Game tells the story better than the anime

>game tells the story better than the anime
Sup Forums BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

>44% of anime is C-tier filler
yeah, not that hard to "fix"

>that Sakura vs. Sasori fight

give 10 examples

so one piece is now poor mans fairy tail?

still mad, cuck?

naruto is still shit.

>Sup Forums

>tfw seeing Woolie's reluctant enthusiasm that he's back in
As someone that also dropped Naruto around the same time he did, I'm very much looking forward to more.

What is happening here exactly?

person used power to make some people younger than they actually are

person got KOd so they revert back to normal

>That Garra vs Sonic fight
>That Sasori fight
>Those Pain fights
>Fucking Tekken crossover

I've annoyed to say I really liked this game

I just wish they made Tobi v blue hair a boss fight rather than a normal one in the later games

I liked the QTEs in the boss battles. It beats watching the anime having to listen to them explain their abilities each time.

I bought Storm 4 for 10 usd, no regrets, game is awesome.

>that organ intro for the "Performance of 100 Puppets" section

Legacy of Goku 2
Sword of the Berserk Guts rage

What, he's back in? All I remember was that he downloaded a Kai version of Naruto because he heard Pain's theme in some tournament, is he actually watching it?

>Naruto and Sasuke fight when they get to Orochimaru's hideout.
That redeemed the wet fart that was in the original.


he's playing through the storm games on his new channel

Fuuuck, immediatly subbing. This is gonna be a treat. Also I can understand how he'd get hyped about Pain's theme, it's just so good..
Pain's arc could've been perfect if it wasn't for the bullshit revival at the end.

>he revived everyone
>but not Jiraiya

>NUNS 1 and 2 are GOAT
>3 and especially 4 are absolute shit
What happened?

He'll only upload two episodes a week, which means it'll take forever for him to catch up

It's hard to revive someone who's at the bottom of the ocean

Is Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 good?
I saw it was onsale on Steam

The intro/editing alone makes it worth a watch. Legitimately audibly laughed when I saw the intro.

I watch plenty of other shit anyway. Supplementing 2 episodes of one LP a week is fine.

I sort of agree but at the same time can't think of a better way for it to have gone. It showed clearly Naruto will never be strong enough to protect everyone, but also showed that there was another way to save people than just brute force.

>Tfw realizing in hindsight the Pain fight was the HALFWAY point of Naruto.

Substitution gauge made fights become a matter of depleting the opponent's first and chakra dashing non stop to chain combos whenever they substitute. Thanks Generations.

Post mains

I guess you're right

it's the best since it also has 60 fps

It's unironically because they put gameplay above story. They wanted to put more effort into the combat and make it the majority of fights instead of going balls-to-the wall with QTEs and prompts like in the second game.

The prime example of this is the Bort expansion completely cutting out the Naruto and Sasuke vs. Gilgameshmoshiki fight, one of the absolute best-choreographed fights in the whole series, to make a big Kaiju battle, along with giving Bonito a fight with the villain. Which was more interesting in gameplay terms but was also completely clashing with the theme and generally less cool to witness.

The same struggle occurred with the story modes where they made less OC stuff and just wanted to shuttle you from fight to fight.

>Return-return Fruit
Oh yeah, that was Ain, right? From one of the movies?

The animation in the NUNS games' cutscenes is so nice to look at, better than most anime I've seen since hand-drawing fell out of style. Would it be too costly to animate an entire movie/show like that?


A movie, no. A series, yes. That said it can go very wrong, see Berserk.

The online meta in this game was hilarious as fuck, jump guarding and spamming projectiles for days. Good times

Hi, I'm here to destroy friendships.

>Got it on release from Bandai to review
>Want to play it again
>Not on PC
What a bother.

It's not hard to tell a better story when the original story is fucking garbage.

So, was Naruto ever really popular on this site, or do people just like the games?

Why are the Naruto games always so GOAT when the actual anime is such trash

Only watched the 1st 4 episodes of the original Naruto. Need someone to explain the ENTIRE plot as well as possible right now

Have you played the first 3?

I watched a gameplay video for 4 and it looks fun, but I stopped watching the anime after the Ninja exams so I don't know who 90% of the characters are

4 was horrible and lazy. Story mode was 90% anime cut scenes and not to mention pic related.

>tfw you will never see a hunter x hunter fighting game

blah blah blah SASUKE
blah blah ORICHIMARU blah
blah PAAAAAAAAIIIIIN blah blah
blah AKATSUKI blah
blah blah SHARINGAN blah
blah blah MADARA blah
blah RINNEGAN blah
blah blah TOBITO blah blah
KAGUYA blah blah
blah blah MOONMAN blah

It really wouldn't work well. There aren't that many straight up fights and most of the nen abilities are too specific or situational to work in a fighting game. It's one of the few shounen to not have tons of pointless fights just for the sake of it so it would be kind of weird, like how in the jojo games everyone is just trading punches instead of doing the crazy strategical shit that makes the manga interesting.

>The hands are still there they've just been blacked out
Holy shit

I'm still waiting for a Trigun game.

I just want to stomp people's dicks in as best boi

The anime becomes such a huge fuckfest once Shippuden starts

Gayboy searches for his Tsundere lover for 400 episodes basically

because the series honestly as cool powers and a cool and unique setting with what it does with ninjas but the writing is just trash tier.

Making a game with all those power sets is like cutting the fluff and focusing on what makes the series appealing.

>implying that was bad

>tfw you've watched every single episode of Naruto and genuinely enjoy the show
who here /shit taste/

If you didn't mention shippuden than I would hate you less.

Including filler?
That fish girl was cute tho

>not on PC
what's the POINT

watching it with my gf atm.

People like the games because the remove all of the gay shit from the manga/anime. For one, NUNS Naruto doesn't hyperventilate because of Sasuke during the Kage Summit Arc in Storm 3. That fact alone makes NUNS Naruto better than the pussy bitch canon one.

Me. Everyone says I have shit tase in games, anime/manga. But at least I enjoy most of the stuff. I enjoy Jap games and stuff that normalfags hate, I also enjoy some AAA games, indies, even fucking walking simulators. Same thing with anime and manga, anything goes.


Wich game should I play if I just want a tl;dr ? It can be shippuden only.

You filthy spammer.

A mixture of Minato, Kakashi, Lee and Mifune because I'm a sucker for characters that either do one thing properly (mifune's ninjutsu startup) or have options (Minato and kakashi's charge ninjutsu, minato's ninja dash and Lee's grab).
Sometime I play some Neji for his defense or Ino for her sweet feint-like ultimate.


If you want a tl;dr, you're better off buying Storm 1, 2, 3, and 4. They're all cheap and trim the gayness out of the story.

Because the gamestry to make Naruto a likeable character. Look at Storm 2's version of the Sasuke reunion against the anime and manga versions. Storm 3 fixed the trash that was the 5 Kage Summit.

Isn't Fairy Tail "poor mans x" the anime?

The later ones have some improved mechanics. I can't name many of them from the top of my head but one of them at least is the retarded 'press exactly when the opponent hits you to substitute' and instead implemented a for subs.

Sword of the Berserk is a side-story to the manga. I think OP's talking about games that re-tell the anime better than the actual anime.

DBZ Budokai 1 had 10/10 cutscenes.

Sup Forums would tell you to not be a fucking faggot and watch something actually good instead of nurutu. Or at least read the manga.

t. Sup Forumsnon

The multiplayer I felt was improved, but the single player took a step back. I dunno if that's just because the subject material goes to shit though, since I never watched/read it.

Substitution gauge was absolutely necessary. They just needed to make sure substitutions actually gave you enough of a breather, since only certain characters could really punish someone spamming it (Neji, Pain etc) and fix some retarded combos that could swing around and hit you out of sub. Either that or make jump block more reliable.

In UNS2, substitution was awful since it only cost a small amount of chakra. If you weren't one of the very few who could combo or punish with an ultimate, you'd never get one off. It also lead to bizarre high level play where two characters who clashed or landed in front of each other would spam block.

>There will never be a good Bleach fighting game

>No Bleach Ultimate Shinigami Storm ever.

Were there any Bleach fighting games?

Isnt there a single game with the full/most story? Same question for Bleach and One Piece

Dark Souls


One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 had most (no Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Long Ring Long Land, or end of Dressrosa) of the series at the time.

This game is amazing

soul carnival

Storm 2> 4> 1> 3

heres the intro

I preferred the Ultimate Ninja games on PS2; none of this 3D arena shit.

GNT4 was great too.

what's the difference between the five storm games


I'm just going to spoonfeed.

desu all the numbered Storm games are great spectacle games, you should buy them all.

That's more of a Bleach Musou.

Cc2 dbz game when? Imagine their version of future trunks arc

>CC2 made a JoJo game that was just Street Fighter without anything interesting gameplay
More disappointing than anything the past decade

muh nigga. used to play hinata too.

>the end of Jiraya vs pain


that shit was gurren lagann levels of sadness and hype


Naruto is gay for Sasuke. That's pretty much it.

i remember one exsting on ps2.

Bleach has a lot of fighting game. It's just that no one cares about them because most of them were terrible.