Fire Emblem thread that isn't about heroes

Fire Emblem thread that isn't about heroes.

Which game are you playing? How do you like it?

Playing FE6
It's punching me in the nuts

I'm at chapter 3 in FE4. It's pretty good so far.

Who's a good person to give the paragon ring to? Lex got it when he killed someone but he already has paragon.

i want to fuck jill

It's recommended to pass it around if your units have enough money at the begining of a state so they can powerlevel at the arena.

Other than that it's probably the most useful on Dew, since he won't be getting experience that often, but he should have the money for it, Sigurd, or a particularly underleveled unit you want to level up.

playing FE6. the maps are meh and i hate the colors in the gba games

Hannibal > Arden

How can Arden even compete?

Pretty gud but easy as fuck on normal.
Haven't failed a chapter or lost a unit yet.
And I'm on chapter 13

Who /promotedeveryunit/ here?

I wish they didn't give you Cairpre at level 1, it's a bitch to level him up.

Playing Conquest
Still want to try Echoes once it's out though

The game I'm REALLY looking forward to is Warriors

started chapter 2 of genealogy

should I hurry and save the villages at the top? Do I get anything other than money there?

also it's extremely stupid how my mounted units killed everyone in sight while Ayra and the others are still walking a mile behind. Even poor Midir gets left behind because he has to sit his fat ass adjacent to Edain for love points

Don't worry about those villages at the top, two units will come out of one that will be able to take care of the bandits there.

Also you'll learn quickly how shit some of your mounted units are. Also, use paths to make non-mounted units move farther.

now that i see the quote in full, isn't this the part where she's reflecting on the things she was taught growing up?

Yeah, she telling Ike what she was taught about sub-humans.


With nonexistent growths, mediocre bases, bad weapon ranks, and shit availability, Hannibal is not even remotely worth the effort required to recruit him.

But they're both complete shit anyway because Horse Emblem so who gives a fuck?

cool, thanks

so far I feel only Alec is hot garbage. Lex is carried by his brave axe and Naoise is alright. I try to give them as much exp as I can, but in case of emergency Sigurd and Quan just wreck shit regardless

FE7, doing Lyn "Hard" Mode and about to go into Hector Mode.

Playing Thracia 776. pray for me

is there anyway to access Hector's story without having to replay the game?

Playing Path of Radiance for the first time, it's pretty easy
Just beat the chapter where the village gets flooded, that entire level was depressing as fuck

Question: Do you get to keep Wallace's Knight's Crest if you don't use it?

Is awakening a good starting one? What's the official ranking on these?

Are the stories connected?

I was playing Revelation and it was disappointing, but now I'm out of time. I guess I'll have to wait until my next vacation to continue.

I'm not sure but I hear a lot of yes' but I don't know if you have to use it before lyn mode ends, just playing through myself I kept losing units on normal so I've decided I'm gonna play on hard

Had a dream about fates last night so I'm heading to the shops to buy it in about an hour

The general consensus is that awakening is accessible but a poor representation of the FE series. Most people would recommend starting with one of the GBA games (or FE3, Mystery of the Emblem, if you don't mind retro games).

Awakening is shit
If you want a 3ds one play Conquest

trying to do chapter 6 without anyone dying is too much for my shitty units

Path of Radiance is a pretty good starting point, good story, likable characters, not all that hard, and emulates well
The stories are mostly self contained outside of direct sequels

... normally fail maps and lose units before chapter 13 in any FE game?

i promoted Arden using an enemy archer and priest on chapter 4. a complete waste of time, but i had to do it.

gonna emulate FE7 for the first time, anything I should know so I don't fuck up and miss something cool or ruin the game for myself?

Transparent one is easy to work with f a m

Are 1-3 even worth playing? I've completed all the other games and I'm not in the mood to replay one of them just yet.

Conquest is good

3 is a bit clunky but is fine.

Currently on chapter 14 and it's fun to have units snowball with the hard mode bonuses.

Why don't more FE games do hard mode bonuses for enemy recruitables?

3 is decent (in some ways better than the remakes, in some ways worse) but hard to appreciate as a veteran because it's sorely lacking in difficulty modes.
2 is an interesting novelty but not very good overall
1 is only worth playing for historical purposes, 3 and 11 both improve on it

You should play Tear Ring Saga if you haven't already.

>mfw a conquestfag was fat near me

I need to play it, is the translation good? All I know about the game is that Holmes is based.

Yes, there's a new translation.

Maybe even berwick saga will be translated someday.


Are archers being bad some sort of meme? Rebecca was my goddamn ace the whole game, two-hitting and critting everything.

Female Corrin deserves to be in the Pit of Shame as well.

Currently playing Conquest, its my first 3DS FE. Its ok but pairing up/ getting help from units adjacent to you makes things super easy.

Alm is univerally loved, Seliph and Leif are generally liked, eliwood is generally disliked, and chrom is universally hated. Seems strange to lump them into the same category.

Also people don't hate roy, they just accept that he's not a good unit. Whereas Micaiah is pretty useful but disliked for story reasons.

This list is pretty dumb. I prefer the old one based on usefulness (with sigurd in "jesus on wheels" tier).

Should I ironman Conquest on normal for my first playthrough of Fates?

nobody knows who Alm, Seliph, and Leif are.

>No Ike x Jill supports

Truly the biggest oversight in the Tellius saga

I hate Roy

I ironmanned it on hard and that was very fun. I even made some stupid mistakes such as losing Camilla right away and I managed to succeed in the end. I encourage you to give hard a try; I haven't played normal but I've heard that it's pathetically easy.

Then why isn't sigurd in the same tier? He's from the same game as seliph. At least be consistent.

Then I'll try it on hard as well. I've only played FE7 and FE11 and didn't ironman those, so doing it for the first time might be a good experience.

Ike/Mia supports were cut
Being best girl is suffering

Alm, Seliph, and Leif are lesser-known.

Eliwood isn't hated, but just made fun of for being mediocre. Chrom also isn't hated, he's just okay.

>People don't hate Roy
Great joke.

that's a good point, I'd make that change, too.

She's there because people will defend her due to their raging boner for her. Boy corn doesn't even get that much. If people didn't think with their dicks she would be in the pit of shame too.

To be fair, Sigurd it's more famous just because barbecue memes.

IkexMia is actually my OTP but the share practically zero screentime so IkexJill would've been the next best thing

Fates, conquest.
Really good so far, just feel like I don't have enough child paralogues unlocked (done 2 so far) and I'm at chapter 14

Just grab a save file from gamefaqs or somewhere else online.

Looks like a bunch of people are playing FE4. I just finished chapter 1. Ayra and Jamke both seem like they would be crazy nuts if it wasn't for their lack of horses.

Almost finished with birthright. It's better than people say it is, but I think if I went in blind then I wouldn't have liked it as much. It challenged me more than Awakening did, but it still doesn't require that much thought. I'll be moving on to revelations afterwards and I can't wait to see if the ice chapters and others are as bad as people make them out to be. It's a strange kind of hype.

The earlier you do those chapters the better.They get harder the further you are in the game. Don't feel like you have to do all of them though since some of the kids are shitty.

In what fucking universe

That's good to hear, I'm playing conquest first, and was worried I wouldn't like any of the others cause they're too easy or something

Yeah the two that I did were for Percy and Kana and I have no use for them since the mc is a dragon and I have Arthur for axes

It's not hard at all if you spam fortify and have him rescue all the kids in chapter 10 desu.

That is assuming Claude is his father, and he should be, so he gets fortify so he can be a healbot.

Est types are hit or miss for me.

>I guess the kids count in Awakening and Fates


I have yet to play Thracia, it's the last on my list so I can't say anything about the Est units you get there.

If you're playing the others right after conquest then birthright a walk in the park. I compared it to Awakening instead of conquest for a reason.

Here's a half-baked attempt at a lord tier list. Improve this if you want.
Top tier
FE13 MU (Fe>Ma)
FE12 MU (reclass limit removed)
FE14 MU (Fe>Ma)

High tier
FE12 MU (Ma>Fe)
FE10 Ike
FE1 Marth

Mid tier
Ephraim (Ephraim route)
FE9 Ike

Low tier
Marth (FE3b2)
Eirika (Eirika route)
Hector (HHM)
Ephraim (Eirika route)
Eliwood (HHM)
Marth (FE3b1)

Bottom tier
Eirika (Ephraim route)
Marth (FE11)

Should I do revelations or birthright next? Since I'm doing conquest now, I want to try one of the other 2 on lunatic since you can grind. Just don't know if I have the patience for enemy crits

Percy is actually pretty good, and Kana's decent. I recommend getting Velouria and Ophelia but the other kids aren't that good so you can skip those chapters.

All the Ests you dislike are the ones I actually kinda like
Mainly Sophia and Elincia

Playing FE12 on ywo star hard mode, is it just me or is the tutorial kinda bullshit? If you happen to lose one or to units during the tutorial the later stages become a gigantic page in the ass, so you're forced to play to perfection until the first stage with Marth.

Sara is a godess amongst mortals

>TFW you wanted Ike to bone Titania but it never happens
>Only ending is a gay one

What's this based on? Usability?

>skipping chapters
c'mon, son. why don't you want to play the whole game?

For the blank ones, can't think of any characters from those classes that I really give a shit about.

How useful they feel like they are
I dunno, it's kinda abstract but I remember people used to make tier lists for this stuff


Is it just me or were Petrine and Titania designed to be opposites of each other?

>both are Paladins, one mains axes the other uses lances
>Titania wears white armor and has red hair and green eyes
>Petrine wears black armor and has green hair and red eyes
>One was a Crimean soldier other is a Daein soldier


Why of all whys

finally got over being extremely upset about units dying and doing an FE7 ironman mode run.

So far Florina is kill to a 15% crit and Raven critted a guy, which freed up a spot for some other guy to kill him.

It's kinda nice that they give you pre-promotes to fill in the gaps. they shine a lot more in ironmans


>Titania is a loving ara ara waifu and Petrine is sadistic.

He is the perfect goon character, when you think of a goon brigand you think of a man like Marty. Also his build is clutch early game and those promotion gains are fucking insane


One point off for choosing Radiant Dawn as your favorite FE game, and one point off for choosing Safy over her younger sister Tina... or any other FE5 cleric, actually. Safy is good for nothing but being a weapon repair bot.

There's still some units I want to include but I don't think I can cheat this chart any more than this

Hey, don't hate on Marty, bro. That guy is awesome.

The first image of the new girl in Echoes. I like what I'm seeing, personally. Thoughts?

>dat Ike, Shinon, Haar, Anna, Neph connection

To be fair, he did include Sara.

Trying to get up the motivation to finish Conquest. Whoever thinks that mess of turtling-fest is good gameplay deserves to be shot.


I was strongly considering Linoan, but Safy has pulled through so many times for me. Comically high strength growth is also very amusing

I can't even tell what I'm seeing.