Ryzen confirmed running games better for half the price


> b-b-b-but wait for gaming benchmarks! thats the only thing that matters!!

There's literally no excuse now intel drones


>ONE game
>wait for REAL benchmarks
>implying this game is suitable for benchmarking

already preordered
an 1800 + new MB and 32gb
glad AMD is back so we can have some actual competition in the pc market

so if i i'm looking to do some upgrades soon, i should get this to replace my cpu? what about graphics card and power supply?


Competition is great for everyone. Hopefully this means Intel will reduce their retarded prices and I might upgrade to an i7.

I just hope AMD have plans to stick around for a few generations this time, unlike the Athlon which became a one hit wonder. Pricks.

>competition is great but I'm going to continue buying from the niggers that have been price gouging for months

You should reward better business practices user

>Sniper Elite 4

Why do they always choose the strangest games?

>actual competition in the pc market
To be honest, I think Intel lets AMD live so that it can avoid "anti-competition" laws.

I'll go AMD if they are still on top for my next build, but in the mean time a simple processor upgrade is easier, should intel drop their prices.

I bought a 4690K for $220 two years ago, why should I bother with Ryzen?

I am actually on intel, but competiton is appreciated, as you say intel is overpriced as shit and its living on re-relasing old shitI might go AMD on my next build if they keep this up

we already have an amd thread

You should've bought the 4790K for $200 when you had the chance my man

I have an AMD FX-8350, should I upgrade? I have a 1060 but notice my performance is bad in some cluttered games like WoW, TESO, and Titanfall 2.

Will a R5 1400X with 4 cores and 8 threads last me for a couple of yers if I want to run new games in 1080p on ultra, or do I need to get the 6 core CPU?

Help, I'm not really good with computers and I need to upgrade my FX-6300.

Save some money and upgrade to the 1700 and buy a rx 480 8gb and you should be good for the next two years

I will be upgrading my gfx card at the end of March, shame Vega was not coming out sooner to cause a price war with Nvidia.

>Sup Forums will dicksuck capitalism
>Sup Forums fanboys one brand instead of helping promote competition

Yeah, man. Totally. I want to buy a new motherboard for a different chipset instead of sticking to the established upgrade path I've already invested in.

Oh please, with how many times Intel has changed their chipset you'd be upgrading your mobo anyways.
For instance, if I wanted to upgrade my 4790 to say, a 7700k, I'd have to upgrade my mobo and my RAM.