Eggman's plan was actually perfect. Things only went wrong because Sonic saw Shadow use chaos control...

Eggman's plan was actually perfect. Things only went wrong because Sonic saw Shadow use chaos control. Eggman truly is a genius

Other urls found in this thread:

>so how did you know it wasn't the real one?
>because you just told me


Why is Tails such a retard?

>play pc port
>lighting is completely flat and b0rked
>cutscene audio has bad timing

How did eggman even know tails would say that?

Also this scene was too good for the game

Literally none of this would've happened if Amy didn't tag along

Am I the only one who misses when Sonic games had serious stories

Eggman saw earlier on in the Dark campaign that there were 8 emerald signals on the radar and that the heroes had 2 emerald signals (despite him already having 6 emeralds) so he knew the heroes were fucking with some fake emerald bullshit. He was already 90% certain they would hand him a fake emerald the second that negotiation started

>"Sonic if you don't come here, she WILL die!"
>"Well done Sonic, but you'll never leave this room alive! Ha ha!"
>Those fast paced gravity shenanigans
>That fucking music
Crazy Gadget was a blast.

>You've turned into a BIG TIME villain, Doctor!

>that last part where you had the fuck around with the gravity.
The PTSD for 6 year old me was real,

I never could do the intended solution so I always brute forced it.
I'm amazed the brute forcing method worked.

Anything that had to do with the ARK was so good in this game. Made it better than it had any right to be. I was quoting this game for years and sometimes occasionally still do.

I like both serious and silly. But not serious to the point of 06, cheesy serious like the Adventure games.


>it's an "Eggman did nothing wrong" thread
Always be my favorite scene in ANY sonic game.
>Your adventuring days are coming to an end!

I have no idea what I am supposed to do, everytime I play that level I just kinda fuck around untill I beat or quit because I ran out of lives.

Best track in the game

No I think that's how the game was originally made

That's actually fucking brilliant and makes perfect sense.

Holy shit. This was the hypest fucking moment in the world. I still can't stop grinning whenever I replay the game and get here.

A game about a blue hedgehog and a two tailed fox fighting against a goofy egg shaped scientist doesn't need serious stories.

I got stuck here as a kid and could not finish the hero side. I only saw the dark ending. I forget how I even ended up eventually figuring out that last portion.

That scene is pretty fucking hot admittedly

is right. It was like that on consoles too. It's dumb as shit but everyone kind of knows-- I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS

Crazy Gadget is one of the worse designed 3D Sonic levels.

Shadow wasn't wrong either; it was the last Sonic Adventure game.

I thought that scene was so cool when I was a kid.
That boss music was really good.
Also How did he use chaos control with an emerald that's fake?

Reminder that Eggman would have won if his Grandfather didn't sabotage the Ark.

Also that tails is a literal child.

Just fix the godawful audio leveling and it's perfect. I love the fucking typewriter boss intro text too, that's the shit.

>Sonic Team will never make the "Sonic Statue inspired Shadow" theory canon
>Sonic Team will never provide any more backstory to the Chaos Emeralds
>We will never hear anything more about the echidnas or the Fourth Great Civilization
>We will never see another Gizoid
>Eggman will never mention his family again
>We will never get a game that untangles the Blaze/Silver/Nega/Future/Dimensions bullshit
I fucking hate this "story = bad" meme. They obviously took it way too far with Shadow The Hedgehog and Sonic 2006 but Sonic doesn't have to just be Mario but faster and with one-liners. There's a whole world of potential that's just being wasted.

>I love the fucking typewriter boss intro text too, that's the shit.
So much this, I never realized how much I appreciated it until recently.

Because he's actually a child prodigy/genius with zero social skills. You know those people who are really fucking intelligent? Like, IQs over 140 and can solve complex problems instantly, but can't socially function for the life of them in a group of their peers or come off awkward as fuck when trying to have a conversation? That's Tails. In all his mechanical genius, it never occurred to him that Eggman might bluff a statement to get the real truth out of him.

>I love the fucking typewriter boss intro text too
best part about the game
always added suspense and shit

Tails made a fake that was pretty much a real one except, if it got put in the slot for the cannon, it would blow up.

>"Here I come!"

What did Rouge the bat mean by this?

>music speeds up
>they start running faster
>that intro to the boss fight
>shadow doing is fast run animation looking back at sonic with that shading


Why was the sonic adventure OST so good?

Are you saying tails is autistic?

The right mix of catchy and cheesy

Forgot to post this

Yes. Autists ruin everything.

Not to mention Eggman being the world's quietest villain.

I still get hype about this scene to this day.

>the intro cutscene of the fight where they are running top fucking speed and staring each other down

He's 8.

The quality of sonic games is questionable but the sound track is always on point

>that guy who got all A ranks on Shadow missions
>that guy who farmed chaos drives and rings on White Jungle
that was me

This has all the elements of a really awful yet incredibly entertaining DBZ encounter.

remember this song?

Based as fuck theme music

I guess I blocked that level out of my memories. It's 100% shit.

Remember Meteor herd?
I remember going as high as I possibly could in the stage and then do the drill dive.
Also that OST
I had so much fun with this game.

Even the fucking handheld games.

Oh yes, must've been more than ten years ago looking at all those old sonic comic covers.

>tfw never beat hero story as a kid because i was too scared of death chamber and king boom boo
the ghosts in this game were too much

Was the Shadow in Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog the real Shadow from SA2 or was he a clone? He died an honorable death at the end of SA2 but Sega brought him back to life in Heroes and everything after because because "muh fan favorite!"

that level was spooky and full of jump scares, and the boss was obnoxious as well to boot

took me a long time to beat


Sonic rush was great isn't this like one of the last really good sonic games?


It was the real one according to Shadow's spin off game

I'd have preferred that it be a clone but hey ho, here we are.

>playing knuckles and rouge levels
>Egypt levels
>whenever ghost pops out quit game
>took days to finish any treasure hunt stage
What was sega thinking shits scary

Sonic games suck, but they do get one thing right (usually)- music and final battles

Sonic games are always lovey-dovey crap, but at least the adventure games got the severity of the final boss just right

In Sonic Adventure 2 the final last words of Eggman's grandfather, recorded during his execution, are played- and he condemns the world to death.

Holy fuck, yes!

That sound effect when he changes directions.

He was revealed to be the real one in Shadow the hedgehog.

Fan service aside, its the same Shadow.
I guess falls from space don't do damage since the same thing happens to Sonic in Unleahsed

Audio and lip sync problems aside, perfectly executed use of cutscene.
Not too long, but having enough content to make the immediate next piece of gameplay feel much more weighted in significance.

What's essentially a very simple boss battle feels more dire because of the earlier setup.

It's a shame they lost this finesse after Adventure 2.

Did we ever find out why the English version completely fucked the sound mixing up, or is that just classic Sonic Team?

Also I hate that Shadow's English dub personality is pretty much the canon now, his JP personality was very different.

>Go all the way up
>drill drive for a while
>get speed shoes

I used to spend HOURS on that stage just dicking around and digging up shit.

None of these characters are real!

>Get all the A Ranks
>Know where every ring in green forest is.
>Know every shortcut in Final Rush (intended or not) and can breeze through it in stupidly short times.

>Realize it would take me months to get back to being as good as I used to be.

Where does the time go?

What was he like?

Wow what was your first clue?

I don't know, Deus on dubs also competes for that spotlight

>his JP personality was very different.
What did they do different in the japanese version?

Debatable. It has "Dimps syndrome" in that there are fucking booster pads everywhere making it impossible to NOT go fast, but it's not a terrible game at all.

Also I'm a sucker for this part of the Blaze boss fight.

FUUUUUCK these guys

>death chamber looking for a piece
>hear a wierd sound
>camera is a pain but pan it behind me shortly
>this fucker takes up my whole screen and I'm staring dead into his eyes


hoyl fuck playing SA2 in Japanese was strangely satisfying.
Shadow was slick and smooth
Knuckles was top nig
Sonic's engrish was the best

>people being scared of this

holy FUCK did your parents never let you watch anything besides disney shit? this shit wasnt scary

He was more of an indifferent cool antagonist, he thought Sonic was interesting but didn't really care that much until he started showing up and fucking everything up every single time.

Not "I'M THE COOLEST" and his other catchphrases

>Halloween level
>Spooky rap starts playing

Wasn't Eggman's master plan to build an amusement park?

>Sonic's engrish

Doesn't he curse in one cutscene?

>that panic when you need to do the timed level before the island explodes

That stage was so fucking massive it could have been a hub world or some shit.
I too just loved just fucking around in the stage, that drill dive was so fucking satisfying especially if you managed to hit a meteor on the way down.

i think he curses in like 3 scenes



Sup Forums WILL defend this

>mfw knuckles was the typical hot blodded shonen trope but he wasn't even the main character

Also engrish sonic is godlike the same VA for sonic in Sonic X which made the show much better than it had any right to be. I think he has been voicing sonic since adventure.

>That meteor explosion sound
>that sound when you crash a meteor into another or an object

pure kino my dude

Remember back when people would post that over and over for as a shit joke?

>hat there are fucking booster pads everywhere making it impossible to NOT go fast,
>Impossible not to go fast
>A bad thing
Do you even sanic?

>not fucking with the PSO boxes you can find here and all the other little secrets

Do you even impressionable child?

if i liked sa2b as a kid, and now have nostalgia for it but realize it controls awfully and is only pretty good for its time, should i play sonic adventure 1? which would depend on me emulating it

This is not really related to SA 2, but I've always wanted a game where I can control Espio by himself. Ninja chameleons are an underused concept.