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I'm planning to buy parts for a PC mainly for gaming.
Simple question what CPU is best for a GTX 1060 6GB?
i7 6700K
or an i5?
>please dont execute me

i5 would work, but if you live near a big city with a microcenter, you could get an i7 for very cheap.

Wait for Ryzen to come out and see how it actually does compared to higher end intel cards.

6700K is way too much for a 1060.
Also, at this point, I would honestly wait for Ryzen's release and for the proper reviews of it before you get anything.
The release is next week after all.

Don't buy a 1060. Get an RX 480 8GB instead.

Yeah probably a good idea to wait.
Is 6700K too much tho? i mean what other i7 would you recommend?

Did we actually just become an AMD shill thread?

Aint noway im buying AMD

I have a 6700K with a 1060. Only because I have a 1080p 60hz monitor. I wanted room to upgrade in the future. I run anything I want.

i5-6600K is enough.
But wait for Ryzen.

Honestly you could get like a i7-4770k and still have pretty great performance. Newer games are generally pushing the GPU way more than the CPU.

If you can find an i7 for a decent price, you may as well. Games still aren't making proper use of cores, but it will help in other tasks too.

I can tell you that I have a 1070 and i5 6600K (did not OC yet) and I feel like the CPU might be bottlenecking the GPU a bit.
Wait for ryzen, and if you still settle for nvidia just get the 6700k, its really solid choice.

If it's mainly gaming save the money and get a 6600k/7600k

you're a moron.

Go for a Kaby Lake. They're better and well good priced

I have a 1070 and 6700K, I feel like if I could only have one, it would be the 1070 as even it's not good enough to max everything.

If you don't want to buy AMD then don't buy a 1060 and save for a better card. 1060 is fucking terrible and RX 480 is a better choice

New CPU generation is coming out literally next week.
Why would you buy a fucking 2 generation old CPU?

I'm doing alright with an 6100 i3 and a gtx 970, 1080p only. Fuck arma though, hopefully I can get a secondhand 6th gen i5 when ryzen drops


AMD is looking to have the best CPUs on the market now, and unlike GPUs drivers don't really exist.

Yeah sure there's compiler work, but most shit is compiled for generic processors. Games don't even take advantage of newer instruction sets. Hell the only game I can think of that uses SSE4.1 instruction set is No Man's Sky, and that instruction set came out in 2005

>please dont execute me
I dont have that much knowledge on CPU which is why i made this thread

Look at this pleb and laugh, a console would be more your speed poorfag


Pretty much Intel dicked about since 2011, making only miniscule gains while clock speed stagnated. The bullshit they were putting out was they were focusing on mobile and lowering power consumption.

Now AMD got its shit together by designing a ground up architecture over the last five years, and it's looking like it's gonna absolutely shit on Intel's offerings. Same IPC (within error bar), lower power use (10-20%), smaller die area, more cache, more cores, cheaper. The only advantage Intel has is they can hit 10% higher clocks, and will be twice as fast at AVX2 which doesn't matter for videogames in the slightest.

i would like some arguments there kiddo

Lol, they were so bad at lowering power consumption that Microsoft got fed up and figured out how to emulate win32 applications on an ARM processor instead of waiting.

WART is the biggest meme on the planet.

wait for amd coz intel is overpriced
also shilling threads

just get a 6300 i3 you wont ever need for for games.

First off I'm not sure why you're looking at skylake when kabylake is basically the same shit and only slightly more expensive. And the general question is: do you plan plan on doing anything other video games? Streaming, making videos, etc? Then yeah an i7 is worth it. If not then you're spending a fucking bunch on diminishing returns.

i7 is overkill for a 1060, it still *might* be overkill for a 1070. Maybe your budget allows for i5 w/ 1070?

OP here: I will be making youtube videos, and maybe some streaming. I have decided so far to go with a 1070 instead and then ill wait until Intel lower THEIR FUCKING PRICES (after Ryzen) Thats my plan so far.

What kind of monitor?

Benq XL2411 Full HD 144hz

Do you not know about Ryzen?

If I were you I'd wait for rayzen so prices of jewtel goes down. I have a 4790k at 5Ghz and its pretty much overkill for a retard that just plays vidya at 1440p and occasionally streams, edit videos, etc. I don't see myself upgrading within the next 3 years. DDR4 is a meme and DDR3 is cheap af. Also, USB C is getting closer to becoming mainstream so I'd get a motherboard with it.

My advice? Stop buying budget shit just so you can complain that it sucks later.

Save another couple hundred for a 1070 at LEAST. Go for the 1080 if you want some real future-proofing. It's a few more hundred dollars. Surely you can get such a petty amount of cash user. If not, then you're not in a financial position to be spending money on petty toys.