There will never be another mmo that feels like playing wow for the first time

>there will never be another mmo that feels like playing wow for the first time

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except for all the free chinese ones
WoW is nothing special

You never played Vanilla WoW and are probably below the age of 22, basically a child.

Man I could have been balls deep in slavic and hispanic pussy but i played that game instead no regrets honestly

Oh no, what a tragedy. There will never be another garbage mmo like it, whatever will we do.


I'll actually agree with this.

I played WoW for the first time in 2006. I also played Perfect World International in around 2007. The feeling of awe was only slightly less for Perfect World.

r-really? Im 21 and feel like an old man. Thanks for reassurance

Only lorefags understand just how great it is to walk around the World of Warcraft.

Wow was and still is fucking trash

There are lots of them right now, they just don't feel the same because you're not playing them for the first time.

WoW is generic and not unique at all, especially today. Loads of games give the same feeling as it. It's not the game itself you miss, it's the nostalgia. You miss being young and free and staying up at night to play, you miss having a group of friends you'd play with and see at school, and you miss how novel and amazing it all felt before the years made you jaded with experience.

>playing runescape
>friend shows me WoW
>shows me the mage class
>you don't even need runes

blew my fucking mind.
In fact I can still feel it, I still remember what that feeling was like.

but user, i feel disappointment at every new mmo i try

>Sup Forums forgot what day it is

>you can do fucking anything, lots of skills to partake in
>items actually exist in the world

>all you can do is kill shit or deliver shit, nothing you do really matters
>items are just menu abstractions

why did people pay 15 dollars a month for this?

I felt the same fucking way

>all these plebs who will never have a clue what EverQuest was

>you will never play Vanilla WoW for the first time ever again
>you will never play RS2 for the first time ever again
>you will never play Morrowind for the first time ever again
>there will never be a good video game ever again

it amazes me that you idiots haven't caught on to the fact that you having played the game for years has more of an impact than the updates on you seeing it as "fresh"

there are tons of MMO's that feel like playing vanilla wow to younger people because they haven't had the same experiences with multiple MMO's and RPG's in general that you've had to make such a comparison.

>tfw you will never be able to enjoy games made after 2006

Fucking casual scum

revelation online will change this

I thought it was tomorrow wtf

>tfw yI realize all these games are garbage and you've become jaded

thankfully I am woke

Demon's Souls came out after 2006. I can't think of another decent game post-06 off the top of my head.

> you will never be able to ignore the tedium and grinding and find enjoyment in pointless repetative tasks like when you were playing any MMORPG as a child

g2g brb

Graphics, abilities, amount of quests.

They were both great games that had things the other lacked. True patricians played both.

>amount of quests
you either deliver items back and forth or kill 5, 8, or 15 of some monster. every time. they were not quests in any sense of the word

At this point I don't think I could even enjoy a a WoW 2.0, every single game that comes out nowadays is either poorly optimized, plagued with micro-transactions or managed by complete morons, possibly all three.

Quests weren't really involved until Wrath though, Vanilla and BC had some decent chains. But even that, you can't seriously think that WoW had better quests than RS did. They actually felt like ACTUAL QUESTS. It was like one of the main appeals of the game.

same, I don't think anything will match that feeling for me ever again

I'm never going to understand the appeal of fucking cute zombies.

I said amount. Quantity, not quality.

People became addicted to WoW because of its skinner box characteristic, providing an endless dopamine feed through constant xp and loot rewards.

The first time I ever loaded up WoW was in 2004. I had no idea about release dates back then, I'd just go to game shops and pick up PC games with the coolest screenshots on the back.

The Vanilla WoW box had Velcro on it and opened up into three compartments, and Lord of the Rings was still recent, so I bought that. It took hours to download onto my shitty PC. I literally left it on over night to download the patch updates.

The loading video was absolutely amazing. When I finally got in the selection screen I was blown away by the graphics. There were so many races, too. I picked Night Elf. What the fuck - Druids can turn into ANIMALS? I entered the realm with the coolest name. The visuals, the magnificent voice over, the orchestral music, the fucking SIZE of that tree. It was the most excited I had ever been in my life. I played the game the entire day. I ate at the computer. I stayed up as late as my body could take. I set my alarm for only a 5 hour sleep so I could wake up and play it again. Literally the most fun I've ever had and I'll never have that feeling again in my life.

Runescape for first mmo was WAY better than this shit

nah, the sheer fucking scale of Azeroth and choices in character creation made it a much more enjoyable experience for a first time.

I'll argue to the death RS2 has the best quests in any online game but WoW was something else.

I miss pre-WoW mmo's, AO was amazing around the time it turned F2P, the sheer amount of people playing made it a blast to just walk around and talk to other people


>Literally the most fun I've ever had and I'll never have that feeling again in my life.
It's because someone has been trying to poison you.

It's not me, but I'm still sorry.

just turned 23, feel like my death is around the corner.

1998 and 2004 were the best years of gaming

this year actually seems like it has a decent lineup, but we'll never reach that level again

Literally the most immersive MMO I ever played. I was a dirty froob though. A fucking opifex enforcer too.

Omni best faction by the way. Those fucking sci-fi/cyberpunk cities damn.


>that feel when you heard the elwynn forest music for the first time
fuck it felt like i'd just stepped into another world
i wish i could play new games with the same. open mindedness and wonder that i did when wow came out.

>opifex enforcer
>black trench coat
>wielding a Support Beam of Intolerance

I'm 30 and the game was shit when it came out. Shit combat, shit story, felt like a shitty Morrowind.

It was only a significant feeling because MMO's were a new and exciting thing back then and were a big factor in opening up the world to online games in general. To play the game that introduced most people to the genre was a big leap if you consider almost everyone had only previously been gaming on consoles or offline on PC.

for me it was always the most obscure places in WoW that set off my nostalgia. The Thunder Ridge in Durotar seemed so magical to me with those damn thunder lizards

>you will never play Morrowind for the first time ever again
You'll be able to play Morrowind 2

>Shit story
>felt like a shitty Morrowind

You never played Vanilla WoW, neither of those make any sense. Morrowind and WoW have barely any similarities.

30 and you still sounds like a Sperglord.


really doesn't need to be another mmo that feels like wow the first time

it was just a mashup of what mechanics were most popular with other mmos
don't need to experience that again, i'd like some unique flair instead

Bullshit, Ultima Online, Runescape etc. had been around for years. WoW was special.

Another MMO that feels like grinding in a theme park? Pretty sure I could find one of those by picking an MMO at random.

I liked exploring. Everything is on rails usually though so there's no way for me to be a level 10 in a level 30 area and go "wow holy shit this area is so cool!!1!"

I can't replicate that guideless experience because it was my first time. I know those wolves across the river in southern Elwynn are only level 20 and not just "skull". I know about that dragon in the center of duskwood. I know about those stealthed fucker sharks in the ocean on the way to zimbabwe troll raid island in stranglethorn.

Although, I did feel something very similar when coming back to old school runescape and passing through the members gates after not having played it in years. Maybe it's the sheer amount of freedom or that sense of wonder I missed.

I think there is potential for it to happen again, just not with how MMOs are designed these days. We live in the information age too so nothing is really hidden. All the guides on the internet back then were questionable and did not delve into the deeper mechanics of these games. You would have to be severely inexperienced or just flat-out retarded to mess up in today's MMOs. Not even modern WoW can match up because their design philosophy put so much mary sue into your character that you're not even vulnerable. No matter how much they may redesign the world or make new ones in expansions they don't have that risk or danger.

I like coming back to these old games and expansions of games so I can look at those worlds with a completely different lens starting out or doing something I didn't do before. It feels refreshing in a nostalgic kind of way.

I just want to go in with my ass hanging out of my pants instead of being told to go read a guide 24/7 again. I miss when everybody was retarded.

>there will never be another era before the wikis, attentionwhore dataminers, and jewtube/streamers posting their early access and 'secrets'
>people will never stop bringing their real life issues into videogames or are dangerously stupid
I fucking hate I experienced the latter in every single MMO past 2012.
One of the most notable events was in FF14
>Running low level roulette to level AST
>Our dragoon is doing too bad/cant stop dying
>Tank asks him to stop fucking sleeping on duty
>Ask him to stop playing videogames and relax with something else
>He was level 39
This scenario is way too fucking common to be honest. (specially the MAAM I WANT TO HAVE FUN I JUST CAME BACK FROM WORKING OVERTIME REZ PLS)

Bump. My Mind says Purge the Scourge for the Crusade... but my dick asks.. "Sauce?".

The only good thing about WoW is that making fun of and mocking its players is very enjoyable.
Fat sheltered virgin nerds, and their lame MMO nobody gives a fuck about.

>Want to replay it
>Realize the community will never be the same
>Shitty ass everything

The only thing that makes me come back is moonguard, what is even good to play as these days?

I played a ton of MMOs back then. Before then I was playing MUDs. OnRPG was a forum that encapsulated that one Sup Forums mspaint comic about "You will do this for the entire game".

WoW really did nail the exploration aspect pretty damn well. It was easily one of the best I played.

Elysium . com for those with the time and patience to play vanilla again. Seek out Make Horde Great Again on Elysium PvP. We're going back to 2006 bitches. Nefarion drops this summer.

desu everquest has always been superior, you're just too jaded and low IQ to see it, WoWKiddies for a reason.

Yes, but only nerdy teens and grown men who previously hosted LAN parties played those, or even knew what they were. WoW opened up the floodgates.

>le i'm an old soul xD

cancerous fucking faggots, gb2leddit

Hey, at least I admit I'm a fat sheltered virgin nerd and I'm perfectly fine with that.

>He didn't go to the clubs to pick up the ladies

Fuck me, I never got too far (only finished Temple of the Three Winds at most) but my favourite thing was delving deep, deep into the subways to fight fucking Abmouth Supremus. God the tension, the feel of a good group.

Anarchy Online was legit fucking fantastic in almost every regard. I was never a fan of how stiff the combat was or that you needed to buff yourself 24/7 to use items, but other than that it was a 9/10 to me.

>played Runescape between 2002-2008
>played WoW at launch from 2004-2010
>played on WoW private servers
>returned to OSRS ~1 year ago
>play OSRS exclusively now
>OSRS doing great
>tfw blizzard too stubborn to release official classic servers

Lol fuck off

>OSRS doing great
I wish it was, but I can't even load the game client. Thanks Fagex.

The difference is that old WoW held up to the sands of time. Oldscape is hot garbage that even nostalgia won't let people play.

>felt like a shitty Morrowind

that has to be the stupidest comparison I've ever seen holy autism

>tfw rolled an iksar shaman and strolled up into (insert any location here)

I don't know why I never rerolled. I didn't even make it to the glory levels before I switched to other MMORPGs.

>OSRS doing great
they're going to have to make another fucking 07scape soon since it's becoming unrecognizable again. it's not even 07scape it's "what if after 2007 RS was developed by another, less experienced and smaller team"

>you will never spend 18 hours a day in battlegrounds/sitting outside of Orgrimmar dueling whle you wait for queues again
I miss those days my small server had a nice group of people who would all duel eachother and we all had rankings of the best on the server now the game just isn't fun anymore
I tried to recapture some of those moments on private servers but it isn't the same anymore

I wouldn't mind keep playing Wildstar but the UI is fucking bloated cancer and their implementation of action camera is fucking shit.

Of course it's not the same. You're what, 10-12 years older now your view on life and games have changed drastically.

they fucked up by adding in the god damn grand exchange again. immediately knew it was going to turn to shit from there.

It's not classic servers we need

It's the expansions, but without instant queues from anywhere in the world and people from other realms.

I want to be able to go to a dungeon on my mount with other people, i want to be in a zone, and make buddies like old times, i want to see brand new content and do it with people who actually give a fuck about being social, and not screaming about how you need to learn fights outside of the game

>I don't have as much fun on my 12 year old game like I did when I was a kid

really makes u think

>tfw you will never grief again without getting banned in any game

And make datamining impossible considering people can look up every single item, mount, mob or piece of plot half a year before the xpack is released. Ruins the mystery completely.

Implying wasting even more time in a game that already takes a shitload of time to buy 45,000 Bowstrings makes the game better

don't i fucking know it, same as dungeon finder in WoW, as soon as you discourage socialising in an online game you've fucked up

RS's playerbase was incredible for trading back in the day, there were no "official" areas for trading but Varrock bank and Falador park just naturally became the areas to do it and you'd find out through word of mouth, same with the completely player driven economy, it was brilliant

32 year olds are millenials :^) look it up :^)

You got me there. Some faggots DDOSing the servers for weeks now. Did a recent ban wave happen or something?


Is that a 2nd spine glued on to her back?

Wow was in the right place at the right time. Mmos are not the same today because even if it's your first, it isn't the internets first (not was wow I know). There is no "magic" in being part of some digital world anymore. Back then it was just about kicking off. There was novelty in it. They combined this, with blizzards genius in creating addictive mechanics, and an open and graphically persuasive world, and it kicked off just as gaming really started too.

I enjoy FFXIV, but only because I play it on and off with each patch, and because I avoid other players like the plague.

I just want to feel that magic and mystery again Sup Forums, why is it so difficult???

Someone help this "man".

lol people being nostalgic over wow

you do realize wow was the game that completely destroyed the genre for the rest of us right? It's been a stagnant mess ever since. Being nostalgic over wow is like being nostalgic over COD 4

>tfw I first saw someone abandon an infernal in goldshire
>tfw I saw horde camping out in goldshire and everyone bitching
>fastforward, grief people today
Probably my favorite thing to do in multiplayer vidya.

FFXIV is a way better game anyhow. If you want vanilla WoW go play on a private server.

It has nothing to do with games and everything to do with age

Youre senses are literally heightened during your early years. Everything is innately more vibrant and memorable while your brain develops. it's biology. Nothing will ever be as memorable or nostalgic as those formulative years and there's nothing you can do about it

Replaying vanilla won't do it for me, user

Vanilla was glorious, but i don't want to grind the same content again. I want to play through the new shit but as if it's was vanilla

Is there even any private server that creates content so people can enjoy the game more?

yup, people bitch no one talks anymore in games but when someone asks a question they get a smug "google it" response.

It neutered the social element of trading and creates a system which can be exploited by trading guilds that always amounts to the economy taking a turn for the worse. They had a trading post system where you could just put up an ad in-game and people could PM you, and also the forums. The grand exchange was a completely unnecessary quality-of-life bullshit feature that turned the game into even more of an asocial grindfest. There was a lot of fun to be had in trading at random banks with people who didn't know how much valuable shit they were giving away, but with the grand exchange in place they just ran down there and sold it for the dictated market value.

whats a good ragnarok pserver

You're wrong though, there are plenty of games coming that manage to get me feeling the magic of adventure, recently I can cite Xenoblade Chronicles, Skies of Arcadia and Dragon Quest 8.

Hell the first time I played Dark Souls was like HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS GAME, it had a fucking top tier atmosphere and exploration, also those shortcuts...

Just that MMOs haven't been able to capture the magic of adventuring, of mystery, of getting good loot that matters, of going off the beaten trail and finding interesting shit, of making friends with the same objectives... Thats what I want.