You... you do know that Breath of the Wild is also coming to Wii U, right?

You... you do know that Breath of the Wild is also coming to Wii U, right?

Why would someone want this DAY 1?

Great thread, how many times have you posted this one?

Because they're afraid it's going to be sold out everywhere. Hahahaha.

>being sold out

Because everyone has a WiiU, right?

why would you buy one of these when tyrone is only going to steal it from you

Because I don't want to buy the same game twice but also want to play it on day 1

When you don't have a WIIU and don't have a powefull pc for CEMU
Its quite simple

I have use for a portable gaming platform and can't stand the 3ds. The vita is nice but a month out of the package memory card corrupted and deleted my p4g save 20 hours in so fuck the vita too.

This. Try running Cemu on an AMD CPU and see how far that gets you.

>Buying inferior Wii U

I sold my Wii U for like 250 dollars before the Switch reveal. I'm gonna need Switch later this year anyways.

Why would I buy a Wii U to play BotW?

Why are you assuming that, sweetie? I'm just sick of seeing these shitty threads flooding Sup Forums every day.

no one has a wii u

I'm planning on getting it on wii u because Switch has nothing for me otherwise until christmas.

How exactly is the wii u version worse?

because if you dont care about the online on a console, the best moment to buy it is when the next one is announced because everyone starts getting rid of the old one. Buying a console at launch is stupid not only because is expensive, but also they have no games. I think the best moment to get a switch is when Mario Odyssey is out.

Because I can desu

>Delivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.

Should I switch to Best Buy before it's too late or wait it out? $12 cheaper on Amazon.

because you are one.

Not everyone has a Wii U. Not everyone is willing to get one when BotW is the system's last major game.

Where's your proof? How delusional are you?

>calling out shitposting means you're a drone
uh huh. keep telling yourself that.

waiting for the next wave of switches to get it. until then i'll play wii u botw

I gave in and preordered even though I already have a Wii U. Suck it nerd.

I don't disagree but I already had a Wii U and sold it awhile back. There's not really anything I want to experience on it other than BotW and I can get that for the Switch.

The other games I want for the Switch won't be out at or near launch, but I'd rather just go ahead and get it now for Zelda since I'd get one eventually this year.

Because disposable income

>never bought a wii u
>only pc I have is a $100 laptop from 2012
Gee I wonder why

This. I have money to spend and I like playing with new hardware even if I have other hardware that can run games at higher graphics at higher framerates.