Why arent you playing the best game of all time?

why arent you playing the best game of all time?

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jesus fuck, the edginess of BD just keeps getting worse and worse. This is what kids enjoy nowadays?


stay mad, faggot

I thought that was another mod because i don't remember BD having that eye patch guy

Make no mistake. This is no anger, this is disgust.

to be honest I stopped caring about BD already several years ago. Played it when the fuzz first started and it was quite barebones, had OK time with it, but wouldn't call it "balanced" nor well designed either. Tons of conflicting ideas, art-styles and other issues.

Have you tried D4D, D4T or MetaDoom?
I only tried two of them so far and thought they were alright.

>Brutal Doom

spot the autistic newfag

Project Brutality is better

I dare to claim that I've been here longer than majority of the current posters have been legally allowed on this site. Don't give two shits how many forks and mods your Brutal shit might have at this point.

people still play original doom? why?

>still sperging out about Brutal Doom


Mods and wads, some can either be impressive and/or really fun.

It's not Brutal Doom you autistic faggot.

Running a blood mod does not equal brutal doom.

It's the same style of gameplay as regular doom

Why would anyone play original Doom when Fallout 4 is out

Never was a fan of Doom or most of those types of games. Some of them were pretty good though, like Blood. Also not a fan of Brutal Doom's over the top blood and gore. It's as silly as ragdolls that fly all over the place when shot.

>calling BD "best game of all time"
there's a limit to the faggotry, and you & OP just went full-steam homo.

if you don't know the exact name of the mod im using for a game that came out 22 years ago youre an autistic faggot

Yeah you are since you're sperging out over nothing.

fuck off back to /vr/ you elitist.

that was my only post in this thread

>want to buy the the doom classic complete bundle from steam
>check bundlestars and they have it half off
>no matter how many times i try it always says cancelled
I guess it only takes UK cards fml

I am.

Just go to /vr/ threads and ask them were to get the games for free


Quake 1 is boring. 2 and 3 are better.

seriously now mate? Fucking pirate them already, like the rest of us. The Bethesda-controlled nu-ID does not deserve any money for the hard work and effort of the original team.

My autism needs it to be in my steam library.

>Playing Doom with gameplay and graphical mods
Spotted the underage. Bet you fucks put jump and crouch on.

i dont know what wads to play im having trouble finding a fun one. i still oipen up doom every once in a while though I love it because you can just get into the game immediately and just start playing

Also, the modding scene is like one of the most important things about Doom's legacy


>not doing both
Sup Forums really is a terrible place

if you watch the total biscuit playthrough of Brutal Doom he talks about how fantastic the level design is of the original Doom 2 while he's using jump to bypass most of the map

>not just playing the base Doom

The base game is fine as is, why do we need mods for it again?

But I am playing Bloodborne.

Didn't Carmack wanted to people mod the game the way they wanted?

>brutal doom

>Thinks any mod that adds gibs is brutal doom
Jesus fuck.

It's not like i hate the actual game, i just play the mods for fun because why not?

>Ketchup is Brutal Doom
Are you retarded?

What about Pirate Doom?

/vr/ knows more than mods than you do faggot, but that's not the point
point is you're talking to some stupid D44M kiddy

i dont get how you can get mad at a mod.
dont get mad at brutal doom. get mad at journalist that made it "the definitive way to play doom" in normie eyes.

Is Aliens TC good/fun, or is it outdated shit? This makes it seem like it's outdated. Also, what is wads? I get that W A D S are movement keys, but this image uses it like a noun.

Stop trying to save face you utter twat.

I in fact play with quadruple jump and a ground slam.

Wads are like collections of levels and maps.
Much like TNT and Plutiona or something


A WAD is like a mod for doom lol.

it was clearly fucking bait
and you STILL fell for it

doombabbies are the worst

>brutle doom

.WAD is a filetype that doom uses, and it's the basis for mods; if you get a doom mod, it's in .WAD format guaranteed

Which is worse, BD or Hdoom?

>I-I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!!!


Or in zip or rarely 7zip

>not playing this master piece


What is it about BD that makes so many people act like fucking retards?

yes. he also googled how to wipe a hard drive.

Pirate Doom is alright, but gameplay mods need their own levels. Brutal Doom's gameplay doesn't work because none of the levels were designed for it. It doesn't help that they're designed for edgelord school shooters.

Oh god, is this about the Zenimax thing?

maybe it could work with UAC labs

Brutal doom has a level set specifically designed for it.

It's popular. That's it.

its fucking garbage maybe thats why

I hope you're joking.

At least Brutal Doom is finished.

The fag who started Hdoom didn't even add in missing shit.

They didnt even announce bloodborne 2 yet

I'm watching TB's Brutal Doom mod, and it looks fun. I played Doom a ton as a kid but not since. Why do people hate it here?

No, I'm not.
At least I can get a decent laugh and fap out of Hdoom.

>I'm watching
should've stopped reading there. You indeed are part of the problem.

tl;dr: Over-edginess that ruins the balance and style of the OG game, just to spam RIP&TEAR memes and red pixels.

ultimate edgelords: the game mod.

its fucking trash, only autistic emo teens with daddy issues could possibly like it.

Literally Autism: The Game.

Poorly coding, questionable design choises and stolen assets.

Most people who hate BD are other modders who have had issues with SgtMarkIV, the Shadman of the Doom community

And yet Brutal Doom is still edgy tryhard shit that isn't half as fun as vanilla Doom.

original assets/gameplay in GZDoom is still better than BD imo.

I downloaded a weird Russian/English pack off extratorrent.cc.

It's got all these levels and packs...

It's an ok game to play when you wake up before your morning shit.

But it's nothing special...

>MUH gore enhancements
>I punched a monster and his arm flew off and covered the whole room in blood

It's childish but fun for about 5 mins.

What are the questionable design choices? The sneak attack and aiming down scopes? Seems like you can just not do that and be fine.

Does poor coding affect the gameplay? Stolen assets I'm fine with because it's just a free mod.

I think the choices has to do with fatality taking longer and reloading ruining the pacing as if the mod is trying to be too hard.

In terms of coding, the barons can get head shots but above their heads and they happen to be taller.

Wad or wads in use? Looks a bit like Doom RPG with that hud.

It's fun to play.

The only ones I'm familiar with are Trailblazer and Ketchup.

There are doom RPGs? Like, kinda like Deus Ex or more like FF with turn based combat?

Was for

Doom RPG came out like a decade ago.

>tfw too intelligent to play doom mods that don't come with mapsets

Because I have to do chores.

gzdoom's movement feels really weird compared to more vanilla ports like prboom+ and chocolate

Need to be spoonfed lads, is that the newest version of Brutal Doom in the OP?

Low tier bait.

you are the maddest person on Sup Forums atm

>0.5 hellbucks have been deposited in your account

Stop typing like a nigger.

stop being mad like a fat fedora neckbeard

less fun than original Doom.

Hol yfucken shit that is fucken amazing!!!!

That would be you.

You're literally the lowest hanging fruit.

Don't eat it, because it's rotten!

your brain

Dumb laughing anime girl.

Let's say I wanted to make a doom mod that is amazing and epic, where would I start?

What are the best doom mod forums?

Is it very hard? Let me know please.

There's a roguelike doom game but the Doom RPG I mentioned is just doom with RPG stats, levelling up and upgrading weapons/equipment along with rare and boss monsters.

It's an absolute shit to get working these days but it's worth it