Seriously, why they stopped making games where you battle against Hitler? they were awesome.
Wolfenstein 3D, Bionic Commando japanese version, Persona 2, Indiana Jones games...
Seriously, why they stopped making games where you battle against Hitler? they were awesome
Other urls found in this thread:
We can't play as Hitler because the Jews run the video game industry.
Nobody wants to play as a faggy American.
Wolfenstein came out in 2015, the DLC came out in 2016, give it some fucking time mate
I mentioned games where your enemy is Hitler, not the character you play as. Especially now that SJWs have "Punch a nazi" fetish, this kind of games would be ideal for them.
One game only. Wow! And yet we have lots of generic military FPS.
she's literally wearing a michael jackson outfit
That's what Salon wants you to believe, huh?
is that right user? jews run the industry? are there industries not run by jews? how have jews managed to take over the entire world? why hasn't the master race been able to stop the jews? how do your parents react when you inform them that everything that bothers you is a jewish plot?
are you implying there's anything wrong or strange about enjoying punching nazis? they're literally the niggers of white people
that's what Sup Forums wants you to believe
tell me about how the jews secretly want to exterminate the white man and let muslims take over so that Israels entire source of military hardware and primary military ally is eliminated and the entire world is comprised of muslims who hate israel and no longer buy products from jewish industries? I need to hear more about these jewish tricks before I can decide whether it's a rational fear or not
"Oh no! Someone said something I don't agree with! Let's call him nazi so I can freely punch him!"
Guess who's the nazi.
lmao calm down cletus. did I post a picture of your brother? I didn't mean any offense, you guys truly have the genes of the master race
nazis are enemies of america. it's okay to attack our enemies user, hence why we killed nearly all of them and the only nazis left are fat, inbred degenerates
Whatever. Go back to tumblr to complain about Pepe the Frog being a white supremacy symbol.
>nazis are enemies of america.
Oh my! Did germans resurrected Hitler again?
>nazis are enemies of america
Oh really!
Nazis should be punched at every oppurtunity though.
There's supposed to be a new Wolfenstein game coming soon. I sure hope so because The New Order was amazing.
People that get punched aren't nazi. It's ANTIFA which act like nazi.
Both Nazis and far left vandals are terrorists. End of discussion.
>linking infowars
you hipsters and your irony.
Is anything even sincere anymore?
>change everything about the game to hide the Nazis
>except fucking Hitler himself, exploding head and all
How did this get past Nintendo's censors?
Oversaturation and then nobody cared to come back.
>Raidou Kuzunoha
>Michael Jackson
>people deserve to be punched for having a different political opinion than me
There are people alive today who actually think like this
Should be people punched for having a different opinion? No that's just rude. I'm perfectly okay with ridicule though. I am an ardent defender of free thought and free speech, that being said there are consequences to everything, both good and bad.
Fuck off jidf trump will save america then the world!
> Michael Jackson.
> Literally hating niggers so much he purged the blackness from himself.