>like ps4 game
>durr you're a fanboy lol
>like nintendo game
>durr you're a fanboy lol
does anyone remember the last time Sup Forums wasnt filled with cancer?
honestly, what do you accomplish with all the shitposting? do you like games at all?
>like ps4 game
>durr you're a fanboy lol
>like nintendo game
>durr you're a fanboy lol
does anyone remember the last time Sup Forums wasnt filled with cancer?
honestly, what do you accomplish with all the shitposting? do you like games at all?
Yea, but the games I like are better than the games you like. That pretty much proves that I am better than you in every way.
it's the PCucks that ruin everything
you are the problem entirely. also, why am I a ps4 fanboy if I dont like the new zelda?
I blame sony and their normie games
And mainstream media don't forget about that
>console wars
I don't get this shit
just fucking play games you whiny-ass bitches
it was around 2011/2012.
I just ignore the ones that are just nothing but shitposting, although it seems to at least creep into 95% of the threads now.
why cant people enjoy more than 1 console? it's like im not allowed to play bloodborne AND pc games, or something.
It's literally children that can't afford both that shit sling other platforms
But what if am like Xbox game?
don't forget the people who constantly yell "SHILL OMG SHILL SHILL SHILL"
there are some right fucking morons on this board.
how do you know you don't like the new zelda?
if only that rule was actually enforced. sadly, it isn't. at least the nioh threads are somewhat free of cancer, cause all the cancer is diverted to horizon/zelda threads.
We need a baord for every platform.
There's barely any cancer war on /vg/ because people stick to their corner.
You know, mods and janitors could actually do their work.
It shouldn't be that fucking hard.
Bye now. Getting banned for criticizing the mods and janitors.
Have you ever considered discussing anything but the big AAA games coming out?
Yeah, ok Xiao Ming you dense fucking mongoloid, thanks for the input
>not filled with cancer
>current year
I think there is just a stigma around here that people feel like they need to defend their choices in games and by doing so will also try to devalue games they find not worthy. All in all Sup Forums wants everyone to be able to enjoy the video games you selected. They are however perhaps a bit to harsh in their ways of protecting you from bad games however and result to insults and harsh language to draw your attention.
>post something negative about exclusive game
>post something positive about game
i've never been as close to leaving Sup Forums as i am now and i've been browsing this board for a fucking decade
No m8. I'm not OP but no one comes here of all the places on the internet to actually discuss vidya.
This is shitposting country
I only come here to see and laugh at the shitpost.
You should do the same.
The internet is a big place, and even /vr/ and /vg/ are better. But Sup Forums cancer is leaking to /vr/
it wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. I don't see how anyone could deny that.
never claimed it was or not
Nigga its been like this for almost a decade. What did you think would change?
Not that user, you're right, now it's worse but you could really notice the decline in 2011 if you were here before
i'd be fine with it if it was contained somewhere but when almost every single thread has shitposting and falseflagging from console war fags it just gets to be too much
Sup Forums used to be my favorite place to discuss games because even if people were unmitigated assholes on here, at least they were being honest behind the anonymity. now it's just shitposting as far as the eye can see
Marketing shills also contribute a lot to that. They manipulate anons and incite this cancer, but overall I greatly agree with you.
You two should fuck
>does anyone remember the last time Sup Forums wasnt filled with cancer?
You must be new. It was even worse back in 2010. Now it's more like a joke/shitposting contest.
I had been browsing for about three years at that time, and it was in decline. but it's one of the last years where I remember the good outweighing the bad. it was probably also around the time when the the novelty of everything also started to wear off though. it was probably worse than I remember, but I'm certain that it's worse now. even if it's only because this board moves so quickly now.
It's all false flagging to get replies. No one actually cares if you like games from a certain company. Newfags saw all the troll threads and instead of lurking to understand board culture, now everyone false flags as if it were a game to get (You)s.
I used to browse and post on Sup Forums so much that it actually started affecting the way i enjoy games, all i could do was just look at the bad shit and magnify it 10x or look at a character and think of reasons why said character was a SJW pander character, After a couple months being away on Sup Forums it started to go away and i actually enjoy games more and manage to have actual criticisms about games, the only reason i come into Sup Forums these days is for Webm threads but for some reason people are shitpost on those threads too because of Nioh
>Leaving Sup Forums made me enjoy games more
TL:DR Leaving