So it turns out Gentiana has nipples rendered under her clothes and Bahamut actually has a face
Final Fantasy XV Ripped Models
It's not Cor...
I'm interested
nipples interest me
Noct in his Versus XIII outfit
Glorious HD Cup Noodles
anything aranea?
DLC confirmed? I'm kinda mad they didn't have the original costumes unlockable in the game.
Show me Iris nipple.
im only here for the nipples
@DickWhitehouse on Twitter is the guy ripping them. He's not posted much.
I'd download the program and rip some myself but I don't have a Blu ray drive on my PC. Anyone want to step up to the job and leak some Delicious Aranea?
You can't mention nipples and then just give us half a nipple with no source
I was just on the guy's Twitter he hasn't posted the nip. That's the best we have right now.
It's all that's been posted so far
Then why does it need a thread? come back when there's something worth posting
Wow it looks like shit.
Why is he wearing trashbags for clothes?
He needs a place to store the dead bodies of XV Noctis and Luna.
What a joke of a design. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make the King of Dragons, a human?
lel, good old noesis
show Gentiana's nipples
Nomura went through an autistic phase of designing everything after Gore Magala after Capcom commissioned him to design an armor. Looks like it isn't going to stop anytime soon
>he rips the Gentiana model
>doesn't post the full picture or the models he ripped
Some people are truly worse than Hitler.
I don't believe you, pic does not give enough evidence