This is a Zelda game in the year 2017

This is a Zelda game in the year 2017.

This is what the open world meme is all about? Flat, bland, empty landscapes with nothing but tedious walking. Every once in awhile you come across something of interest only to face another 15-20 minutes of nothingness.

This is not a meme. This is a disease,

Other urls found in this thread:

So it's like every other 3D Zelda then?

ground textures look like shit everything else is good though

Yeah, I know, It's very realistic

The shitposting is getting out of hand now.

You've got me on the edge of my seat,

Breath of the Wild is the MGS V of the Zelda franchise

>guys! zelda is bad!
>guys! horizon is good!

That's the fucking corner of a pond against a wall. What point are you trying to make again?

>have to run somewhere for more than 10 seconds
Fuck you ADHD toddlers.

How the fuck did this get a 10 but Horizon only got a 9? Horizon has so much more depth than this bland piece of shit.

Actually the opposite.

Totally, It's like they forget that every zelda game has a giant, empty overworld that you only have to run across 2-3 times throughout the whole game, and the rest of the travelling is done by warping

Do you know what this word means? Because you're using it wrong.

>MGSV was shit, so every open world game from now on has to be shit.

>Flat, bland, empty landscapes
Name a 3D Zelda that lacked these elements.

Fuck is that an actual screenshot? holy hell

where is the color?

Did OP say anything about Horizon? No. So why do you feel the need to bring it up?

If you think that's an actual full resolution screenshot, you have brain problems

If you haven't figured it out yet, the Internet is actually the largest salt refinement operation on this planet. And it has become quite efficient, producing the maximum amount of salt with the least amount of effort.

It's quite impressive, actually. Often times I sit here and marvel at the truly enormous amounts of salt.

oh sorry, 4 goblins that you never have to fight mean's it's thriving with excitement

that's what I'm afraid of. PP currently has a 95. journalists don't know shit.

its just water inside a cave u fuck

>"Having just completed it, we couldn’t help but think of Horizon Zero Dawn while playing Breath Of The Wild, and how simplistic it now seems compared to Zelda."

kek, Horizon is a game about shooting dudes with a bow that behaves as a generic fps pistol while hiding on stealth grass

If you want to play the game well you'll have to fight them, shitpost-kun

>game is giving me a choice

Are you seriously complaining that the surface of a body of water is flat?

Fuck off, that's blatantly a paid review because Nintendo know the Switch is the final nail in their coffin.

>There have been a lot of great games over the past two years
Stopped reading there.

>p-paid review!!!
salt is delicious

>Nintendo is paying reviews to shit on other games.

>people excited about big empty maps

this legitimately depresses me.
they could've make the map a third of the size, packed it with content, had a more stable framerate, draw distance and more lush colors/higher res, it still would've felt massive.

I got 100 hours in persona 4 and look at the size of that map.

>empty empty empty empty
Keep repeating the word, that won't make it true.

You're right. The experience just isn't the same if I stop for an unnecessary fight that grants me nothing of value instead of riding past them

I'm not a true zelda player. I've never even played a zelda game because I haven't spent 50 hours killing moblins and skeletons in hyrule field

Yes. Nintendo took OOT, which was already not that great, and added all the other shitty, cancerous modern day open world elements to it.

Did the story state that Calamity Ganon killed everyone? So yeah, it's gonna be empty.

>the edge of a cliff is empty
Woooooow, why didn't they put a town here?

What a great thread. Would you mind making it again in about 10 minutes? I think there's only 5 of these in the catalog right now.

Kek you could stare at any dead space in a game and make the same fucking arguement.

>let me stare at this wall and call the game bland

All games want to have the largest world ever, instead of a small but nicely designed world that doesnt take forever to travel through and its easy to keep track of shortcuts.

Any proof that it's not empty? Because the only footage we've seen so far shows a complete fucking empty landscape.

So in other words, it's an open-world game. Tell us something we don't know.

please don't be upset with me.

In a scene with different weather and time of day.

a-and in your TV's... s-saturation setting...

>100 hours

I have over 500 hours in dragon's dogma and that game doesn't even break my top 10. That game is open world. Linear games are limited by their scope, and i'm not willing to pay full price for a smaller title just because 60 is the industry standard. I paid 2 dollars for terraria and i've gotten more hours of it than i have from the entire kingdom hearts franchise. That includes all of it's spinoffs.

is Link a better operator than Snake?

That mechanic alone gets my dick rock hard for some aerial assaults

>THIS shit again

Shills out in full force.


>he actually believes in polls

I see the japs still remember Hiroshima

I was feeling like shit. This saved my day. thanks user

>This email again

What is it years old at this point? Wasn't this email about politics initially?

Link is a better terrorist, but Snake is a better operator

>he actually believes ANYTHING he reads on Sup Forums

>being this gullibles
You're the type of guy that listen. Shut the fuck up and listen.


>someone was so buttblasted they made that fake email

Nobody would say that shit then sign their name and position

In past zeldas? Links Awakening is fucking dense with puzzles, secrets and things to do/find. Even OOT has tons of that shit, and MM even moreso.

prove its fake shill

that's not an argument

>so autistic that he thinks everything is an argument

Not an argument.

The overworld looked like shit in OOT too.
The difference being it was a tiny part of OOT, literally just padding so it didn't feel like the lake and villages were right next to each other.
The problem is some retard at nintendo said "hey, lets take zelda, a game not known for it's open world exploration, and make it exclusively about open world exploration"
I'd blame skyrim, but skyrim actually does open world exploration right, it just fails in all aspects of story or atmosphere, shit zelda used to be good at.

Here's another thing that isn't an argument: You're fucking retarded

>"hey, lets take zelda, a game not known for it's open world exploration, and make it exclusively about open world exploration"
Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've read all year so far.


I can't believe people actually take some poll that they post over and over in switch love threads as fact.
If you can't post a link to the poll it's meaningless, and probably shooped. The last switch poll I remember seeing was like 90% "no I would never buy a switch" and 8% "maybe eventually" to 2% "day 1"

Have you literally never played the first zelda game, the one their specifically look to words with botw?

Sonyggers on suicide watch

whoa you arent allowed to shitpost about zelda on here dude. delete the whole thread

>zelda, a game not known for it's open world exploration

>If you can't post a link to the poll it's meaningless, and probably shooped.
You can't just say this and then say the results to a "poll you saw"

The game looks hazy at all times. It reminds me of GTA4.

you're retarded

And yet hyrule field in oot is empty as fuck.
The first zelda game was trash, why are we bringing it up?
Atleast bring up something amazing like link to the past or link's awakening if you're going to cite good 2d zelda games, both of which are completely linear.
If they're trying to make a game based off the original zelda we're fucked, because the only rational stepping stone from there is the only worse zelda, zelda 2.

but the very first zelda was an open world

I had no idea Hyrule Field was the entirety of OoT.

You wouldn't happen to have cherrypicked this screenshot, would you user? You wouldn't do something like that, right?

link the poll

Please name one other area in OOT that is open world, and not just a linear path or town.


Breath of the Wild
>[×] - Dead doggos
>[×] - Dead horsies

>[_] - Dead doggos
>[_] - Dead horsies

Theres only one choice.

>no dead humans
Skyrim is better, has both of those and more.

Can't wait to dead me some horses in the most hilarious way possible.

It's clear Zelda is going to ass rape Horizon in terms of sadistic shit I get to do to animals in game.

Lake Hylia, Lost Woods, Death Mountain, The Graveyard, Lon Lon Ranch, Gerudo Valley and Zora's River.

Is the game already out in freedom land how do you guys know this shit already?


Zora's river is completely linear.
Death mountain is completely linear unless you're being a special snowflake and rushing the fire temple as a kid for the sheer death of it.
The graveyard is empty aside from the entrances to one minidungeon and one temple.
Lonlon ranch is compeletely empty aside from one quest as an adult, and the setup for it as a child.
Gerudo's valley is probably the most linear shit in the game, you can't proceed until you get epona, get captured and deal with that entire quest chain, and get the hoverboots, at which point it acts as a hub for one shitty minigame and one shitty minidungeon, while still being completely empty.
Lost woods is effectively 1 right path and a bunch of exits and cosmetic areas.
Why did you even post this? Did you bother using your brain? You just listed random areas which you walk down once with the intention of completing a specific goal, usually reaching something else.

The hacker Sup Forums told us

>but skyrim actually does open world exploration right
The only open world game I've played in the past 6 years that did open world exploration right was Dragon's Dogma.

>HZD has cruelty to fantasy animals disguised as robots to keep insensitivity away
>Zelda promotes killing of animals for resources
Makes you wonder about the guys at Nintendo

>realism is good meme

>You just listed random areas which you walk down once with the intention of completing a specific goal
But most are accessible from the start and all have more to find and to do than just the goal. Its also pretty clear by this point the words "empty" and "linear" are not ones you understand.

A game where there is nothing to explore did it right? What the fuck?

I cant wait to mercenary Tao my way across the overworld

Excuse us, princess............

I will never understand why / v/ so desperately wants video games to crash and burn. Bad games are bad for everybody.

Literally just shills