Widowmaker on the team can't hit shit

>Widowmaker on the team can't hit shit
>Ask if they can swap up and go heals or something
>they swap to Hanzo and keep dying
>they swap to Mcree and keep dying
>Ask them if they can go heals because they're kind of a wasted slot
>"I'm just fucking around. But fine! I'll get serious"
>They go Tracer next round
>They keep dying
>They go Genji
>They keep dying
>They go Widowmaker
>they keep dying
>Ask them how "getting serious" is working out
>"It's just Quickplay"

The more and more I hear "It's just Quickplay", the more I realize that people are saying that not because they aren't trying, but because they ARE trying but just suck.

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Welcome to online multiplayer, user.

Play competitive if you're this buttblasted, you can still play during offseason.

He's right
It's just quick play, let people play whatever they want
If you care about composition then go to competitive

or maybe just let people play what they want

it's a game

/thread. kill yourself OP.

in competitive it would be "it's just a game"

this shit happens all the time


>thought this was an user talking about his him being in "elo hell"
>it's just him complaining about quickplay

literally stopped playing anything except Mystery Heroes and my life has dramatically improved.

How is it that people are like this about online games? What if this was [insert your favorite sportsball here] and someone on the team was just fucking around and not doing the objective/trying to score because "We aren't in a tournament. It's just a game." Would people's response be "just let people play what you want."

>Another episode of OP is autistic and want everyone to tell him
He's right, It is fucking quickplay with nothing to lose but time.

>on a board that's about video games
>thinks anyone here enjoys physical sports
Great thinking.

Are you seriously that one dimensional?
Sucks to have your life.

no literally play competitive if you care about people being serious

A more fitting picture would be person 1 sperging out because person 2 is using triangles to mark their spots instead of circles

>playing a game designed for the casual blizzard fanbase

>expecting smart and experienced teammates that are good at videogames and take them seriously

I think you got the wrong game for that.

Oh, you're one of those "I've got gold in eliminations but 0:00 Objective time" right?

Have you ever played a sport? That's exactly what happens in friendly matches.

it's a C A S U A L game. why are you getting butthurt by the fact that no one wanted to play a casual game competitively and properly?

>they swap to hanzo

stopped reading there. they never swap and just stay at 2 elims the whole game while doing fuck nothing

offseason comp is literally just qp but you don't get backfill

i don't even play the game, but anyone who plays a game "casually" when its a team effort is more autistic than someone that wants to win imo. why waste you team's time? it's bullshit. i dont give a fuck what "game mode" it is

If I can't play widowmaker in quick match how the fuck am I supposed to practice and git gud faggot?

I don't care when people sandbag a bit or try a new character. Just not when the entire team comp has a 0% chance of winning and everyone's spread out 5 miles from eachother.

It's like having a friendly game of basketball and your team is constantly going for full court shots and defending nobody

I don't think I've ever watched any kind of sports practice/event/game where someone decided to not score points or do the objective and just ran around or tackled someone.

Or are you thinking about /your/ "friendly matches" with you and your bros where you start out playing football and end up just "tackling" each other naked until your dick deep in each others asses and yelling 'It's just a game'

no what's autistic is not understanding the difference between competitive and quick play (casual)
fortunately you can mute people like you

No, I don't play overwatch. I'm saying there's literally a mode for good team composition and focused on winning
If someone wants to try out a certain hero then they should be allowed to in quickplay with out autists freaking out over it

They literally added an Arcade mode just for that.

Try 3v3
Try 1v1
Try No-limits
Try the practice range or vs AI.

Quick play is the equivalent of a preseason friendly. The answer to your question is yes, nobody gives a shit about preseason and how they play.

Im in plat and people in plat are still fucking stupid.
I still lose games not because Im bad but because theres always 1 or 2 assholes who are fucking retarded and have no fucking clue what they are doing.

You can go 40-4 and you still lose cause nobody will tank or heal or they go like 4 attack and the enemy team harambe's and genji's them no problem.

Quickplay is a fucking joke.
Playing at all right now is a fucking joke.
I just want to play a normal game and nobody fucking knows how to play but 1 character.
I mean I can fill pretty much any character but hanzo and genji but I can only fill one spot.
I cant do anything if we are missing 2 or 3 fucking mandatory roles.
I just make stupid videos with my time instead since nothing cool ever happens because nobody wants to cooperate together as a team and make awesome teamwipe plays.

I didn't know op was on a professional broadcasted team in his quickplay match.

oh so if someone in quickplay decides to literally sit there and jerk off because that's how they want to play, contributing nothing, then that's cool? fuck those other people on their team right? fucking lack of empathy is the definition of autism you dip

>play normie meme game
>get memed on by normies
How could that ever happen?

In your example you're not paying your friends to play basketball, so you play with your team because it's a social thing.
If I had to pay $60 to play with them I wouldn't care nearly as much.

is that boxer?

Probably because casual sports games aren't televised?

>pay 40 dollars for game
>you're not allowed to do what you want

literal betas

>Treating Casualwatch this seriously
I'm glad I stuck to TF2.

Yeah, man that's totally cool. Sometimes I'll swap over to Widowmaker and practice my flick shots on my spray in the spawn room. It's Quickplay, right? I can play and practice however I want.

Well I agree that if you play like shit on competitive you're an asshole. But I can't believe how these retards get so buttflustered when someone is screwing around in QP.

>play for free - "I care"
>pay money - "I don't don't care as much"

why not? it's quickplay.
you're fucking reading into this way too hard user.

well, this is why i play 1v1 games with autists and asians only, you normies are enigmatic to me

I care because those are my friends I am playing with, not some random internet retards. Like I said, if I paid money to play with people I don't even know I wouldn't care so much and would so whatever I wanted.

That's actually against the game rules because you're basically being AFK. Stop acting like whiny kids

oh so because they add an arcade mode that immediately turns quickplay into super competitive mode?
fuck off if there's no consequences for a gamemode then there's no reason to care about it other then to git gud.

How is that any more AFK than a Widowmaker who sets up CONSTANTLY out of position, and in a 12 minute match walks away with 2 eliminations?

Sure. An afk person is occasionally annoying but it's not like I go into quickplay trying to win matches. They're just warm ups or for heroes I don't generally play
I couldn't care less about losing matches in quickplay

>tfw playing widowmoker/hanzo
>tfw did jack shit, being more of a detriment than a contributor
>teammates finally call me out
>won't switch off and i tell them that "it's time i go pro mode"
>start owning them because i start trying

too easy.

Maybe they are learning to play, maybe they are just bad at the game. Stop getting so mad over casual video games, I bet you're a gold shitter.

Because they're attempting to learn the game/hero and are using the appropriate mode for it

Oh wow...you mean...the exact fucking thing that OP said in his original statement. *slow clap

You did it. You mad a complete fool out of yourself.

"... not because they aren't trying, but because they ARE trying but just suck."

>if it's literally not top level broodwar it's not "competitive"
>you can never take something seriously unless there's an elo involved

please, please, kys.

Okay kiddies, let me tell you a story from the past

Back then, we had our own servers. We set our own rules. If we didn't like them, we created our own server and set our own rules. Good servers with good rules were popular. Autists with their own retarded rules had their own rooms to shit in and they worked out too. We were all happy.

Today you have:

Quick Play: Retards who don't even try the slightest, make dumb picks, "muh it's just quickplay"

Competitive: Try hards everywhere. Literally faggots with 300 hours on genji or hanzo. Know your next move before you make it. Throw a fit of rage when someone messes up etc.

i agree with you. this shit wasn't an issue back in the quake 3 days, and people just got banned from servers if they said "it's just a game man"


They're adding the custom matches soon with all of that. So hopefully that will help.

>in quickplay
>playing widowmaker to practice her since im shit with her.
>get shit on by reaper for being appropriately shit
>he demands i switch to mercy

>switch to mei and spend the rest of the match blocking him

>hmm i kinda feel like playing overwatch but i dont want to play ranked
>i know, i'll play quickmatch since my ranking isnt affected if i lose
>"please man i just want to play some overwatch"
fuck off

I love it when I read in chat two faggots on my team having an autistic fight that "it's just a game, bro, it's quickplay bro," to the point where they start typing real life threats to each other.
Overwatch is the best.

Them being shit or having bad picks is not stopping you from playing the game user

Get some friends and play in a group then. But judging from your shit personality you must not have many friends.
Or, you know, wait until they add custom matches so you can play with other tryhard autists like you.

So what do you consider the game is then? If they're being shit and not helping with the objective and just trying to work on their aim or get kills with no real purpose.

Then what the fuck is "the game" at all? If "my game" is trying to get a Victory...then they /are/ stopping me from playing the game.

>every game is always dual healer cancer
>don't play anyhmore, sick of playing mirror matches against shitters


I love that. I love that anyone actually trying to get on the point or push the cart is "tryhard"

sounds like you people don't even have fun playing Overwatch

>i know it's a team game based on strategy and cooperation but user you can still functionally move and shoot! they aren't LITERALLY stopping you from interacting with the game!

>I can't play the game if the rest of my team doesn't metawhore the entire time and bow to my every whim
>t. bronze shitter

>people must cater to your needs

What if I just want to shoot rockets at people? I paid for the game too, you know. Get some friends and play competitively in the casual mode. Hell, you'll probably pubstomp everyone so you will be happy as tits.

i don't even play the game breh but i know op's rage from playing unranked in dota

Custom matches can't come soon enough to end all this faggotry

Hoping I can create a custom match that bans all bad hanzos and Zenyattas. Literally a huge problem with this game. Loser DPS has to play an actual healer. yes, 90% of zens think they're DPS and never heal. Hoping Blizzard allows us to view everyones stats so we know who's fucking up which would make the banning easier.

>asking strangers to change characters in QP

Autism speaks

j u s t p l a y c o m p e t e t i v e you retarded mongoloid. This is exactly what it's for.

>literally and unironically playing Overwatch

You don't even belong here holy fuck. Go complain about your shit game on 9gag. It's like you're eating feces and complaining to a food critic that it tastes like shit. Fuck off

no true scotsman

I can understand being mad about shitty matches that take way too long to end in shitty games like DOTA because of people being shitters, but Overwatch matches are only a fraction of that time.

>Trying to work as a team
That's autism?

No demanding things from others in a non competitive setting is

it's just the flippant attitude that annoys me.. i spent a lot of time in korea vacationing and it's crazy how much more seriously they take shit there.. here on Sup Forums it might be autism but there it's just the way it is. it's just a big difference of attitude between two drastically different type of gamers forced into one area by the lack of community servers

>can't handle better players throwing a fit when they suck
>goes to casual mode to throw a fit when worse players suck

The lack of self awareness in retards like you is hilarious. You're just being the exact same asshole that you ran from, but on the short bus.

People still play this shit game?

>"I want to play some casual overwatch where it doesn't matter if I lose"
>has a spastic meltdown about losing all over Sup Forums

the lies

>they pick widowmaker
>it's comp

And it's annoying when some megautist chooses to play quick match--which lasts several minutes at most--and bitches at everybody on the team because they're not metawhoring the entire time.

Go play competitive if you want to take it more seriously, or if you can just not be a little bitch while playing quick match then great.

The issue at hand is people playing unranked while still treating it like it is ranked.

that's not what the thread is about

>guys we have 5 attack and 1 tank, a healer would be great

>The issue at hand is people playing unranked while still treating it like it is ranked.
The issue is Blizzard not letting people make their own custom games.

I feel like there's kind of an agreement that if someone is going to play a game, that they're going to actually play the game.

"Wanna play a game of chess"

>shoves King into his ass. "Checkmate"


"That's how I play chess."

I haven't had a widow on my team in comp who was actually helping us, and only a couple hanzos who were ever decent.

If someone on my team goes widow on comp, they are usually griefing.

>Caring about Team Comp outside of Competitive

That would be more akin to hacking

Do you actually think that making an incoherent, braindead analogy will make people agree with you?

How. Is. That. Hacking.

Did him shoving the King into his ass actually help him win?

No, all he did was shove the King in his ass.

Hacking would have to help him win the game within the rules of the game.

Except that doesn't mean you need to shit up quick match by being a little bitch constantly because you have competitive for more serious games and nobody cares if you don't want to lose rank points because you're bad.

Dumbest analogy I've heard this month

No one wants to play as a fucking healer. Why should someone buy a game and then play it in a boring, unfun way just to make some other guy happy? They've purchased the game to have fun. If having a healer is so fucking important to you then YOU be the healer.

I don't know what's worse. Overwatch or the people who play it. They're both pretty fucking awful.

Oh I don't need, but I sure as hell can. Enjoy getting friendly walled by Mei :^)

If having a healer on the team is needed for you to have fun then you should play healer
Everyone else is enjoying themselves despite being in a position to lose

You retard