Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Leon just walked into his house, he wasn't even welcome. Pretty rude if you ask me.

Leon. He didn't even have a warent.

That doesn't justify trying to kill him

>go to spain
>break into a man's house
>talk to him in english
>don't understand him,and shoot him in the face

Why is Leon so fucking retarded?

Home defense, his life could've been in jeopardy.

He didn't intimidate him and he left the door open, that shit wouldn't fly in any court

But Leon is a secret service agent. You can't just attack a CIA guy.

in the U.S. it does

It's called castle doctrine, a man's home is his temple

This isn't in the US.

yes it would. If you just walk into someone's house, that is grounds to shoot them. In some states just walking onto someone's property is enough.

But again this isn't in the US.

>that is grounds to shoot them
Not in Spain. And chasing him with an axe isn't the same as shooting

dirty foreigner

I don't know about gun laws in Spain, but I imaging him walking in (presumably) with an illegal gun changes things.

The United States Government for sending in an agent in what was most likely an unsanctioned OP instead of utilizing an allied government.

the fuckin mexican didnt even give him a chance to leave

Little rough, don'tcha think?

Reminder that Leon is always wrong

>Lost in the middle of the woods
>No one in sight but there's a house
>Since the door is open you enter and see if there's anyone that can help you
>Ask a guy near the fireplace for directions
>He tries to brutally murder you with an axe
>This is okay according to americans

>if someone has their door open it's okay to just waltz on in

He had a gun with him. The poor Spaniard was probably fearing for his life.

Switch Hunnigan with Sheva and I completely agree.

>tfw jose wasn't even one of the plagas
>tfw jose was the last uninfected villager left
>tfw he was just angry and confused that an english-speaking man with a gun barged into his home while he was cooking
>tfw he even offered to help leon and misunderstood leon's response thinking he threatened him
>tfw you murder an innocent man at the beginning of re4

>If someone enters the house through the door you intentionally left open to ask for help it's okay to chop his limbs off

Hunnigan would be together with her probably if i had more space and wasn't a lazy fuck

He had official police escorts

Yes. yes it is.


You are faggot. This thread is shit.


Allied governments are all incompetent. Like FUCK I'd leave the rescuing of my daughter to a bunch of socialist european goons if I was the fucking president.

>Leon only emotional response after commiting murder
>"He's not a zombie"

Also this

The game IS set in Spain but they all have Mexican accents because fuck it that'll do lmao

tfw you'll never have a harem with claire, jill and hunnigan

>jose literally greets him with the equivalent of "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT ASSHOLE" and proceeds to swing a axe at him
>Also doesn't stop when Leon tells him to and points his gun

No he doesnt offer to help him.

He literally says" que carajos estas haciendo aqui. Largate cabron" which means wtf are you doing here. Leave, cabron." when Leon is about to leave he tries to hit him with a fucking axe.

This thread is stupid.

ur dumb

so? seriously, by RE4 Leon has killed a fucking lot of people and this is some irrelevant island of irrelevant country

Am i wrong

If you walk into a strangers house and they say "what the fuck are you doing in here, get the fuck out"

would you leave or point a gun and tell them to freeze in their own fucking house

>walk into random house without knocking or announcing self or identifying self as law enforcement

>dont bother learning any spanish, even though im going to spain looking for someone, im sure i'll never have to fucking ask someone a question

>homeowner pulls out an ax

>shoot him dead in his own home for defending himself from a man that broke in to his house that has a gun

>dont even find out theyre crazy until after i already killed one

>mfw im the hostile local

Leon was literally leaving

>foreigner with a gun barges into your home and points it at you
>but you're not allowed to defend yourself

Replay RE4.

Leon is about to leave, the Gannado swings the Axe at Leon. At this point Leon draws his gun and tells him to stop.

Watch the scene again

Now that you mention it I never noticed the villagers make the faggoty 'thhhh' sound spaniards make when they talk when I was under attack. They said IMBECIL not IMBETHIL.

That's because the man withstood over 5 9mm shoots to the head without flinching, the guy was obviously going to wonder if he was human or not.

That doesn't mean every single person he kills could be a zombie. It's a dumb thing to say, especially in another country. It's kinda racist 2bh.

How about you watch it again. he puts the photo back into his pocket, he doesn't turn around or start to leave.

But that's irrelevant. Wouldn't change anything if he started walking away. Still in his house.

>Leon taken into custody after Racoon City.
>Given an option.
>Work for us, or we kill the little girl and you.
>Leon works for them.
>Ends up having to deal with more shit then its worth, worse then Racoon City.
>Leon essentially given up all hope by the end of RE6 dealing with this shit.
>Dosent wanna deal with the shit at all in the new movie.
>Chris still revving to go.

My biggest question is, when is Chris going to get it thru his fucking head he has been working for Umbrella all along just under different names.

>That eternal suffering when you find out the girl you gave your life to protect ends up working for the same cocksuckers who hold her life in their hands.

>Who speaks with a Mexican accent

He sounds Mexican to me

Nigga, go play RE7 right now.

Read my reply faggot
Leon shot several times at the guy and he didnt flinch, the guy can survive like 3 headshots in the easiest difficulty.

Zombies are real in the world of RE, so if you find a guy who suddenly is able to get shot 3 times inthe head and keep going with his day, you're going to wonder if he's a zombie or not.

>Not "Leon is always wong"


Nigga I was one of the fuckers who leaked it.
And guess what.
>I'm Redfield.
>Fucking Umbrella logo on the chopper.
My point still stands, if its Chris, he is still working for Umbrella, except there isnt a magical other name to it like BSAA or Tri-Cell or anything else.

>Steve's body is being kept by a unknown company.
>Its possible he can return to life similar as Wesker did.

Go play RE7. Seriously.

Someone needs to update this and put Redfield instead of Carlos in the pic


But i knifed him. A man can take 20+ stabs before dying.

Dog bless

What does playing RE7 got to do with changing the fact that Leon got truly fucked over?

He had this shit in his cupboard, don't tell me he didn't deserve it.

>Steve returning to life in any way, shape or form

President's daughter gets kidnapped and they send one guy to get her back?

>man gets stabbed and doesn't give a fuck, keeps coming at you with an axe
He's probably doped up on PCP or something, Leon did the right thing by putting the degenerate down no matter how you spin this

>Wesker took his corpse because it had the only remaining sample of the T-Veronica Virus.
>States "Its possible we can revive him"
>Wesker, or that group, had samples of all the other viruses.
>That same group is responsible for Eve, or it was another group, with similar shit.
His corpse is still out there.

Well, it worked.

>BSAA is Umbrella

That actually makes some sense. A fucking paramilitary """"NGO"""" it's sketchy as hell.

leon is essentially a murderer.

>steve existing in the first place
>being named steve

>some gringo busts into your house without knoccking
>has his gun drawn and approaches you while talking loudly
>pick up nearby axe to defend yourself
>get shot in the face

nah, leon's a cunt.

>not understanding Santeria culture

I thought it was common knowledge at this point that the BSAA has been taking care of BOW outbreaks while at the same time recovering samples of each event, in fact, didnt RE6 pretty much state that the guy heading it up WAS in fact doing what I just said?

They kill him at the end.


Relax, Im sure Capcom forgot about Steve the same way they forgot Sherry had a partial "smallest form" of the G-Virus in her body to help her recover from damage as well as Sheva or Leon having issues resorting from the Las Plagas.

Just look at this faggot. Just look at him and tell me he deserves the air he once breathed.

Steve was a mistake.

Simmons? He was USA national security chief or something. I'm playing it now and the BSAA has almost no characterization other than Chris and his butt buddie. Also, what a shit game. I'm struggling to finish it.

I liked ethan.

>axes his wife

>tfw you never bothered playing a Resident Evil game after 4 because it's all action drama bullshit that completely forgot the zombie horror element

Revelations also helps confirm these things.

The new movie the guy with the viruses can control the zombies, so they are improving the BOWS. Soon it will be a contained outbreak.

What we really need is a story explaining that Racoon City was not an accident but merely a test to see the results of a full blown outbreak.

Afterall, didn't Revelations state they used a solar beam cannon to wipe out a city to scare countries into having BOW countermeasures?


>twisted fucking psychopath

My understanding was it was a sensitive subject. Probably didn't want the whole world to know the president's daughter had been kidnapped from her own country by religious extremists.

Also was it 100% confirmed that they knew she was there? I can't remember if Leon was just investigating or was actually heading out there to retrieve her.

It always annoyed the fuck out of me how the dude turns all the way around to his right to look at you instead of just looking to his left.

*teleports behind you*
pshhhh, gosh byutiful, i said i was sawrey

leon was holding a gun in his hand, and the guy didn't speak english. he probably thought leon was robbing him.


In Spain? Nah.

LMAO you're the first person I've seen point that out too, I always thought it was either some weird shit with the animation or they did it on purpose to make it more unsettling looking.

>having skulls is illegal


Santeria is cuban you retard


Too many burger moves gave brainwashed you.

>it's always the local's fault

Is one my favorite movie memes

It was probably to make it seem unsettling but my autism just fires up, like FUCK just turn your head slightly to the left you goddamn retard!

>home invasion
>can't communicate with the intruder
>he's carrying a gun
>miles away from any help
I think it does, Leon was absolutely in the wrong here.

>literal who brownish Mei Ling on par with the Chocolate Princess

You just lost a lot of my respect son

Hey, if i actually made a ranking Sheva would be higher than Hunnigan, but grouping them like that is different.

he didn't actually attack him until Leon drew his weapon, before hand he just picked up the axe as a way of saying "go away" in a way that didn't necessitate using English.

link the vid!

Reminder, the game doesn't take place in Spain. The developers called it a "rural European country."