai

A Slav who's ult is downing the rest of his drink, receives 90% less damage from attacks, and aggressively dances towards people at normal speed to insta-kill for 10 seconds.

Immediate solution to the tank-meta.

Someone who isn't a dark skinned female

But there's already a new character coming out. You don't need any new ideas for another 6 months, Blizz.

Name: Thunderbird
Nationality:Native American or some shit
Class: Defensive
Health: 200HP
Weapon: Electric Lance/Spear
Passive: Wallride
Description: Young adult with neon blue hightech suit riding an electrified hoverboard. Theme would obviously be neon blue and bluish lightning. Has a blue feather headdress that has cyberpunk design.

Primary: Fire quick bolt of electricity dealing 30 damage and applying stack of charged electricity on opponent. Enemies with stacks of "charge" on them zap nearby enemies with electricity. The more stacks, the larger the search radius is for the charged enemy to hit a nearby teammate with a zap of electricity. Does 25 per zap at an interval of a second.
Secondary: Activate ability 1

Ability 1:Shoots tesla spike on ground. Up to 3 can be placed. Activation time of 2 seconds. Pressing rmb will cause a line of electricity to connect all tesla spikes dealing 10 damage per tick of damage at 3 ticks per second. Tether distance between spikes would be like 3 meters.

Ability 2: Increase speed of hoverboard while leaving electrified trail in its wake. Enemies who get hit by electrified trail get a charged stack applied onto them, slowed by 25%, and hit for 50 damage

Ultimate: Throw electric spear at ground that tethers enemy to it with electricity dealing 25 damage per second. Radius is 10 meters. Tether can be broken depending on number of charge stacks on enemy. Enemies with lower amounts of charge stacks on them can break the tether easily while enemies with greater amounts cannot. The more charge stacks the enemy has the greater the damage they will take per second (cap probably around 75 at 3 stacks).

Play-style: Denial of area type of hero that excels at breaking the enemies team push if they are too clustered.

I'd like a hero that Overwatch already has a ton of heroes and needs to flesh out those heroes more. I proposed an idea to my friends that Heroes have a weapon that can be unlocked through competitive points or play time. The idea is that the heroes fundamentals and playstyles don't change drastically: Tracer would get a pistol with a lower fire rate but more effective range, McCree would have dual revolvers that are less accurate but deal more damage, Reinhardt would get a greatsword that has more range and damage but Rein moves slower because it's much heavier. Reaper would get silenced shotguns that deal less damage but also mute his teleport sound and dull his footsteps. stuff like that.

>Voice lines
>"You's talkin ta me?"
>"Fahget about it"

Overwatch players hate strategy and choices so that would never work

>more black characters

>aggressively dances toward you

Big game hunter

>More choices

Sorry, each character can only do one thing or the Overwatch player brain will slowly melt.

>pizza maker from italy quirk: he's an omnic/robot
>toreador from spain quirk: she's a midget woman
>homeless hobo from greece quirk: he's flaming classic greece-tier homo
>drunk sailor from norway quirk: she's a hot woman
>volcanic scientist from iceland quirk: he's bald and badly burnt

Blizzard cant do ANYTHING original

I actually like the whole area denying tesla coil fence thing, it'd be a fun mechanic

wait.....could this be.............

cute female robot
but is controller by a greasy perv so you have this girly graceful fembot flying around the battle as fat neckbeard spouts lines about how cute she looks doing it and shouting dumb names for her moves while he does stuff

the neet guy sits in the spawn room on a computer the entire game

>nigger with blue eyes

>What if Adam Jensen was a female KANG
Shit hero tbqh famalampai.

Name: I dunno. Maybe something dumb and simple like "Red."

Hitbox size: moderate (maybe Zarya-sized)
Appearance: Obviously feminine Omnic wearing a business suit.
Personality: Extremely greedy, flippant, and somewhat arrogant but at-heart mostly good-natured.

HP: 150
Shields: 100

Movement speed is 10% slower than normal.

LMB: Fire an orb that travels about 2.5 times as fast as standard movement speed. Does 30 HP damage if it hits. Only one out at a time, but no reload.
RMB: Implode the orb, which causes a ring several meters in radius to pull enemy heroes into the center of the implosion Does 50 HP damage

E: Deploy a destroyable bubble field that grants 35% damage received reduction to all characters, allied and enemy, within its AoE and heals them at a speed comparable to unboosted Lucio. Stays on the ground 8 seconds. 10 second CD, starting after it's destroyed/expired. Throwable range is a little farther than Junkrat's bomb.

Shift: Deploy an indestructable bubble field a little smaller than Winston's shield that lasts for 6 seconds or until cancelled. It absorbs all incoming damage from enemies and amplifies the damage of allied projectiles that are fired through it (and increases their speed). The catch is that it's completely opaque to everybody, so if you stand inside of it, you are completely blind.

Ultimate: All allies within a 20 meter radius, ignoring walls, are instantly healed by 300 HP and are given a 40% speed boost for 8 seconds.

I tried my best.

That actually sounds sort of cut- HEY WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY

>who isn't black
fucking racist

that would be pretty cool actually

I'd like to see a black, trans, muslim desu.

>Controlling a character who is controlling a character
2 meta 4 me

A big black guy from Harlem that has a tribal spear chucking mask wearing Stand.

German engineered robot support - telling jokes from the backline to inspire the group with random effects.

i just want a dog character
not some furshit dogman, just a loyal doggo

Blizzard would probably do a better job making realistic wrestlers than fucking 2K

The Pyro from TF2.

Italian Omnic Chef

Someone who can challenge Reinhardt's must-pick tank status

Another projectile/exposive DPS who doesn't suck

Somebody who's fun to play and not useless

A storm mage character that can instakill tracer

Tanky robot who specializes in throwing environmental objects around.
and throwing other characters.

Really just throwing everything.

Not black would be nice.

I didn't realize how much I wanted this until now

Name : Sasuke Uchiha
Abilities : teleports behind people, breaths large fire AOE's, gets the ennemy team to try and recruit him
Ultimate : insta-kills everyone on the map except him and the other team's Sasuke
Background : last survivor of his clan, saw his family being murdered in front of him and is now out for revenge. Maybe a student of Torbjorn

Random mercenary goon with a generic loadout.
His gimmick is that he doesn't have a respawn timer.

Summoner/Pet character

Evil Omnic character who produces and utilizes minions who do the fighting for him.

HP: 150

Passive: creates one Robot minion every second, up to a maximum of eight. Basically small robot locusts that swarm around there master and will attack any enemy that gets to close. Have about 50 HP each (25 armor) and do 15 damage each bite. Can climb obstacles and fly short distances

LMB: Fires projectile that only does about 20 damage total, but "tags" the target, Sending one minion out to attack that target. Stacking "tags" will send out more minions per tag.

RMB: Short range attack, Releases swarm of nanobots that Damage over time and slows movement speed + disables escape abilities for 3 seconds.

Shift: Marks Target for death, Every single minion will swarm and attack target until target is dead, will also attack every nearby enemy

E: Recall, Summons minions back to your side

Ultimate: Death Chorus, minions will release an ear piercing screech, until each explodes at the same time. Dealing 150 Damage each in a small radius.

Maybe like a pirate since we already have a stupid ninja and a samurai
>voiced by Stefán Stefánsson
>appearance similar to captain blackeye from Banjo Tooie
>main is blunderbuss similar to McCree's revolver that has high damage but slow reload speed and fire speed
>secondary is a small saber sword that does minor damage but can put some distance between you and the attacker
>ultimate is a cannon that he fires, does massive spray damage but long load time so aim is important
>passive is bottles of rum scattered across the map
>RNG based with a chance to recover a small bit of health, a chance he'll get drunk and have a small damage boost for a limited time, or possibly a chance that he'll be too drunk to distinguish the enemy team from his own and can deal friendly fire until he sobers up a little or gets a health pack

High damage class with a good crowd control ultimate, but you have to deal with the long reload times and the RNG rum

can deal friendly fire*

I want an evil british dude.

Give him a thick Yorkshire accent as well. Absolutely sick of cockney shit. Doesn't even exist anymore.

Mei but with a fatter ass, thighs, and tits with no change to waist.

>Primary fire is a beam lasso that greatly slows enemies down but doesn't actually do damage. Very long range.
>E makes it so teammates can see the outlines of every enemy that you can see for a short period of time
>Shift, makes the health bar of a selected teammate look significantly lower to enemies than it actually is, making them easier to bait enemies/mess with their heads
>ULT scrambles the enemies UI, making the match time and capture timer unreadable

I wanted to make a support hero that both did no damage and also couldn't heal.

Suggestions? I am thinking of going back on my no damage rule, just to make him a bit more fun to play and actually competent away from the team

Badass, but would be overpowered as fuck


It'll be a shitshow to balance and OW's appeal is that it's very simple to pick up and play.

Polar opposite of Zenyatta.

Omnic support that has a high burst heal potential, but has to leech the life out of enemies in order to heal.

Ultimate should be like Zenyattas, but an AOE leech instead of AOE heal.

Would drop it the instant that gets implanted. The only reason this game is good is you can't grind your way to being good. Every one is basically on equal grounds.

Not that overpowered, this could countered many different ways

Have it so Robot minions can't go through shield barriers like Rein and Winstons shields.

Ex. Winston can bait the Minions and Trap them inside his bubble shield

Fast melee only character.

Is that the guy from Furi?

What is D.Va?

Just buff winston and give him a druid skin

I like the idea but the problem is that one of the weapons is going to be objectively better than the other because that's how meta's work, and either your game is unbalanced or the pro/con percentages are so small as a result you might as well not have the feature anyways

I want a fucking omnic bard.
I don't have to describe any abilities to you, omnic bard is all you need to fucking hear to realize it's a good idea.
Get on it blizzard.

black swede who gets voiceline interactions with all of the female heroes

A tranny landwhale fat acceptance feminist otherkin with a hair dyed with gorillion colors

can damage others with her fucking tumblr voice

A tank designed to break enemy formation, so one who uses lots of knockback moves and can grab and throw enemy heroes.


Id play the shit out of this. Itd be so damn funny

Name a worse company than Blizzard.
You can't.

a turk legendary artillery tactician with a giant mustache

>no daft punk inspired omnic
fucking blizzard they literally have an album titled "human after all" isn't that a plot point of this game

At least blizzard does things and doesn't skullfuck their games

The only two new characters we got in OW have been colored. Do we really need another?


>At least blizzard does things and doesn't skullfuck their games
What era do you live in?

>i want a black character
>i don't want a black character
>i want a white character
>i don't want a white chracter

fuck off you nigger, nobody cares about muh racism


>who isn't black
this. any character type is fine

Just a normal character that is white, no weird race like black or mexican


I don't play it anymore, but a Valkyrie style character with a blonde braid and a huge ass axe would be fucking radical.

A guy with swords for hands
He's a close range fighter with a 360 degree slash ult
His story is that the swords made him emotionally crippled

2/3 ain't bad?

A tank who's main thing is tagging friendly heroes and absorbing all or some of the damage they take.

A bit like Zarya's ability but it lasts for longer but the obviously you take damage from doing it. And give him some decent but not insane self heal ability.

We need more tank heroes that actually tank damage and only really works well with other characters rather than "it's a DPS hero but he's harder to kill".

Oh, I forgot about her!
You know, I still don't like this game, but the skins are 10/10.


Legendary skins are mid 1800s field and house Nigga outfits

Just add Fox from super smash brothers melee for the Nintendo GameCube.

>spreading out the words like you are laying down some kind of truth
Meet Your Match is nothing compared to shit that Blizzard has done in ANY of their games dude. If you didn't know then there isn't any point in explaining it.