What make this game so good?

what make this game so good?


Pretty much constant progress. Satisfying weapons. Set pieces. Unsettling music and sound effects. Sense of humour.

People played it over ten years ago.


5 was better

>sound design
>weapon progression
>weapon options
>inventory tetris
>leon is basically a super human
>escort mission that isn't a chore
>boss fights are fun
>cutscenes are short and to the point
>characters in general are all interesting
>you cant get lost in re4, at all
>enemy variety
>fun looking for collectables
>weapons all felt rewarding bar 1 or 2 exceptions

The only below average part of this game is the island. It's not the worst thing ever but the island is definitely not as memorable and enjoyable as the village or the castle.

the controls for me and the addicting inventory, oh man i fucking love the inventory in this game

Almost perfect atmoshere. It only gets too Hollywoodesque at the very end.

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Wii version best version. Pointer gameplay was 10/10

>tfw i cant play any other version of re4 now because the wii controls spoiled me

I can't go back to that slow bullshit laser pointer garbage. I just can't.

>>boss fights are fun
Ha ha oh wow. No. None of them are.They are either too easy or are shitty due to the camera speed.

you breath must smell with all that shit taste



To be fair they are kinda shit.

I mean, they work well for the mechanics and there ain't a whole not you can do. But they are all more or less just.

>run to escape attack

Which is been the go to design for pretty much all RE games.

RE5 did them pretty well though but that was a the expense of forced co-op bullshit.

It's the pacing.

Think about it. When you go back to replay it, is there ever a thought of, "Oh no, not this part again"?

I first played it about a year ago and loved it.

Loved it so much I immediately went back to play it at the hardest difficulty and do all the achievements.

I just really love the combat. In a lot of ways it's the Dark Souls of TPS. Things hit hard, but you don't get hit that often. Planning and patience will reward you a huge amount. And most actions take enough time where if you do it at the wrong time you will get hit. But it will always be your own damn fault and won't generally feel cheap.

Sheer variety, next to Half Life this game changes up gameplay more than another action game.

The QTE parts.
Oh, and the minecart level. Fuck that.

That would only hold true if only Capcom didn't keep releasing it and people didn't keep buying it.

Does it?

Yes plenty of them from the lake boss to those terrible flying monsters in the castle and the awful truck/minecart sections. Island too to an extent. The slow paced deliberate combat with good enemy design, crowd control and punchy weapons makes it less of a problem though which is the game's real strength.

I hate any part with the invisible insects.

Unbelievably good pacing, it's mind-boggling honestly

Pretty much everything after chapter 2.

I just got to thinking. Does bodyshots make plagas appear or is it only headshots?

Because late game where it only takes a few bullets to kill somone with body shots it seems like it would be way more effective than going for headshots.

>played through RE1-5 + CV
>still no fucking clue what the overarching story of the games are

Is there like a good summarization of the series somewhere? I mean, apart from the wiki. Something with less links and more broad strokes.

Doesn't matter they can appear either way


Was that the one with the horrible escort sequences?

I'll take your word for it.

That describes all of 5.


I love this game, but I never expected to miss the backtracking from the classic games. Always feels like you're going in a fairly straight line

>purity of gameplay: focus on crowd-control and weaponry
>pacing and variety of scenario
>interesting atmosphere
>complete disregard for the absurd canon set by previous games
>doesn't out stay its welcome or pad itself with filler

my 0.02c

Why did they never make a Resi4 remake ala Halo remake or GoW? That would have been pretty awesome instead of the shitty ports with still shitty textures. Hopefully that HD mod will be complete in my lifetime.

My Wesker is getting old.

>>you cant get lost in re4, at all

But exploration is fun you faggot.

>19 years later
>Still the best character
What went right?

Someone shop N.W.F. on his vest here.

If you are confused, play Shadows of The Damned, a funny but shallow clone with shit pacing, shit enemies, shit bosses, and hardly any customization.

Something something bioweapons.

>run to escape attack
you do know that this is a game where all you do is aim, shoot and run to escape right?

It tried something new and did it without sacrificing the quality of its design.

satisfying shooting with polished systems and mechanics
varied and incredibly well done encounter designs
well done atmosphere
good-great pacing (especially for a 15-20hour action game)
entertaining story, characters and writing
lots of unlockables, extras and replay value.

its just a really well made video game.

Content design. Some autistic faggots spent inordinate amounts of overtime tweaking every encounter in the game to perfection.
Compare to RE6, where it was just a day job they didn't actually give a shit about.

The game was good but i have no desire to replay it. It feels like it drags on just a bit to long, like a lot of re6s chapters. 5 is still my favorite since its HD, coop, has more refinements, a more interesting story and setting, and its fun to upgrade and look for gems. The cinematic direction and voice acting is also the best ive ever seen in a game.

Oh yeah, then 5 was that one. That one sucked in that case.