I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks!
Sly Cooper thread
I have no idea what you're saying. And your suit sucks!
Sly Cooper thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This line always makes me laugh. Dimitri's gasp made it even better
>Sly 5
>Never ever
It hurts every day
Wait for the movie ;)
It just never stops
Why is Sly so rude? :(
tfw no furry bf
How good is the Vita port of the Sly HD collection?
Imagine Carmelita as the mom of that Ape Escape kid
>Imagine Carmelita
Back off, creep!
Dmitiri > Rest of Klaww gang = Mugshot > Rest of Fiendish Five > Dr. M > Le Paradox
So, I've got a question with the Klaww gang. Who were the original members?
Arpegio was taken on by the already established gang as an inventor (Became the leader in that time)
Rajan "earned himself a seat in the prestigious Klaww gang"
So that leaves Dmitri, Contessa and Jean Bison. Is there anything to state otherwise?
>ywn experience Sly 5 showing off Clockwork's transformation into the form we know
Got anymore?
good, 4 sucked, Sanzaru Games is shit, Sucker Punch not coming back
google the filename friendo
>didn't censor the hot monkey dick
Good job, fucko
>implying you should censor dick
I shiggydiggydoo
>shows monkey dick
>censors nipple
alright see you in 3 days lad i did the same mistake once
Also i've jerked off to that a bunch of times
>he thinks deleting it means he won't get banned
Have a nice vacation
Undercover Foxxx
If only SP stopped sucking Infamous' dick
Well I'm fucked anyways I guess, for sauce just search carmelita sparrow
Now that's what I call ban evasion
RIP user. You're probably getting a 2 week ban
your not supposed to censor the dick bub, you're supposed to crop it so it's still a little bit visible but not too much
Dear Lord...
>oh cool Carmelita porn
>it's sparrow so i know what is going to follow
Alright, I'll check it out and disappoint my penis
fucking sparrow and his pretty decent art ruined by the retarded gigacocks and body deformation shit he does in every fucking pic
I wish he wasn't the only artist that consistently drew Coco pics.
Sly 4 > Sly 2 > Sly 3 > Sly 1
Now fuck off
>not liking his gigacocks and body deformation shit
my favorite desu
I wanna yiff Sly.
Penelope > Carmelita
get outta here homo
Carmelita is the reason as to why so many furries exist today
>expect thread to be about favorite sly games/moments/levels etc
>it's just furries
Not surprised but still..
Sly 2 > Sly 1 > Sly 3 > Sly 4
Best Sly moments all come from the Canadian levels in Sly 2.
Honourable mention goes to the Ship combat in 3.
>Sly 4 that low
only nigger children would dislike 4
Only correct ranking, although I didn't mind all the mini games in 3
I enjoyed Sly 4 but I would also rank it last.
e621 is your pal
it was just more of the same, there was also something about it that I cant grasp that just didnt let the game have that click for me.
Sly 2 > Sly 3 > Sly 1 > Sly 4
The Sly 3 is the worst of the trilogy meme needs to die
t. never played 1
Gameplay wise, I agree with you.
Story wise, no.
I did. Hence why it's 3rd.
Where do you think you are, pal? Everyone here is either gay or a furfag.
Well it is your opinion I guess, at least you show signs of good taste with sly 2
Are overworld treasures counted to 100% in Sly 2?
This series has been dead to me ever since they ruined the perfect aesthetic that was Sly 2
>Look at art by an up and coming artist
>It's really good
>Become a fan
>Artist eventually starts drawing weird stuff like ultra hyper or diapers
>Can no longer get off to artist's work
Why does this happen so often?
Watch this.
Fetishfags are more likely to commission than vanillafags
Did you know that I am both angry, and have sympathy for the devil.
Who am I angry at?
And you.
If I had to guess, two heroes were left to fend for themselves by four cowards. Four sinners.
The blame was left on those heroes.
I am upset.
I am sitting on a throne made of skulls lol
Nigga pls
I really liked Penelope in Sly 3, was bummed that they made her a villain. It doesn't really make sense for her to be a bad guy.
You're right, I messed up
hunchback joke
anyone have anymore of these pictures? I'll post what I have
>all those advances Penelope made on Sly in A Cold Alliances
>Penelope x Sly will never be cannon
Okay now I know this is bait. Here's your (you)
The story in sly games has never been important and 3 has less agonizing minigames than 1.
But I legitimately think 1 is better than 2 in every way besides story. Mainly because sly was basically pure platforming with no other major gimmicks besides the stealth, and even then it wasnt as forced as gimmicks in 2
>loved Sly 1
>halfway done with Sly 2
>absolutely hate it and want to stop playing
I really don't know why it's called the best one when the missions are really similar and the game, overall, feels like a slog to get through
Have you considered using a noose?
I only played Sly 1 and enjoyed it, should I get on 2 - 4 ? also why do people hate 3
Let me tell you what it was; it was because the game wasn't focused on heisting and had time travel as the gimmick.
All the other games were sneaky mcthieves going around and doing what thieves do. The fourth was some supernatural tacked on 'muh ancestry' bullshit.
In Sly 3, Sly's family is made to seem like a gluttonous group that just hoards their money rather than a honorable clan of thieves. In Sly 3, Murray and Bentley feed guards to crocodiles and they think it's funny.
These are nothing like Sly and his gang.
Glad to see there is a lot of love for the Sly series.
last one
i want to dump a load of love into that sly fox
No. I actually want to like it, but I just can't. I'll still finish it because I bought all 4 games and want to play through them, but it's just not as fun as the 1st one.
The mini games in 1 were more gimmicky than the ones in 2.
The gang in 2 actually functioned very well, with Murray being a guy that could beat everyone up with ease and Bentley being more of take everyone out with traps/at a distance
Plus the fact that it ruins Sly as his own thief by suggesting that his father having a very similar gang (Thief, Muscle, Brains)
Sly is already taken by Carmelita and maybe Penelope
Yea, they just fucked up the characters and their personalities in 3. Complete personality change.
The only one that wasn't ruined was Dmitri.
Then again, how do you ruin Dmitri's personality?
I think gameplay wise:
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
I did like the hub-style of the first but not the repetitiveness. The third expanded on the second with better gameplay (in overworld with missions and with more 'gimmicks') and the fourth is just a shitshow of bullshit timetravel.
2 > 3 > 1 > 4
Just like with many franchises, the first is setting the concept, then the second is the best and takes a dump after that. The special thing about sly cooper is that the fourth was just very much removed from what it originally was.
They fucked him up in 4. He didn't have a single speaking part in 4.
Penelope fags are literally the worst.
3 is unfocused. too much variety. a lot of missions just feel like shitty minigames
I liked 2's overworld better because there is a lot to do.
I liked collecting clues since most of them are placed in areas I could use during missions.
I liked the treasures since the gold they sell off for is so damn good.
I kinda like the idea that Sly's dad was a huge egotistical prick who only settled down after he met Sly's mom.
But the very concept of the Cooper Vault is so retarded that I have a hard time forgiving this game.
>collecting the bottles in Sly 2
Playing through the game for the first time and this shit is killing me.
>Not speaking
Fucking hell. Never got 4 and maybe I got lucky.
Please tell me that there is at least a hint with Clockwork in the background of the game at any point. A time travel plot with various coopers? Sounds like the perfect points to show off that beast of a thief.
I do not know if this is cannon, but there's a mission when the gang accidentally travel back to 10,000 B.C. and meet the first cooper. In the hub world for that episode, Clockwerk can be seen in the background