Who here /don'tgiveafuck/?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice chair stains, I used to wipe bogeys on my old chair because getting tissue paper was too much effort. I have a new chair now though and broke the habit.


Nice chair stains.

I like video games!


And boys!

Who's the cute bear on the far right?


Lain? You mean my right wallpaper, right?
You asked.

It looks like a room in a model home but a good one where you're like i wish that was my room

finally had time to clean everything up

W-what's your Steam name..

A battlestation thread just before I fall asleep..

My luck...

That is not a polite way to ask.

Finally someone who isn't a complete autismo.

>"Muhhh organization."
>"Muhhh lack of clutter and general disregard for the shit I own."

You're cool, user.

How about you,

and you,

and every other literal faggot get the fuck outta my thread.


Yes you want faggots who weren't even going to post to come in here?


I want to watch this homo slide his boipucci up and down on those dildos.

How is that gay?

I'm a different homo, homo.

I want to fuck Meowie.


>tablet dock next to bed

holy fuck i want this

You're a faggot and I'll slam your shithole brutally.

Good night user.
X2s should be coming in the next couple of weeks, looking forward to trying them.

Doubt it. I have the build of a fucking sasquatch and am a top.

Please be kind to me.

>Come into this thread for builds
>Nothing but faggots

Hitler was onto something in the 40s

Hug Meows




>Le ebin Titanfall meme.

This place is cancer now.

I respect anyone who had Korbo as his waifu.

I wouldn't say waifu. I do have two Horo figures and the Nendo pre-ordered though. Also Horo's getting a Nendo if you weren't aware.

Nice wallpapers, can you share them?

Where my /poorfags/ at???

>adesso keyboard


You wouldn't know poor if it raped your girlfriend.

people who post picture of their meme alcohols are the worst, no i don't care you drink alone in the dark shitty craft brews mate.

what are those stains from? no way they're cum or pee unless you have a micropenis

>overwatch on ps4
for what purpose?

poorfag reporting in. hopefully wagecuck soon.
cant afford a desk yet

Hows the xar? i'v wanted one literally for years.

what kind of studio monitors are those?

Here you go user:

cool station, lame wallpaper, shit ps4 collection, awesome cat

Be kind!
It's good if you like thick. I personally prefer thick to long.


>plastic folding table even though there's easily $1000 worth of shit in the same shot

>Not just consuming whatever comes out of your nose

You don't get sick and it taste good. Plus, no having to dispose of them and shit.


god is dead

>I personally prefer thick to long.
I prefer thick, long is usually painful which Is why I usually go for butt plugs over dildos.

I use spit as lube more often than not.

I've been trying to break that habit for a very, very long time.

Shameful as fuck, homie. Shameful.


>the hat exists

/r/ing diner coordinates

>titanfall background
>ultrawide monitor
>blue snowball mic
>kraken "le maymay" rum

i bet you have a beard and are in a STEM degree program. can you smash that bottle of meme liquor and cut your own jugular?

>what is craigslist free

Friend wanted me to play, but now neither of us play.
I haven't touched my PS4 in awhile, been into MH4U.

I have a few wallpapers. I need more.
>Not liking Tigrex

>>plastic folding table

>Thinking STEM isn't the future of humanity.

I don't like plugs personally, they just sit there and don't do anything.

This is my only wallpaper:













I think someone needs a smooch, c'mere user.

Fucking hell I don't do it in public or anything, just when I get home or a moment of privacy.

The anons with lolis and other weeb shit are much better

You eat your own snot, user.

You're a pig.

Poorfag reporting in



Why the fuck do battlestation threads always become full of literal gays?


>taking classes that are harder than all other classes in school
>being upper middle class for your whole life

yeah, actually you're right. STEM is the future, because really fucking smart people will do the valuable work of advancing society, but they'll do it for upper-middle class wages because of "m-muh stability" and absolutely 0 enterprise or social skills. STEM is the future in the same way that slavery was the future

Welcome to Sup Forums


because fags keep their dragon dildos on their desk for easy access to ass-ramming action

It's the same on Sup Forums

where is this?

do you ever watch your neighbors through the windows? i would do that shit all the time.

I'll change the background to some anime girls to please you fag.

Ultrawide should be a standard, you are just to poor to own one.

I wouldn't use anything other than the deathadder, and i'd beat you at any FPS.

Yep def have a stem degree right here.

>desktop icons

Srsly brah


Why wouldn't you come to Sup Forums to discuss dildos?

IIDX and dildos~!


Please....stop posting.

I'm no good at IIDX, even though it's fun.

How the fuck can you afford your power bill

Get your wires together.

Shhit is gonna catch on fire


I also used to do that but i got i new chair and stopped being austistic.



Id do this if i could


You act cute when you're frustrated

What about the dildos?

>never seen this bait posted before

