Tell me your first console and be honest

tell me your first console and be honest

mine was SNES


NIntendo Gamecube.

First and last.



nintendo 64


SNES or NEOGEO i cant remember which one was my first

N64 bois unite

SNES, Gameboy or PlayStation I think.

gayboy color


The NES.

Which is weird because I was born in 1991, must have been a hand me down.

>look up person in OP pic
>they DONT have a dick
fucking bullshit

Atari, though it belonged to my sister. Mine was an NES when it came out because I cried at my dad.

OG Gameboy. The only fucking game I owned was Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle II, and I played the shit out of it.

Sega Genesis

NES alongside a Texas Instruments TI 99A.

Bootleg Atari 2600 called Rambo.

My family had an Atari 2600.
But my first console was a master system, hot it when I was 7 back in 91.


Second hand Atari, it was old when I got it.
Had an MS-DOS PC to play on but it was also second hand.
But my first real console I bought with my birthday money was when I was 8 add it was a PS.

I think the first console that I actually owned was either the PS2 or PS1
think I had an SNES too but that may had been my grandparent's

Old enough for most of my friends to own SNES, but I had to wait until I was old enough earn money to buy a console.


>tfw owning all 3 models

Still got my DC and Sega CD too.


Used NES around 1997 or 98

Atari 2600

Fucking millennials

I had a borrowed SNES for some time. The first console I actually owned was a PS1

nes was the first i played but it was a hand me down from my big sis so only played the few game we already owned
first console i got for myself and actually got new games for was a game boy color

A used Sega Genesis around 1995. Friend had a SNES, so we would go over to each other's houses and play games. Got a Windows 95 PC in 1996 or 1997, then an N64 in 1999.



mine too

PS1, still remember my first game too, wipeout xl

I went ps1 > n64 > gamecube > ps3

Famicom clone, basically nes.

Genesis. I only ever had two games for it though, I don't really think it counts.

Gameboy. Not Color/Advance

Gameboy Color, first home console was a borrowed SNES but our TV at the time was so old that it didn't even support it.


NES and Atari 800XL.

Family was poor as dirt when i grew up, so i didn't end up getting a console till the ps2.

>tfw model 1, 2, 3, CD attachment, 32X, CDX and Nomad

I let my autism run wild when I worked at a video game store many years ago.

PS2, fight me.

Super NES


Sega Genesis, model 2

I'm a twin.
One Christmas in the late 90s i got a PS1 and my sister got the n64. Shit was cash.


Atari 2600

A Sega Genesis in 2000.
Second console was a hand-me-down SNES and a personal computer.

Don't get your hopes up, lads. The person in OP image is an actual girl.

Genesis in 2000


does commodore 64 count? if yes, then that. otherwise it's either NES or an old sega, not the megadrive though

NES reporting in

SNES was the best console of all time though Anything post N64 is complete horse shit and Nintendo is on my boycott list now

Master System and Genesis. Parents had both before I was born. First console I personally got from them was the SNES Super Mario all stars+world bundle.


No fucking way dude



NES. I was very young and thought it was a shitty VCR.

PS1 with RE 3

But Gamecube was a hundred times better than the n64.

I don't know if I can say it was my first, but sometime when I was like 5, we had an NES for, say, a week? I am not quite sure what happened to it, but I think it was stolen and I think it was sold thereafter.

It wasn't until maybe 5 or 6 years later that I got a Sega Genesis. I would regard that as my first.

NES from what i remember. got a gamecube a few years later, was mostly PC gayman until then because my family was kinda poor.

Atari 7800
Man i used to love Yars Revenge and Berzerk

Ayyyy. I just knew it as a Sega, since my parents bought it off a family friend for cheap. I had to look up based on the games I played.

Supervision, fuckers

my dad bought it at a flea maket in downtown L.A. back in 1991, it came with baseball, soccer, tenis and a shooter which I still remember, though can't remember the name

First home console was PS2, first handheld was a neighbor's Gameboy Pocket because the Color was out and he didn't have a use for it anymore.

Gamecube was an utter shitball with the single worst controller the industry has ever seen (including that one shitty ps4 protoype). Every title was inferior to its previous gen counterpart and instead of the 'something for everyone' appeal that previous Nintendo consoles had. it became 'kids only'

>it's a britbong grows up on inferior hardware and still swears by it to this day because of nostalgia wank episode

I lived In Russia and my famaly was poor.
My second console was PS1 in 2002, year after PS2 came out.

Sega Dreamcast


Fuck off youngfag


First that was "mine" was a GBC. First I ever played with was a Dreamcast.

Master System.
And I was born in 1995.



before that i played my sister's SNES but N64 was -my- first one. what a great christmas

it was shit, you should have just stayed in the womb for 5 more years until the real game consoles were out


>That image

reminds me of one of my friends in college. The faggot got ousted by one of his friends, she told me he liked me alot. So I thought I'd ask the girlyboi to send me pics, and sure enough he did of him wearing a dress. Still have the pics around here somehwere

Mine was ZSNES, actually

What the fuck. I got a Playstation at that exact time. Are you cross-continental me? I was in Canada, though.

n64 w/ starwars podracing


Should have fucked his boipussy.

NES then SNES and Genesis then PS1 then Dreamcast then PS2 then GameCube then 360 then ps3 then ps4

Although I played few days on ps2 and completed AC and FF:CC on psp first console I bought was PSV. Pretty nice JRPG machine. I wish Sony wouldn't fuck up so hard and give up on that console right after they released it.

First I played was genesis but first I owned was n64.

How does this thing compare to a Zx spectrum? Although the spectrum wasn't technically mine, but still.

Yours is not chinese knockoff enough though.

ps3 when I was 24. Really wanted to upgrade to bluray Friend suggested since I had a console anyway I might as well play video games. 7 years later here I am

>Implying I play games
>Implying I don't just come on Sup Forums to shitpost

Commadore 64. First game I ever played was robocop 2.

the original gameboy

I forget, it was either PS1, Sega Genesis, or Xbox, but if you mean that I specifically owned, it would be gameboy color, played the shit out of harry potter and mickey house' raceway

NES, but I also played Atari at my uncle's house.

my first games were Mega Man 2, Legend of Zelda 2, Super Mario Bros (w duck hunt) Hogan's Alley and Ghosts n' Goblins. (Mega Man 2 was unironically my easiest game)

I later got mario 2, 3 Mickey mousecapades, mega man 3-6, I'm sure a few others.