Western female character design suc-

>Western female character design suc-

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That's eastern design though :^)

You should check where CD Project is

>game full of beauties
>picks the man-faced slut

When did this meme start? On the build up to TW3's release? That's when I remember first seeing it.

delete this you fucking faggot


Why did you stop?


Western females characters look like actual females, not big-eyed aliens

>insulting best girl
you should be gunned down

How cute is she?
I played tw2 but triss made me feel anxious like I feel around real women.

>Man faced
KYS fag

not as cute as ciri

also play w1 you cuck

>western character design is hori-

>leeterr is a good animat-

Yen is alpha as fuck

Eastern Europe is considered to be on the fringe of Western civilization.

Didn't they use hookers as models for Witcher?

Yen is the ''ONLY'' choice,anything else is in beta male territory.

If you're gonna use Witcher 3 as an example at least use the best girl Triss

U.S. devs could learn a thing or two

What the fuck is Kangaroo land??

i like to play video gam-



>he's not actually going to cum in m..



Back to the elementary school geography class with you.

bruh she THICC :100: :fire:


Why is she so best, lads?


das it mane


Only true alpha male NTR fans can appreciate a girl like Yen who after cheating on you always eventually comes back to cuddle with you.

For people that don't know, she actually canonically cheated on Geralt for close to 10 times with different men including a rival of Geralt that made fun of Geralt behind his back for fucking his girl, Triss only cheated on you once in TW2 with Roache's men on the boat at the very start of the game.

>Trissfag enters the thread

>"haha dud, cuckoldry" "no i haven't read the books lol"

>Imply Geralt is a good little saint
And how many women Geralt has boinked?

this user knows

ahahah. triss is cute though, cmon!



>Triss only cheated on you once in TW2 with Roache's men on the boat at the very start of the game
wtf i dont remember this


Furfags get out

I see you are new here.

>medieval times
everyone fucked everyone back then



Still a furfags

Not me ;-;


Truly, an underrated post

Great, now she looks like that dyke from Orange is the New Black


It didn't happen, one of them proposed to Triss and that's all




You control Geralt and can make him keep it in his pants, can't say the same about Yennefer

The only reason people don't like Yen is because they are thin skinned faggots would can't handle even the mildest of banters

Wrong file friend. Be grateful I got your back

But user,you can't have it both ways. You implied we were going from the books aka hw many men Yen slept with were we not?

The only reason people love Yen is because they are masochistic cucks that never get tired of being ordered around

Nope,I'll only take her if I can get the Redhead combo meal user.

Developers confirmed that "something might have happened, that's better left unkown to Geralt [laughing]" when a fan asked them on one of their Q&A interviews.

Yeah,I like my girls timid and weak like schoolgirl who has a crush on me.


It wasn't me. Also, what makes you think their relationship will be any different from the books when they can't stand each other after being together for a while? Because they've been through some shit and realized how much they care for each other? Done already, nothing changed.

Pretty much this.
It's mainly men who are looking for mommies that find Yen attractive.

Don't forget lie an manipulate.
Yen does what she wants and doesn't lie about it.
Triss does shit behind your back.

Sad that you have to resort to destroying her face when all I would have to do with Yen is bring up her looks before she got her magical surgery

>Geralt I need you to help me, can you do that?

WOW what a masochistic cuck


Silly me, wanting to have a woman I enjoy spending time with instead of bitter cunt that sooner or later will get tired of me and dump me as always

>implying Triss is trustworthy
>implying Triss doesn't get banged for her high court positions

ITT: Trissfags being too beta for Yen again.

How ? Wha-What mod ?

>tfw too beta to be cucked

Its not our fault,lea....leave us alone!

>being lied to and manipulated is not being cucked

Best combo in the game,other girls can't even compete.


The joys of sex and game developement.



>witcher 4 with Ciri never because huur duur muh empress ending

I just want to have lesbian sex with Queen Cerys. Goddamn it is that too much to ask?

It's an NTR visual novel about a THICC girl. Are you still interested?

if she's thicc and not """"thicc"""" as in lard


>Queen Cerys
Damn,I forgot about the spicy redhead user!



t. NTRfag

Is there a single Japanese character that can compete?


>The alpha male doesn't prefer the submissive easily dominated woman like Triss
>He prefers an unruly woman who walks all over him, controls the relationship and that cannot be put in her place

I never understood that argument, really. Can't bookfags just say their choice is superior because it's canon? This extra Freud shit makes no goddamn sense.

Females aren't appealing though so no problem for me.

Well Sup Forums

he likes the challenge
plus triss manipulated him during his memory loss because she wanted his dick, she isn't a good person

>Females aren't appealing though
I bet they aren't twink.

ciri how it this even a question