How come you guys talk about darkest dungeon but never the banner saga?

how come you guys talk about darkest dungeon but never the banner saga?
decent turn base strategy game with amazing score and incredible hand drawn artwork

the first one is free for twitch prime members and the second one will be free on march 2

if you guys download and play it during the promotion, Stoic will get $1 for each download/play towards their budget for the 3rd game

yes i'm shilling it because i want them to make a great 3rd game

also game is not grind shit like darkest dungeon

combat feels kinda boring

especially with the whole "don't kill anyone else one unit starts getting multiple actions"

also, I miss height-variations in the terrain

>the first one is free for twitch prime members and the second one will be free on march 2
Yeah, I know, and I'll never play it because I'm not downloading Twitchs trash ass launcher.

How do you play this well? Downloaded it last night and first battle after the tutorial my nonshield giant got teamed up on and went down


>free for twitch prime members

its not free

What annoyed me most about the horseborn is that some fucker was inserting his degenerate fetish into the game.

free forever?

It actually is, you're paying for Amazon Prime. All that Twitch shit is just fluff.

>video game developed by Stoic, a trio of indie game developers formerly of BioWare

Obsidian shills downplaying every other videogame in their grand scheme to collect all the shekels for their masters.

>can spend renown on supplies
>day by day the shit ticks down making player think you need to keep an eye on it
>its a waste of time to care about supplies or your army
>its a waste of renown worrying about supplies
>game leads you to believe its okay to spend the renown on supplies anyway

Fuck these devs. I hope they fixed that bullshit in the sequel.

Have characters with high armor move earlier so that your big hitters with more strength can do their damage afterwards.
Also it's better to get enemies down to one or two points of strength and leave them alive than to kill them immediately, as it means enemies that are still strong have to wait longer between their moves.

>painted nails
tholse little bits
at least the game is nt fullblown cuck propaganda
Liked the first game and the visuals, but the combat system is pure aids and made me drop the sequel

Don't let units get isolated.
Specify certain units for certain roles
1 units break armor, 1 unit does STR damage
The less health a unit has the less damage it does, this works for both your characters and enemies.
Focus on one hero for each party to get to level 5 quickly.

I fucking love both games.

>you're paying
its not free

Bar that, Bolverk was pretty fucking cool.

>max break

Bolverk could literally bring one of the strongest Dredge to its knees after one frenzy.

I enjoyed the first one a lot.
The second one was a bit more dull, I didn't like them splitting the party up and didn't know how to roleplay as the big varl. I also kind of didn't care about their characters and the game gave me no good reason to.

It had its memorable moments and some cool fights. I will most certainly play Banner Saga 3 whenever that comes out and I'm glad it made its goal.

sten was cool in dragon age

>Kickstart Banner Saga 1
>I don't really like it
>Buy Banner Saga 2
>Never play it
>Got money down on the Banner Saga 3 Kickstarter


Never played dragon age but Bolverk is without a doubt the best of the series so far.

there will be e third one?

Get on my level

First game felt like Oregon trail: Viking myth edition.

Second game felt like anime plot with all its visions, mender shit and bringing back antagonists far too soon.

just stop user
dont you have something else to do?[/spoiler] or sleeping?

I think what did the most damage to Banner Saga to me is they were trying to sell it as a King of Dragon Pass-like, and it was nowhere near akin to KoDP. I probably would've enjoyed it more had they not been namedropping in the initial Kickstarter.

Bellower never died though

Well I'm thoroughly finished with the first one, I'll be trying to do the same with the second in a few months.

I'd have been fine with them bringing him back, but not in the next game in the series. Having him rolling around again so soon cheapens the finale of the first game.

both games are shit

Regardless it's a crucial element to the story since Juno already said in the first game it wouldn't kill him, the Dredge would have surely revived him if she didn't ship off his corpse with the Berserker

It's only crucial because they wrote it into the second game. If they'd just left him 'dead' nobody would have thought anything of it.
Making it that much more impactful when he does return to lead the dredge campaign of a later game

The first game was pretty neat and enjoyable. The second had lost its freshness luster, obviously, and it also suffered from being the second in an obvious planned trilogy. I also didn't care and was not invested on the big viking-man and his shield-woman like I was with Rook, which made their split path a bit of a bore to me.
It was neat overall, I'll play the third and end the journey.

Making you take control of a character who'd already been given their own personality was a mistake.
Rook and Hakon have their personalities revealed through dialogue decisions you make as the player, which is more engaging.
Bolverk already has a set personality that people remark on throughout the game and comment if you deviate from it, which makes it feel more like you're watching him more than controlling him.

Depends though, no one knows yet what is on the other side of the darkness and by the time the caravan reaches Abberang, Boersgard is already covered by it.

You can still answer how you like, it's just that the game rewards you for adapting to Bolverk's personality.

I felt that I didn't roleplay him properly. For example, one of the twins wanted to kill me or something like that, and the punishment that seemed to be in Bolverk's path would probably be death, but I couldn't help but meta-game and try to justify sparing him. I had no trouble with Rook, since, as you said, I was roleplaying him consistently the whole way through.

And then he just turns into the end boss anyways. It was pretty contrived.

Yeah you can, but it makes for a subtle difference. In the first game you ARE Rook and Hakon, in the second you control Bolverk (and Alette if she's there) and that creates a subconscious distancing.

Felt like the writers know as little as everyone else what's gonna happen next.

Could be, they probably are making this shit up on the go.

What if we made Fire Emblem but nothing fucking happens and everyone is an ugly man?