Fuck, why did nobody tell me how much fun this actually is

Fuck, why did nobody tell me how much fun this actually is.
>good gameplay
>good artstyle
>good characters
>nice cinematics

old [s]blizzard[/s] games thread i guess

Other urls found in this thread:


Somehow I don't even get bugs while playing this. Not even the colorbug I've read so much about on the internet


Where are you people coming from?

I wanted to do a spoilertag.
why doesn't it work?
it worked before

We assumed everyone already knew.

It was insanely popular for several years. Glad you discovered it, but you're like a 60 year old who just found out Disneyworld exists.

Just beat the vanilla campaign two days ago, myself. Honestly found it neat to see threads about SC1 today.

They nail the atmosphere just right desu. While SC2 isn't inherently a bad game to play, the first just has all that going for it that the second just feels bland in comparison?

it might have worked on NeoGAF.

>but you're like a 60 year old who just found out Disneyworld exists
feels good imo. Enjoying life is top tier.
Recommend more old games. I guess i will blow through this game in a week maximum

How do you beat the Protoss mission where you have to save Zeratul?

You only get Tassadar and two shitty zealots and you have to fight through a gazillion zerg.

It's never been a secret that SC2 lost everything that made SC1 great, in both story and gameplay. They were too desperate to make a new, different game that could replace the original.

Oh fuck you. I never browsed Neogaf or Reddit and i was here for several years.
[s] worked before. Now you have to write again.

Have you played Warcraft 3's campaign?

Another god tier RTS campaign.

It's hard to believe pre and post-WoW Blizzard are the same company. The tone, look, and feel of all the old games are completely different. It's all lost to time now. RIP dark n' edgy Blizzard.


I did. Warcraft 3 is one of my favorite games. Must be nearly 10 years ago i beat it i guess.

gid gud, micro well, and find reinforcements

They're not. Very different staff by that point. SC2 was made by C&C people.

I'll help since your thread is good.
Sup Forums.org/faq#spoiler

Fuck they used to do music so well.

Try Command and Conquer games then.

You can get them all on Origin for 20 buckaroos.

I love going back to older rts games and playing through the campaigns. Warcraft 2 and 3 are pretty damn good too.

it really was the golden age in videogaming.

I don't want to install origin.

Oh fuck, you just reminded me that I still need to play through Warcraft 1 and 2 campaigns. How easy is it to get these games running on modern PCs?


SC2's campaigns were better than SC1/BW, but the story was far worse.

Where the fuck do I get the torrents then?

ThePiratebay ones dont fucking work.

How do they not work?

I'd check myself but straya and I can't be fucked opening TOR

fly your neck over a knife

We are having a nice thread here. Stop shitposting.
You are the reddit one here.

>SC2's campaigns were better
They were more colorful but "1a mass marine: the game" was not better gameplay

>nice thread
shitposting reddit
just stick to washing clothes
you have so much estrogen you can probably give birth

You could do that in brood war as well. It was only singleplayer at the end of the day.
Nice trips though, check my 4.

this thread

It had more more varied missions, nice upgrading your units/SP unique troops mechanics, but that was about the only improvement.

Nice reddit image my man.

Its one of those oldies along with fallout 2 that I find way too clunky to play today.
also I suck at starcraft anyway but playing those games hurts.
I can play d2 for hours though.

You could try, but it'd be a challenge run compared to how it was literally the ideal strategy in 2
>Emperor's Fall tanks
>Emperor's Flight, marines vs protosss
>Installation level
>To Chain the Beast, mass marines vs Tarrasque and sunkens

2's campaign had more effort and design put into it but that wasn't always a good thing, because it also led to silly stuff like Kerrigan vs Duran DBZ duels and less emphasis on any actual strategy

>Good gameplay
>Units take the most retarded paths and get stuck on almost everything

I think he means Diablo 2 my dude

Confederation was RIGHT

Yeah sorry I deleted it

I realized it immediately after.

I'm a retard, sorry.

>[s] worked before.
No it didn't

very clever my dude

I had no problem getting WC1 working. It's... very barebones for an RTS. I don't exactly recommend it unless you feel your appreciation of Warcraft will be expanded by playing it.

Playing old Blizzard games just makes me depressed. I remember being a young lad buying all these games from my allowance, playing on dialup internet and dreaming about how insanely good Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 will be.

I was so mistaken. Blizzard literally killed my childhood dreams.

I know, it's saddening.

>people who were born after Starcraft came out can now post on Sup Forums

I feel the same with Nintendo games.

I've been replaying the SC1 vanilla campaign, and goddamn, it's weird how the protoss campaign focuses so much on aldaris being a dick and a bunch of protoss killing each other

One would think they would focus all their efforts in killing the zerg but i guess Tassadar is the bigger threat here

Also is anyone surprised at how good the AI is in general? specially with protoss, they fucking nail the psionic storms and amazingly use illusions effectively

what the fuck happened to Blizzard


Indeed it was, it was fucking savage by 1998 standards. I really like the Protoss AIs zealot rush, its devastatingly simple and well executed.

That's the entire point about the Protoss campaign. It's about how the zerg can defeat the single-minded conclave and how Tassadar and new allies and new ideas are required to triumph.

Aldaris was always based though, best Protoss voice. And he admits to being wrong.
He also sees the truth in Brood War before anyone else.

They got better technology to make the game cinematic, and as a consequence they relied less on words and more on action like a movie.

This happened with all games. Look at the shit like Legacy of Kain, Sacrifice, and Torment and compare it to the games that came with the next generation as graphics and technology evolved. There's no need for a wall of text, so there's no need to make it sound good and everything is just more like a film.

As for the change in story tone it's simply because the game was made for Millenials and not Gen X. If Half-Life came out today, it would suffer the same fate. That dark, gritty style of storytelling is gone.

>>good gameplay
>>good artstyle
>>good characters
Some are likable, sure
>>nice cinematics
Most of them were trash

you're retarded
torment is also extremely overrated and is why people think old RPGs = lots of text so we get trash like pillars of eternity with tons of needless exposition

Put some effort in your shitposting man.

>AI just fucking spams 12 zealots and marches in no fucks given

I tried an 8 player FFA, and holy fuck i got creamed hard by 2 toss since i had the brilliant idea of just using lings and mutas.

Aldaris voice is so soothing and nice for such a dogmatic bastard, and in the final overmind mission i was legit surprised when he apologized, he was earnest at that moment and i'm glad he came around his beliefs fuck you kerrigan you backstabing bitch

Also Tassadar was such a fucking bro in the entirety of the campaign, he had the balls to defy everyone for the sake of saving his homeworld, decided to look past the bullshit of the conclave and honestly saved the universe from a very real and powerful threat.

I was glad to hear "en taro tassadar" in brood war, he really earned that.

>torment is also extremely overrated and is why people think old RPGs = lots of text so we get trash like pillars of eternity with tons of needless exposition
You're calling me the retard?

I remember man Blizzard used to be PC gaming for me. I was always a console cuck but I did have a computer. It wasn't anything special, but it always ran Blizzard games flawlessly. Had to knock Warcraft 3 down to medium settings but it pulled through even then, without a graphics card.

Every Blizzard game man day 1. Last one was World of Warcraft. Game was $60 bucks man waiting in the line everybody's so excited. Got home and the game was ass (i now know I hate all MMOs) and I don't know if Blizzard changed or if my tastes changed but it wasn't the same after that.

I got into the Starcraft 2 beta and i'm like ya man whatever dude who cares and gave it to a friend, didn't get Diablo 3 until it was on sale, and then I only finished it once with one character. Tried out the Overmeme beta and I got bored after a couple matches.

Don't know man.

yes i am
nuTorment will also be shit because of the very same reason

You fucking serious? for 1998? Get the fuck out

I always liked the ending cinematic for Tassadar's intensity.
Fucking stares the overmind to death.


No, for now. For 1998 it was stellar. That's the thing with blizzard though, they shit they make now might.... might blow 1998 out of the water but it could be better.


I always fucking loved this.

>tfw I want to replay diablo 2 just for the dark ambient music and the beautiful hand-drawn towns only

Tassadar was much better than Zeratul and Artanis.
Artanis is just boring. Zeratul was cool when he was an exile ninja only begrudgingly recruited by tassadar based on the new threat of the zerg.
Not main character material.
Shakuras was spectacular though.

Cry some more you 40+ year old balding faggot.

>he didn't play diablo on playstation
>he didn't play warcraft 2 on playstation
>he didn't play starcraft on n64

Dugalle had the best cinematics.

Reminder that brood war tournaments are still going strong; 12 hours from there will be a team battle featuring Bisu and Mind.

No on the first two, yes on the last one.

It didn't work so well.

It amazes me how Blizzard is still in business when they've created more blunders than Ubisoft and Bethesda combined.

>Watching Jaedong vs Flash in 2017

They had a lot of goodwill accumulated over the decades to be spent.

So did Capcom, and Capcom is actually failing because of one or two missteps while Blizzard flourishes. It's not fucking fair.

To be fair he would have just killed her if it were not for Zeratul warning Raynor everything would be fucked forever if she dies
Thus the third protoss mission

Blizzard has made too exceedingly good games recently.
Cater to a new, terrible audience and are absolute garbage compared to what they used to make.
But times change and audiences changed and they've managed to capture that decently.

>Infested Stukov.

This would have been decent but it was portrayed incorrectly.
Raynor was getting back into the pro-kerrigan camp before TIDINGS OF DOOOOM
even at the start of the campaign he doesn't give a fuck
I don't think fenix is mentioned once until legacy of the void with recycled characters.

>Two exceedingly good games
TF2 is going to outlive OW. The fuck is even the second game?

>first time playing terran mission 3.

those feels.

That was a huge fucking copout why not to kill Kerrigan and it just led to space saiyan shit.

The funniest thing in SC is how the ENTIRETY of WoL just doesnt fucking matter at all. Nom matter what you did to Arcturus, he remains Emperor till Kerrigan kills him in HotS and the entire shit about chasing mcguffins and disinfect Kerrigan is completely pointless since she gets re-infected in HotS.No plot points even get carried over except that stupid prophecy The game might as well begin at HotS

Did you know that you can end that one early if you go out and destroy all the zerg bases? My mind was blown as a kid.

>more blunders than Ubisoft and Bethesda combined.
Are you literally fucking retarded
They launched 3 fucking new games in 7 years, 2 low effort spin-offs and some expacs for wow
Ubi has multiple annual fucking franchises and Beth has several launches from different franchises per year

Blizzards 3 games are worse than the annual shit Beth and Ubi make. At least they bother to release new games and not jew people with microtransactions and expansions.


Hearthstone is dead.

I haven't played old blizzard rts games for like 10-15 years and when replaying them now I noticed that WC1 and 2 are just meh to me now, but SC and SC:BW are the tightest shit. It just plays so much better and I don't get bored with it. Back then I didn't even notice the difference.

>both R6 and For Honor season pass and DLCs
>At least they bother to release new games and not jew people with microtransactions and expansions.


I remember reading up on 90s blizzard, where developers were playing MTG on the floor and the like. They were all turbonerds and they really, really wanted to play a sick ass game they could play an enjoy too.

Now all they have are suits disconnected from reality and code monkey. Zero vision, zero integrity, just haphazard shit to fit in one more minipet into the cash shop before the quarterly.

I'm willing to humor Blizzard if only because unlike Valve, they're smart-evil and not hilariously-incompetent-at-everything-evil.

>Blizzard: "How can we market this game to make tons of money, even if it compromises the quality of the game itself?"
>Valve: "Oh neat, people liked our game. Time to put 2-3 interns in charge of the whole game and let the community make 100% of the cosmetic items and balance decisions until the end of time. Who fucking cares, we already have all the money we need. Let's go to Thailand and fuck some cheap hookers and snort cheap crack off their asses until we die!"

Valve is the only dev producing the best games on the market. Even with only interns in charge, CS:GO and Dota 2 blow the fuck out of anything Blizzard releases. OW is beaten by an almost decade old game.

WoW happened.

I never cared for WC3 either, personally.

Starcraft 1 was good

Starcraft 2 was pretty faggy

is this really the first time you're playing starcraft?

were wc3 and sc1's stories actually good or is that just nostalgia speaking

He still remembered the usual ghost Kerrigan, not the Queen of Blades, he would've killed her because without the artifact there would be no trace of the normal Kerrigan, only the monster. He swore vengeance to the qob, not the Kerrigan as he remembered her, and what he saw in the end was the latter.

At that moment, when the artifact actually brought her back in a way, he grasped at the chance of having the normal Kerrigan back, to which he also took solace in the fact that he couldnt kill her anyway. This was compounded by the fact that Kerrigan confirmed that she was as much in control of the swarm as its will of comsunption was 'forced' upon her. The moment that se reawakened them was when she felt threatened by the prophecy, and she barely makes a play for mengsk because thats not what the swarm wants.

I never played SC1 through the end because i was a dumb kid but i see fenix mentioned a lot, that all i know about him.

He's a redditor and probably an underage shitter all at once.

Who hasn't played Starcraft already? Even growing up it was something that was unavoidable. Even back then in Middle School in the early to mid 2000's, Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft was the fucking craze among the uber nerds where every one of them kept talking about and made you curious to try it out.

It's the only explanation.

>Dota 2
>best game on market

Spoken like a true Valvedrone. So how're your lifted HotS mechanics and busted heroes made to sell skins working out for you? I guess you need no introduction, do you?

You bet they fucking where nigger.
Broodwar is still lauded as some of the best narrative in a video game.
This was before Metzen was made to fuck everything up with his stupid fetishes and whatnot of course.