How is the next raid tier going to be? The creator was far too easy.

I can't bring myself to care about raids since they're doing three difficulties now. I want it to go back to one.


>return to Ivalice
>designed by Garo guy
I wanted FFT sets, not fucking stupid sentai shit

He only designs the bosses, fuckwit.

>Expecting the majority of the shitters in the community not to immediately cry because they can't faceroll the content then proceed to cry there's nothing to do after they clear it once on normal

Stop drinking, Orange.

I get why they won't do it. I don't like it though, I quit during Gordias Savage because doing the same shit with just a few more added mechanics, the same bosses and no new plot wasn't fun to me.

Post your week 1 kill if it was so easy.

Also post your A4 and A8 kills.

>Expecting the majority of the shitters
Funfact: It's the hardcore raidfags who cry about difficulty in 8-man raids.


he s not wrong tho

I hope Greg returns in Stormblood.

>implying this playerbase can handle another midas or gordias

If anything, I hope it's easier.

>its always a cat shitter making retarded OF posts

Isn't logging completely against TOS in this game, plus a ridiculously shitty gcd? Why are you complaint about it being easy when the game itself is casual as fuck?

>casual as fuck




Post your non-default rainbowmage overlays

>Monk 50+ storyline is about how monks would fight eachother to get stronger and open their chakras
>Which is what is happening in the trailer

These people need to play the game

Dancers are martial artists too. She could also have more than one job, like Y'shtola.

Long time MMO raider here that has played FFXIV since HW launch, the game is easy but the community is shit at the game.

Anyone with any fraction of common sense or game skill will find it is other players that make the encounters difficult on account of them being retarded.

A3S and A4S were notorious for making even pro raiders quit the game. A8S is also insanely mechanically intensive. They're certainly not easy.

>reading all this shit from browntown

A3S and A4S were notorious for making raiders quit because of how much bullshit they were thanks to this game's shitty netcode

>Miss server tick
>Tether doesn't pass

Gordias was a numbers issue, not a mechanical one.

The only challenging thing about A8S is how long it is, it's basically a giant checklist of what to do next.

The OF are so bad the japs that post there are also posting retarded shit

>To solve the tank rarity problem, we should reduce tank hate generation so that the DPS and healers, with increased DEF, get hate and tank too, that'll relieve some of the responsibility from the tanks, and so more people will be inclined to play them!
What a shitshow.
I should translate some of the most retarded crap here for shit and giggles.

On the topic of the game's netcode, how does anyone fucking pvp in this game?

Everyone is like 1 second ahead of where they are and movement of other players looks clunky as fuck, playing melee in pvp is a nightmare.

It also didn't help that at the time European servers were located in fucking Canada.

>Gordias was a numbers issue, not a mechanical one.
>"It's not hard! It just demands a ton of dps while handling mechanics!"

>The only challenging thing about A8S is how long it is, it's basically a giant checklist of what to do next.
"I-it's not hard! There's just a shitload of mechanics to handle and a ton of chances to screw up!"

So what's real challenge, then?

Aaah i want to return now but in know i will be playing catching up fantasy XIV so i will come back like a week before storm

You never have to deal with more than 1 thing at a time in FFXIV raid encounters, the abilities themselves are good but challenge comes from having to deal with things while other things are happening.

A8S got it right in the intermission phases, but many boss fights don't do anything like this the majority of the time or the abilities don't synergize well.

Maximizing your role's performance with mechanics active is a staple any raider should have.

>playing melee in pvp is a nightmare
That's your problem, if you're not a mch/brd/smn you're sol

Even the devs acknowledge how shitty melee is in PVP so they added a skill that removes all positional requirements for their attacks temporarily.

The laggy on screen movement thing should be their #1 priority to fix for PVP and PVE because it has contributed to many wipes and losses because of it.

Is this true?
Please tell me it is.
But only if the middle tier is Creator level and the hardest difficulty is even more autistic than Gordias

>A8S got it right in the intermission phases

I have very fond memories of a8s's 2nd intermission and last cat phase in a7s with 3 balls because of that. It's the closest the game has gotten to fully taxing my faculties.

We need more mechanics like the blaster mirages that force you to look at your surroundings and react to something truly random. It's a shame they went easy in the end by letting their facing be baited by the player.

Another thing this game needs is a way to detect teleport hackers because so far this game has 0 protection against that.

It's gotten to the point where people are cheating in frontline by creating teleport coord shortcuts with cheat engine or mmominion to instantly teleport to different active nodes. They also use the same trick in Feast but they're more clever with it and it's hard to tell because on your screen it looks like they lagged.

we don't know if it's real but the savage tier will definitely be on the easier side, someone fucking asked that they want harder extreme primals in the EU fanfest and Yoshida said that they're fine with the difficulty if people says that "it's too easy" because of what happened with Gordias and Midas

yeah yoshi said it at eu fanfest, normal, savage (tuned around creator level), and then savage savage added in odd numbered patches (tuned around "dont complain if its too hard this time" level)

>Blaster mirages
Not if you did them right

>How to kill your mmo's raiding in one easy step.

>Turn the tier into endless progression.

I never played FFXI but it seems that dancer was the be all end all. Sounds like the only reason to play FFXI was to play dancer. They're must of been hordes of dancers all over the place.

Most of the people screaming for DNC never played FFXI. They just heard about it and want it as a slut class. It was a great subjob for most melee jobs, though.

Kill eachother you mean.

I also remember people cheesing A3S using teleport hacks. Whenever someone dies during the fight, they revive to the entrance of the raid and teleport hack back into the fight.

That's my point, it would be more challenging if they were random, but as it is you can bait them which trivializes the whole mechanic.

I want to return, anyway to see the most populated servers in EU, just in case I have to migrate?

In fact, they need to use more the "random" things.
Most of the fights are heavily scripted and bosses always do the same rotation of skills.
>aoe under players
>aoe towards players
>players targeted by mechanics
I think the only reason they do this is to avoid "this class is better in the fight" thingy that they really hate, but I don't think it's impossible to do.

Look at the list of servers and the ones you can't make a new character on are the most populated ones.

FFXIV lacks randomness in many encounters, and it really shows in the playerbase when it rarely occurs.

Take soar from Zurvan, the only random thing about it is that it can be 1 of 2 patterns and both patterns have an easy solution to not die (not standing opposite of any lines) and this single ability destroyed PF because idiots couldn't deal with what is actually an easy mechanic.

>"this class is better in the fight"
This really needs to be utilized more in a game that lets you change your class just by switching weapons.

>all these brown cats and au ra in slut glamour
Every time I try it just doesn't work, only poopskin make slut glamour work.

True, I wouldn't mind that, specially because now leveling alt classes for cross-skills will be useless, since they'll remove them.

But they'll never do it because usual retards will cry with "m-m-muh main class...".

How much do you think would it cost to teleport between Orthard and Eorzea?

It's really funny how xiv and wow are polar opposites in the boss mechanics department. On one hand you have really elaborate mechanics that can be trivialized by memorization (when people call your boss fights a dance, that's not supposed to be a compliment), and in wow things are a lot more freeform and random but outside of a select few mythic fights their balanced by being very simple mechanics.

It's funny because the fights people complain about the most in xiv are the random ones - and in wow, I remember a lot of guilds breaking on siegecrafter blackfuse and that was one of the most xiv'ish fights wow ever had (AoEs everywhere).


5k, but offer the boat ride for 500g. And the boat ride isn't just a cutscene.

>tfw have a bunch of aetheryte passes


I remember when people had issues with doom in Quarn normal.

*And had to abuse an oversight by the devs.

WoW fights also give you the option of doing it more than one way, for Siegecrafter you got the choice of which mechanic you didn't want to deal with by destroying the weapon on the conveyor belts.

In FFXIV each fight has to be done the exact same way, and I think a perfect example of a fight they could have done to change this is A6S.

Make it so you could challenge any of the bosses in any order, but defeating one would buff the other bosses in some way like an ability from the other 3. Imagine getting blaster images on Brawler that cast single drills or having height go off the same time as super cyclone like in A8S.

With how it was designed you'd have to go through 3 bosses to progress on Vortexer, but if you could challenge any boss in whatever order you wanted you could fight Vortexer from the getgo and learn his fight without having to go through a bunch of shit to get there.

That way even if it was easiest to kill Vortexer last, you'd still be able to have the choice to fight him first to get accustomed to the mechanics.

member demon wall?

guaranteed at least one person would die at the fight in ARR.

Came here just to say XI > XIV

Okay love you guys

>it's a 4v4Feast with a WHM who doesn't heal and a MNK who wants to take down the tank episode

They did that in T2, but people just ignored it by waiting for the enrage and healing through it so they didn't have to deal with any mechanics on the final one.

They did this for T2 but everyone always ended up taking the same path.

It's a bad mechanic that's communicated badly if you ask me. Of course if you die to it after knowing how it works that's another issue, but it's a bad mechanic on its own.

Prior to that point in the game there is not one single debuff that's remotely dangerous to have on you, so people don't get in the habit of checking it and just assume the healer will handle it.

You have to actively mouseover the debuff to see what it does too - no ticking time bomb/skull over your head like acceleration bomb, no tells or anything. There's nothing to even tell you that the flashing tile on the floor removes it either.

i respect your opinion, love you too and thanks for the bump

This is a problem, but the circumstances could change based on group comp or giving an incentive to kill them in a more difficult order (2 pages instead of 1, more drops, glam or some other shit)

I agree it would be great if done right, but XIV's devs and the community are both the sort that would say
>"Well everyone is gonna take the same path everytime, so there's no point making more than one path. It would waste dev resources."

I mean to imply that the Zurvan drama isn't really that surprising. Even in content like dungeons people rather try to abuse the system than doing something relatively easy.

I feel like a lot of the rotations some jobs have would fall apart if tested against a truly random fight too. Of course, part of that is the players' fault for approaching dps in terms of rotations in the first place - but for some jobs like DRG you dont have much choice as the job design severely constrains you to that.

The more spammy rotations in wow (alot of wow classes play out like BRD where you tend to have filler interspersed with procs) play more nicely with random mechanics since you dont suddenly lose 50% of your dps because the boss phased away 2 seconds early.

>tfw your best friend is a super hardcore raider
>tfw you're a retarded casual who's not very good at the game

Though I suppose being a casual is not so bad, seems like the life of a hardcore player is kind of strenuous, lots of anger and tears.

could only get to level 10 in xi, I bet if I played it in its prime and with friends it would have been a memorable mmo.

Im curious how bard worked in that game, 99 songs sounds fucking intense.

>seems like the life of a hardcore player is kind of strenuous, lots of anger and tears.
Not if you get a good group. All of my statics have been a ton of fun. Laughing, not taking wipes seriously, everyone tries their best, and we clear.

how are they going to do the 3 difficulties?

>current normal
>mid tier
>current savage

Would this be the best outcome? I just hope the new "normal" level isn't made baby tier like WoW's RF difficulty

being a casual is bad for me because I just get ignored by my only friend's friends and even my only friend seems to like being with them more
if anything it's going to be current normal, and current savage, then savage 2nd coil

Razla Mau is a fucking cheater.

I wish I had a decent static. Every static I've been in has been a dysfunctional mess or doesn't work out because of conflicting time zones/schedules.

>One of the static leaders healer GF doesn't show up, guess we don't raid that night
>People blame each other instead of helping each other when wipes happens
>You can literally feel the tension over voice chat

It's current normal, creator savage, and don't-complain-if-it's-too-hard savage

I hate the nin run animation, victory and battles emote, that whirlwind finisher, but it's fun to play.
Mnki on the other hand was my first 50 way back, and the animations are pretty decent for the most part, but greased isn't all that fun.

WoWfugee detected

Level alchemist and be his potion slut

>doesn't show up
>this doesn't result in immediate removal

I'd leave if this ever happened. I get that real life happens, but if someone can't let 7 other people know ahead of time then they're a piece of shit that I refuse to raid with.

I think a problem with befriending people in games is that in most cases, you're only united by the mutual interest in the game itself, and maybe other minor hobbies such as anime.

In MMOs, I tended to know people for maybe 6 months or so, while my friends who don't play MMOs, I've known for almost 5 years.

Good luck getting the GF removed when she's fucking the tank IRL. I swear it's always women that ruin MMOs.

>Good luck getting the GF removed
Which is why I said I'd leave if this ever happened. I'd even bet if you pulled the same shit, the tank would call you out and double standards are not okay.

>have two couples in my static
>they're both Tank guy/Healer girl
>neither cause any problems at all and we all have a good time and clear everything
Feels weird man.

Women and trannies ruin MMOs

>muh contrasting anecdotes

>muh contrasting anecdotes
I wasn't acting like my experience was the norm at all. That's why I said it felt weird.

>3 girls in static
>no drama ever because everyone else is gay
>get our clears in a timely manner while having fun and with minimal bullshit
>suck each other's dicks after raid is done

How much harder is A10S and A11S compared to Zurvan EX?

>group is composed of
>Tank/Healer couple
>Trump voter
>French Canadian
>Gay Hispanic man
>one hardcore raider with three characters that he clears weekly on
>we all play competently and get along great

The Hillshill bet the Trump voter 50m on the election. Was pretty funny.

>two girls and a girl (male) in the static
>girl (male) is in a relationship with the leader
>leader dumps xer for one of the girls
>right around the same time another girl gets kicked because she's bad and keeps having to leave early due to getting sick from pregnancy
>and two of the other static members are saying they'll leave if we don't find a replacement
>prepare for the drama to rip the static apart
>everything goes over relatively smoothly aside from one night when the OT shows up drunk and we stick together long enough to get a 12S clear
I feel like Neo with all the bullets I dodged


in terms of difficulty

A10S is harder than any extreme primal besides maybe Ravana and Thordan when they were relevant. A11S is the shitter check and is much more difficult.

>have a girl healer in static on a12s
>throws a bitch fit when we criticised her healing during sacrament/mega holy after timestop
>goes offline
>instantly kicked
dont raid with people like that my man
thats all your fault

welp guess I'm not clearing those ever since everybody wants people that cleared already or wants you to join their tranny static