Look at what I bought, Sup Forums. You jelly?

Look at what I bought, Sup Forums. You jelly?

f*ck yeah I love the energy sword

what's wrong with ya faceeeeeeeeeeeee

Reminder: if you did not cure the genophage you are a cuck in every sense of the word and objectively evil


Is that the new duel disk?


Looks like you got bills due nigga. Pay those before buying toys.

*teleports behind u*
*slashes you 1000 times with nodachi (like a katana but bigger) before u can react*
lot of good that energy sword did ya, kid........

is it time to duel op?

*punches katana and brokes it*
pssht... are you cereal...

Let's d-d-d-d-duel!

Bought that from gamestop, didn't you?

*unleashes dicks and drools himself*
OwO what is this

>No way to save my boy legion

No, from ThinkGeek

Faggot white boy

Couldn't pony up for a Pyro mini, huh?


>poorfag got no money, no self-respect
>so he gets butthurt at common idioms

Those things would fuck your cards all up

Who gives a fuck mom is paying for them anyway, loser. Fucking d-d-duel me.

I honestly wish I could grow facial hair like that. I'm fucking hairless

>tfw asian

Why the fuck do whites get the facial hair genetics what the fucking fuck reeeeee

The grass is always greener. I hate shaving (not to be confused with the smooth feeling after a shave) and wish I didn't grow facial hair.

Looks kinda cheap, but eh whatever, your money
Hope it atleast lights up

It sucks that you're honestly missing out on one of the coolest part about being a burly, hairy dude. Hairy guys get a lot of shit for being so hairy, especially their backs and so on, but at the end of the day some women can't resist rubbing their faces against full beards. I'm pretty sure it's primal for them.