First pewdiepie makes a YLYL video, then Jontron says ''our guy'' in an out of place sentence in his QnA video. Whats happening.
Famous Youtubers are starting to become Sup Forums users
Other urls found in this thread:
1. PDP was joking and said it was just a prank and took back his comments.
2. Jontron is a fat Jewish bastard. Who gives a shit what he says?
'tis truly a good era for Ironic National Socialism.
People make YLYL videos all the time, it's pretty much what reaction channel's are. Jon is just Jon, he's probably always lurking around somewhere.
They aren't "Starting" to become Sup Forums users.
PewDiePie shilled his videos here early on and JonTron obviously is a Sup Forums fag.
they are just internet memes user, they spread as quickly as cancer
Those fucknuts will accelerate the traffic on Sup Forums
GG and 2016 election already doomed us, this is only raping the corpse
>Jontron says ''our guy'' in an out of place sentence in his QnA video
post source with exact time in video
He's Iranian (Persian) and he hates Israel.
On the video i watched. He was clearly lurking Sup Forums. He is not trying to be subtle, he is open about it
>2016 election
Trumpbros are better than the newfags. At least they are properly racist like old Sup Forums was, instead of being SJW cucks.
>He's Iranian
Trump better deport his ass NOW
Nigger, Youtubers have been browsing Sup Forums for AT LEAST 7 years now.
Sup Forums hasn't been a little unknown site used only by basement dwellers since 2006.
It's more popular than a lot of other similar sites, shit, it's in the top 200 most popular websites in the US.
>starting to become
Both PDP and Jonny lurked here before they even became e-famous.
So you mean they have the correct opinion on everything, right? Sup Forums is never wrong.
You're new af. Before you try to meme me about the election I'm not a Burger anyway
>t. newfag
>implying jontron hasnt always been a meemster
>implying he doesnt find all this shit on leddit
Do it yourself.
Jon browsing this gay site is kinda new, I recall him saying he didn't do so in a Game Grumps vid. Arin said he browsed Sup Forums though.
>like old Sup Forums
wow. Ive never seen such a new newfag.
I dont get it, why is he a Nazi then? People from his country are the refugees he is shitting on
>two comedians make a joke
>people take them seriously
I dunno why we live in in such era where everything is considered offensive and racist, people are just being offended for the sake of being offended.
>properly racist like old Sup Forums
Ironically making nigger jokes =/= being a trumpkin degenerate
>kids who started lurking post '04
low quality bait
>eceleb thread that isn't /ourguy/
>people from the country of your ethnicity are "your people"
He's lived his whole life in the US. He probably doesn't even speak a word of farsi. Why does he have to give a shit about it if he's American?
People being offended by fucking everything isn't a new thing dude.
The last time i watched PewDiePie he had faggot haircut and he was fake screaming in all of his videos.
Now people tell he is a nazi.
And his videos are pretty good now, and he doesn't have that faggy haircut
What the fuck happened.
And more important when he stopped being such a fag?
Jew Joke
>Boy that jew sure loves money! Good Goyim!
Not a jew joke
>kill all jews!
Jon didn't just say "our guy", he held his fingers up in a slanted motion to show he was saying /ourguy/.
I know Pewdieshit was a Sup Forums user a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
No one fucking cares.
>are becoming
hurr both started on 4chins
My god, that image is hilariously out of date.
Yeah also old Sup Forums also ironically posted CP, ironically posted furfaggotry and ironically posted Lolicon, it was all a big ironic joke haha!
Arin has more recently said he doesn't use Sup Forums any more. Probably because people keep shitting on him and his ugly wife.
you care enough to post in this thread you drooling retard.
>People are ashamed to say they use Sup Forums
But why though?
>watching Pewjew clickbait videos
Read the op instead of commenting on thumbnails.
And i wouldn't be surprised OP if both have been doing it for a long time.see
>a Nazi
Liberal brainlet detected
>Old Sup Forums
Holy fuck whats with all the newfags.
Sup Forums hasn't been a SEKRIT KLUB since... what, like 9 years ago? When was Project Chanology? Even then, it was pretty mainstream already. The fact that e-celebs are even known on this board shows how far gone everything is.
He's surrounded by irl friends who adore him. I imagine there's not much reason to be on Sup Forums anymore at that point.
Because if they did Sup Forums would disown them as anons
it's more about respecting Sup Forums rather than being ashamed of it
he's half iranian.. His mother is hungarian apparently.
>GG and 2016 Election
If you think Sup Forums was any better in 2013, you have some gigantic nostalgia for shitposting and rage memes.
He is not Jewish you retard is middle name is literally Aryan.
It's the Mos Eisley of the Internet. It's like openly talking about porn to a stranger on the street or smoking an e-cig in a movie theater.
*neoliberal brainlet
Fixed that for you.
the dems in the US are huge hypocrites and are pretty much republicans in leftist clothing.
user, it's been that way since the dawn of humanity.
What specifically did PDP say that made everyone, including Vinny from Giant BeastCast shit his asshole out in jewish rage?
I refuse to give website clicks to read it there.
>revealing your power level
>Sup Forums would dissown them
We aren't some sekrit club user, nor are we all one person, most of us don't give a shit.
But rule 1 is don't talk about Sup Forums amirite XDDDD newfags can't triforce!
>Shitting on based Iranians
They would've been a US ally had the US not fucked with their prime minister back in the 50s.
he hired someone on fiverr to make a video saying "death to the jews" to see if they would actually do it.
You can't call your adoring irl friends niggers and cucks
The newfags really need to be put back in their place. Please kill yourself and post the stream for all to see.
>newfags calling eachother newfags: the thread
Ya fucking idiot. Many of them have been doing it since you were still in your father's nut sack. Like you wouldn't think it but that fatass Boogie is one of them. He was in a Sup Forums thread a couple of years ago. They don't bring that shit up for obvious reasons.
In a recent tweet he said his other half is Hungarian, and thus trying to label him as a pseudo-middle eastern is kinda pointless, he's just American
You literally can and they won't care. I call my friends cucks all the time (ironically of course, I'm not a "redpilled" dipshit). I'm too pussy to say the n word but one of my friends definitely isn't amd calls us n worders all the time.
Death to all jews.
He used fivver to get people to do ridiculous things.
One thing he got some sri lankian kids to hold up a sign saying death to all jews while laughing and saying subscribe to keemstar.
Then they took video of him pointing saying it was a nazi salute. They took footage of people making swastikas in his game and him saying to stop, but without the audio. They took footage of him in uniform listening to a hitler speech as a gag etc etc.
long story short
>PDP made a joke by paying 5bucks to some site to hold a sign that says - death to jews-
>Media twisted his joke and took it out of context
>Tumblr saw it and got triggered, they started to spread it while making up more lies
>Meanwhile everybody on youtube with a brain started to defend PDP
>Tumblr was celebrating PDP downfall while in reality they gave him more subs
Hell even the biggest jew on youtube ( h3h3 ) told people to stop being triggered and grow up and that he as Jew does not find PDP jokes offensive.
It was better, though.
It was complete horseshit even then and had been for years, but it was still better.
Sup Forums isn't your secret club user, literally everyone knows it exists and probably uses it
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
>I'm too pussy to say nigger
We don't accept your kind
>newfags are better than newfags
>at least they are legitimately racist and easily triggered
unlike actual Sup Forums ever was.
I don't get this post.
>Sup Forums is some hidden website where only the cool kids go
Tbh H3H3 is generally chill about everything.
Beats me famalam
Sup Forums hasn't been a secret club in over a decade.
Avgn is.
But he can be backup.
It was though. All the creation of /vg/ really did was remove any actual vidya discussion and now it's just endless platform shit flinging.
Brief history of Egoraptor.
>makes le wacky vidya-related movies on Newgrounds and makes a name for himself
>early Sup Forums holds these videos in high regard and worships Egoraptor for some reason
>Ego makes Sequelitis videos which pander to Sup Forums opinions
>Ego stars in shitty vidya reality show and even posts on Sup Forums to acknowledge what a joke it is and he's doing it for exposure
>Ego puts out contrarian Ocarina of Time video that panders to neo-nerds and Sup Forums turns on him
>Ego starts a shitty LP series because that's what's hip with all the kids
>eventually starts a shitty vidya music project that banks on his stardom
>turns out Ego is awful at vidya and his opinions have all been fed to him
Egoraptor is a vidya Uncle Tom and Sup Forums abolished him for a reason. Sup Forums is shittier than it's ever been due to Sup Forums and Sup Forums poison but at least everyone agrees Ego is a pandering cunt
>tfw H3H3 was about to eat shit with the whole leafy drama
>tfw based Idubbbz swoops in and saves him
They're just showing to the world where they came from.
Last pewdiepie's video had some Sup Forums lingo as well, like "x is cute! CUTE!"
>Jontrons newest video
>I'm moving AWAY from video games so that my channel can be MORE
>My channel is more than silly entertainment
The quality had been dropping for a while but he's officially unsubscribe tier
This and then /vg/ became waifu shitfests so i couldn't even just move there.
Nah i like arin.
I can live with someone disagreeing with me on one thing one time. I'm not a sperg.
Sidenote what reality show did he do?
Since when was Tumblr involved? It was just the WSJ, Wired and a few other irrelevant outlets, along with a tweet from JK Rowling. No less than a day later did the rest of the media turn on the original perpetrators. Even SJWs were defending him as far as I can see from twitter.
Jews don't get the same oppression brownie points with the left anymore.
>starting to become
Oh my little nigger, they've probably been visiting Sup Forums longer than you have.
Sometimes I detest the anonymous nature of this site. I'd love to see your "account created" date, newfaggot.
He was on season 3 of the tester
How many times has Sup Forums caused actual deaths.
I forget the number now...
A picture of him should be next to the term 'ambigiously brown' every time it is used.
That's a good thing, less people to come here. Can you imagine how much shitter this place would be if ecelebs talked about Sup Forums and brought their retarded fanbase here?
I don't know people always say this. Either they were not here so they didn't know and just say these things to elevate themselves or something. Sup Forums/Sup Forums was and is always shit. The shit back then was just changed to some other shit today but they are still both shit regardless. There was never a real normie conversation back then and never will. Go to reddit if you want that kind of shit.
I hope Trump nukes them and sends you to Tehran before that
Become a normalfag because the internet sucks now
I think you Horribly misread that. He meant more quantifiabl.
As in videogames are 1 thing. Videogames commercials and movies are 3.
3 is more than one. So he is doing more than just vidya.
He wasn't insulting vidya you autist.
Agree that vidya is funnier though and he has gone down hill with the higher production value shit.
If you think the election wasn't the best thing to happen to this site, you're a faggot
>jk rowling
R.I.P. In peace.
Rural retard spotted
He says he doesn't care about them because he's American and they're not, so its not his problem. His dad was probably a burger eating middle classer who bounced from the Middle East in the 70s before everything went to shit, so Jon's probably been raised believing that everyone there's a fundie subhuman cocksucker.
I bet you that you'll hear him crying about Hungary if anything happens to it, though.
It's pretty obvious what happened to Jontron, he started browsing Sup Forums, then made his way over to Sup Forums
& make no mistake he fucking browses Sup Forums, he was talking about the redpill & shit with Sargon
As for Pewds, i can't tell if he is fucking around or actually secretly is a Sup Forumsack