mad cus bad


i literally dodged the grab even though her hands passed right through my body, and i wasnt even dodging, on NG+ as a sun bro phantom

Its a shockwave.

you can dodge it you faggot

not our fault you're used to your BABY i-frames from bloodborne

Also upgrade a carthus sword and infuse with dark to ez mode the boss for dark and bleed damage

But I dodged it though

Doesn't she have the best ass in the game?

>ds1 babies will defend this

why does ramlethal have a wakeup command throw?
god forbid this bitch ever block anything, that would cut into time she spends shitting swords all over the screen.

Golem can use magnetic powers you dumb fuck.

Anybody have the one where a dude got thrown off in this fight and his death animation took so long his bloodstain was impossible to get?


oops wrong webm

Why did he not get the Hell out of dodge the instant he saw the treasure chest sprout teeth?


Yea, had that happen that it misses the grab and still gets you

Just like Bloodstarved beast that jumps beside you but the game teleports it ontop of you

Typical Souls bullshit

>finish this area
>have several full sets of Alonne's

Starting to rail on them from behind is the fastest way to deal with them. Except in DkS2, after I got grabbed when I was behind them I hit and ran.

beat this boss first time without trying, literally got teleported in and beat it without even expecting it. Didn't get grabbed once, didn't even know there was a grab.

Get fucking good, alright?

it's perfectly dodgeable

the hitbox follows the hand until she finishes sweeping in front of her.

Just don't roll into the hitbox or it's path and you won't get grabbed

>Forgetting to name it DaSII for extra (You)s.

keke i do this every time

Why dont you take your hypocrisy and shove it up your ass

she does. Couldn't focus with her ass on my face the entire time.

Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?

>being retarded

mmmmm delicious

>not appreciating every moment you spend fighting best girl

I mean.. I've been stuck on Dancer for a month now, but the grab is literally the easiest thing to fucking dodge.

Jesus fucking Christ, dude.

Just dodge into it and i-frame through the grab. Unless the attack has some collision model that drags you along with it bloodborne actually fucked me up with that shit the most out of the soulsborne games that's how you deal with 90% of attacks in this series.

>being mad

Stay mad fag :^)

wtf i love ds3 now

ah shit I forgot how entertaining the alonne knights were, their AI was all kinds of fucked up.


That's just lag

you don't know what misery is until you rolled 3 barrages in a row


Lol what a cunt

Literally just run in a circle. Or just stay right up in his face the whole fight so you don't have to deal with the arrows.

>Everyone bitching about how hard Dancer and Pontiff are
>Utterly destroy both on first try

Really have no idea why people had difficulty with Dancer. she over swings basically every swing and easy to get behind.

I bought the game on lauch and still havent finished it to this day because the dancer broke me and made me quit the game. No boss in any previous souls game manage to do that.

>All the fucking lore in Souls
>Have no idea what's going on in any game
>This boss just shows up
>Better kill it

Your mother ?

Definitely, for not aborting you

Lore: Ceaseless Discharge's shockwaves permanently fucked this ledge all the way in the great hollow

don't have a ton

holy fuck

you must be bashing your head against a brick wall because Gwyn was way harder than her
Took me over 50 attempts to beat Friede and Ariendel though.

Not enough agility dude

Seriously m8.

I'm fucking terrible at this game and it took me DSP-tier 50 tries to beat her (underleveled though) and I died 3 times to the grab attack.

Same mate, ohh my god some people seriously need to get good.


>taking one whole try to beat dancer and pontiff
lmao fucking scrub, get the fuck out

Thank you based user.


Dancer is very well designed in that she feels like complete unbeatable bullshit the first time you fight her nut once you learn her telegraphs and full moveset you can reliably beat her over and over again without issue.

Before she does her gan, she does a weird serpentine movement that is instantly recognizable and the immediate signal to roll away 2+ immediately backwards.

Examples of kinda shitty boss design: Ancient Dragon in DKS2 with his weird hit boxes and massively inflated health pool combined with highly limited moveset. Beating him always feels lame and when you die to the """"shockwaves"""" from his feet you don't really feel like you got outplayed. Ceaseless Discharge is such a mess they had to put in a way to instantly kill him and end the fight.

Hellkite is total RNG whether he does the overhead instant death fire attack and his healing is incredibly annoying on NG+ and beyond.

One of the easiest most brain-dead bosses in the game
Usually kill it as soon as possible by killing Emma to get more souls earlier

Beat on my first try. It is strange because everyone has problems with him.

>dodge back
>dodge left
>dodge right
doesn't work
>dodge forward
doesn't work
There I just taught you exactly what is and is not effective against that attack. Now git gud faggot

>destroy her the first time i fight her
>every other time i fight her after that i die atleast 3 times
Don't even think I got hit the first time

Wow you must be really, really shit


One of the easier bosses.

>rage quitting for any dark soul bosses

Bitch play Japanese dark souls and take on oda and the ice bitch at one time and talk to me about difficulty.


somebody post a webm for fucks sake

While DaS3 isnt my favorite for a lot of reason, i have to admit that the bossfights are great.
They all feel like complete bullshit at first but when you finally get gud and beat the boss by yourself its amazing.

Or you can just be a faggot and summon 2 people to do all the work.

They're not really hard untill you get to NG+ though. Even then they can be easier since you have stronget gear.

Can you fuck it?

one more


So, whats the story behind Dark Souls 3?
You're just a random faggot hunting down lords of cinder? What makes your character powerful enough to fight god-like beings?

>tons of bosses
>all are pushovers except a couple

>a handful of bosses
>all are challenging except for a couple



>Grab attack has one of the smallest reaches of any attack from any boss in the game
>Has tons of telegraphing
>Doesn't even one-shot you if you face her at the proper level according to where you should fight her in the story

Wow, you're kinda shit, huh?

You do, that's the best part of Dark Souls, it really feels like you're built up the strength and earned the right to kill the lords of cinder


>OP right now

dude bandit knife

ashen ones are resurrected heroes so canonically you were already kind of a badass

What's wrong, unkindled kun? Are you perhaps craving my....

I am not about to wank off my peen to a videogame boss, I am not

I am NOT

>What makes your character powerful enough to fight god-like beings?
His persistence.


>Dancer was a daughter of the Lothric line, probably Gwynevere's
>Sullyvahn literally, in-universe, as indicated in the fucking game itself, mindbroke her into a mindless beast slave
What an absolute madman.

t. headcanon

nobody cares

You absorb souls until you can go Super Soulian

There's been several times where I've actually made myself not jerk off to a boss until I've beaten them, it's kinda fun.

dat waist tho

She was easily the hardest one for me too.
Try respeccing and using a different build, more minmaxing can make a huge difference.

That's an FPS unlock issue.
It's still not great at 30 FPS, but you usually clip into it enough to eventually get past the tiny barrier.

Just slap her butt


Sure, Gwynevere being Queen of Lothric is only implied in the Divine Blessing description, but everything else is quite directly stated in items associated with Dancer and Irythil.
Pontiff is the biggest fucking badass.

g-g-git gud c-c-casual

why cant they just make a proper jump button. DS would benefit from vertical movement and attacks

>instead of rolls everyone would leapfrog each other
isnt that better?

Its actually one of her easiest and most telegraphed moves to roll. Just roll to either side after running around during the telegraph. Ive never been hit by it once since i learned

her real deadliness is stage 2 combos you cant block or roll since they hit like 15 times. It takes me abou 20 tries to kill her at early game with a silver eagle shield and dark hand, but it can be done. Killing her normally lategame is fucking easy

That sounds perfectly plausible considering how braindead this bossfight was