You have literally no excuse to not be playing the best ARPG on the market. It is completely free, not pay2win...

You have literally no excuse to not be playing the best ARPG on the market. It is completely free, not pay2win, and has hundreds of viable builds. The hardworking developers constantly update the game, with update 2.6 coming out in a week.


Ah, he used that word again.

But it is boring to play

I like PoE and all but get your gay trash outta here.

Lets see my excuses... oh yeah...

I already play Grim Dawn and Diablo 2.

But why would I downgrade from Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls?


I play it time to time. I also play Diablo 3 and Grim Dawn.

Why you would limit yourself to just one boggles the mind, but to each their own I guess.

It is pay to win. You can buy an advantage over other players. Welcome to reality.

>Titan Quest: Dogshit Edition and a 17 year old game


Why do people keep saying a ton of builds aren't viable when the only thing that stops a build from being viable is lack of survivability? Are people just mad they can't get away with pure DPS glass cannon builds?

Yes. That's what they're mad about. Developers change things or add things that remove options for players to play the way they want to. That should be obvious.

I'm waiting on the big update in like 2 months

Until then I'd rather play something I haven't already seen

It misses the point Diablo 1 made. You are just thrown into monster mob after monster mob. It is a fast and quick game, but these clicky action RPG's get dull fast like this.

I already beat D3 and Grim Dawn
PoE is poopy

has neat systems but the combat feel and usability of the general multiplayer features are shit they ruin the game

poe is one of the ugliest games i've ever seen. it's impressive, really.

>playing games

LOL learn to program faggot

I already got my 36 and I'm putting legacy on hold until I'm done with breasts of the wild.

That being said, stop making shit threads about PoE.

Different definitions of Viable. Not everything is super speedclear meta viable. If you're good at the game and don't mind not going sanic, more builds become viable.

I have the best excuse: the game is boring as fuck.

>hundreds of viable builds
Now that's bullshit and you know it.

Couldn't you just take a viable build and then change it very slightly and then call it a different build?

You are those guys who hate 100 year old wine too?

just because a build can't reach level 70 in 5 hours doesn't mean its not viable

fun game to coop with, but incredibly boring solo.