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I haven't even played X and I know that the first is better. Chronicles is one of the few games I've played recently that glued me to it and kept me there till it was complete. Everything about it was done well.

>descent sidequests
>battle gameplay is engaging
>massive world
>fantastic soundtrack
>diverse character gameplay
>great story

I was honestly saddened when I heard that X didn't stack up. I wanted to roll right in for more.

I've played 35 hours of zenblade and im loving it so far, but most of the quests seem to boil down to
>kill x amount of monsters
>get x amount of x

Its not the best example of sidequests


>Hasn't played it
>Knows the first is better

Instead of spouting death curses, why don't you provide counter examples as to why the second is better?

Yeah, I revoke my statement about them being diverse. However they do comb together and it is interesting to see the world change based on the quests you complete. Also, enjoy the ride, I was at 40 hours before I got to prison island and finished the game at 100. Haven't sank that many hours into an RPG in awhile.

I like X more. I didn't care for the characters or plot in Xenoblade and that kind of kills it since that's a story-reliant game. X had a lot of cool places to explore and that's all I really want out of a game. Xenoblade had a few neat areas but they were mostly really bland looking with lots of repeated textures and landscapes with nothing to see in them.

basically everything about xcx sucks except for the exploration and some of the sidequests
the story sucks
the characters suck
a lot of the music sucks
the combat sucks
the mechs REALLY suck
the online sucks
the party system sucks
the post-game shit sucks

The Last Story was better than both and is the most underrated JRPG of the past 15 years.

Soundtrack really makes or breaks a game for me, and having an entire soundtrack done by talentless hack Hiroyuki Sawano really ruined Chronicles X for me.

I like to pretend X doesn't exist.

like it was some bad fever dream.

I just reached the nopon village. How much of the game have i completed?

>decent sidequests


>The last story
Damn, I completely forgot about this game. I bought it and played it on release.
Apparently it wasn't that good if I forgot about it.

I remember this game bein weird as fuck and made no sense at all.

Xenoblade was better. The areas were more interesting overall, the story and characters were way better, the combat was better overall despite having less fleshed out mechanics, and the soundtrack was way, way better.
Also mechs in X were the most disappointing fucking thing. It was still a good game overall but I got bored of it close to the end. I think my main issue with X, besides the shitty mech combat, was the game was more about the sidequests than Xenoblade but the sidequests were boring. 50% of the time you were just warping to and then flying to a spot marked on your map, and the other 50% of the time you were grinding for drops/running around for collectibles. Maybe if the combat was better they would have been more fun.
About a third.

maybe ~30%

If XC is supposed to be an offline MMO, XC:X is a korean offline MMO.


X by far. I don't like the first Xenoblade though, so not exactly praising X.

This. Both offer something different

Both singleplayer MMO shit

Are you me? This is the best opinion on this matter.

They're good in different ways. The story and characters are generally more interesting in the first, but it suffers from a huge amount of monotony in its sidequests and the way some parts of the game are structured (okay, I finished this quest. Time to bring it back to... uh... wait, where the hell was that one guy in this giant town?)

On the other hand, the story and characters are less compelling in the second (and at times even grating), but I found the side quests, exploration, and worldbuilding more interesting overall.

Both have incredible environments and enjoyable gameplay. I think if you like something about the one you'll probably like something about the other.

but it suffers from a huge amount of monotony in its sidequests and the way some parts of the game are structured (okay, I finished this quest. Time to bring it back to... uh... wait, where the hell was that one guy in this giant town?)
That's exactly the same in X though. The sidequests are incredibly monotonous.

Last Story's battle system was awkward as fuck and the rest of the game just felt incomplete. It wasn't bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to XC and XCX.

I beat Last Story and throughout the entire game I never quite understood the combat system. A lot of the time it felt like shit was just happening without my input or understanding and suddenly the battle was over

I didn't mean it like that, what I meant was that you should play both games before making a judgement call like that. I personally agree that XC is better, but I played both before making that call.

The Last Story is pretty good, but it feels really incomplete. Battle system is actually interesting, but pretty confusing at times, and the story was typical Sakaguchi's bullshit (I like it though).

But I agree that it's better than Xenoblade.

first one without a fucking doubt. X tried to many things and it ended up being a mess.

the last story was alright. nothing to brag about. liked chronicles more.

Pandora's Tower is the best of the Operation Rainfall games.

still not played that. should try it someday.

XC is a better experience, XCX is a better game

The Last Story was garbage.

>look mom I'm being contrarian!

I find myself coming back to XBX quite often. I love a lot of the elements in it but i feel that XB1 is the most complete game I've ever played. I dont really feel like that game ever had a distinct "low point"

Both games are great. XBC handles narrative, characters, and side missions better, while X handles exploration and gameplay better. I'm hoping XBC2 takes the best from both.

the X soundtrack isn't that bad

This. Last Story was decent and XBC was good (if overrated), but Pandora's Tower was fantastic. It's a shame it sold like garbage unlike the other two

It's not bad at all. Some songs are shit but overall it's better than the generic crap in the original that sounds like every other JRPG music.

>fantastic soundtrack
Nice try.

Both would be incredible if they removed the quick time events and changed morale/soul voices to something less distracting.

Pretty much this but I'd say that the original also handles its audio a lot better which adds a lot on top of having one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, not that X's is bad.

I like the B button QTE, makes fights more dynamic

The X soundtrack is really good

>Hiroyuki Sawano
>talentless hack


Find a flaw.

>people still perpetuating the sawano is bad meme

But he is. He composed, like, 2 songs worth listening to.

>people still perpetuating the sawano is good meme

He has more variety than just epic hype music. He made some piano ballads with a tinge of dubstep, a bubbly pop song and an acoustic ballad, which shows that Kill La Kill is his most varied work yet

I dropped XC at Xord.
I got to him with no combo bar and i know you need it built up to beat him, and I didn't feel like backtracking to grind and build up my bar because the last enemy group seemed pretty far back.
Should I just nut up and do it?
I was enjoying it.

what a fucking casual

youre supposed to build it up with the enemies he spawns

There are so many worse songs in Xenoblade. Not the best cherry to pick to prove your point. Try this:
Nothing in XBX is worse than that.

>satoral marsh at night
>hometown at night
>agnaritha day and night
>nopon village day and night
You seriously didn't like any of these?

You're still fairly early on, best part about the game is knowing that you still have so much more to go.

Fight! is just the one that sticks out to me because it takes forever for it to get replaced with the patrician battle theme. Garbage battle themes are the worst part about any JRPG desu.


I think I might be kind of low level.
I rushed through the area.

>pic related

I always felt Mitsuda was weak in terms of battle themes but his area/event music reigns supreme

This song is GOAT.
>SNES midi bass lines

eh compared to the area/event music it's not as good

>Mitsuda was weak in terms of battle themes

Gundam Unicorn soundtrack is fucking fantastic. Still is even now.


This blows that out of the water.

I like both the games, but I think X is better.
I can understand that people would prefer xc over xcx, but for some reason nothing other than the story and characters really clicked with me.

x somehow took all the bad parts about xc, and made them amazingly addicting. I have around 200 hours in x, and like 40 in xcx. I never even finished xcx.

Man, that's unfair. Godsibb blows almost everything out of the water.

For your consideration; an argument for the notion that Xenoblade X has superior designs to Chronicles.

>x somehow took all the bad parts about xc, and made them amazingly addicting. I have around 200 hours in x, and like 40 in xcx. I never even finished xcx.


Friendly reminder that hating on this song is a meme.


>mfw people complained about mitsuda being replaced

he's god tier when he's doing Celtic style music (thank god he's doing that in XC2) but I felt XSI was pretty average save for a couple of songs

I think he means the side quests

XS2's OST is much worse, and I'm a Kajiura fan.

Consider suicide


no way

As long as we're having a Xeno thread, is anyone else on the fence about Xenoblade 2? We haven't seen a lot of it so far and I'm not really that fond of what we have seen (MC design, reusing XC1 enemies and scenes so heavily before establishing it's own identity).

>implying sub par songs weren't by Shinji Hosoe

X has better girls

Not an argument.

XCX is the phantasy star online 2 that the west never got. The former is a better JRPG, but doing hunting quests for better gear is just a lot more cathartic. I just fucking hate how fucking anime XCX is. XC2 is taking that style into overdrive unfortunately.

I agree with these gentlemen here

XCX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XC

It's damn good. Very atmospheric, some good puzzles, a decent challenge overall, and good combat. It's good shit.

XC is only fun the 1st time through.

XCX is fun every time you play it.

learn the difference

XC ages like milk
XCX ages like fine wine

hold a little moment you little shit

both are overrated trash.

>XCX had a bad soundtra--

The first game is so much better than the second it's not even close.

Xenoblade is an all-time GOAT jrpg.

XCX is honestly a shit game.

In all the ways that matter for an RPG:
-Story / Plot
-Battle System
-Inventory / Upgrade mechanics

The first game is miles and miles ahead. And once you get the flight module in XCX the only thing the game has going for it (navigating the vast and complicated topology of this huge world bit by bit) is totally removed for 'lol fly wherever to deliver your fetch quest and fast travel back' bullshit that lasts the rest of the game. Don't even get me started on how shit overdrive or skell combat as a whole are.

God damn, XCX is shit. SHIT.

If you haven't been paying attention

XC is overrated
XCX underrated

>XCX is fun every time you play it.
Not really, there's nothing to do after you finish all the missions.

>nothing to do after you finish all the missions.
That takes a long-ass time, though.

>Xenoblade is an all-time GOAT jrpg.
Gotta be 18+ to post here.

Better characters by far
Better plot by far
Objectively better soundtrack
Decent gameplay

Better gameplay by far
Better exploration / world
More stuff to do
Better graphics
Better bosses in general (XBC has Zanza so it has the best boss, but overall its bosses are weaker)

They're both good games for different reasons. I played both, and I loved them both, but I liked XBC better because I tend to enjoy plot in games the most.

>-Battle System
>-Inventory / Upgrade mechanics
These 2 are almost the same as they are in XC...Why is it only bad for XCX to do it?

If you can stomach the horrible tacked on lyrics that sound like they were recorded on an Iphone.

Everyone here says this shit as if the missions take 2 hours to complete or something. You'll be at them for a long long time before completing them all. Even a turbo-autist that plays 10 hours a day will take a while.

The three main girls from xenoblade are nice, but none of them compare to girls like celica and mia

Go out and discover a planet all on your own! so exciting!

>everywhere you get to already has human encampments and it seems people have been there for a while

They even fucked up the exploration bit. The one thing that should have been easy. Everywhere was already discovered. What a shitfest.

>In all the ways that matter for an RPG:
>-Story / Plot
>-Battle System
>-Inventory / Upgrade mechanics
And from this list original Xenoblade excels in?

And combat