I just love watching events where trailers for games are first released, and seeing the crowd go wild. There's just something so great about people being really hyped and genuinely excited for a game. What are the best examples of this? Here's the reveal of Super Smash Bros Melee, I love the crowd reactions and how excited they get
Best videogame reveals/reactions
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Here's another great one for sonic mania
I think that might have been the happiest moment of Miyamoto's life
Watchdogs reveal.
Too bad the final product was mediocre, though I think people were more hyped for it because it was during the time Gen 7 was reaching dire straits in terms of blowing people away with interesting games.
Yeah i came to post this.
"299" *mic drop*
Goddamn Sony, goddamn
>people will never get HYPE for Samus ever again
Seriously why did people love samus so much. First time in 3d?
Could've predated Metroid Prime, though Samus was 3D in Smash 64.
Maybe Metroid hype peaked back then because Super was the last known Metroid game, which was quite a high point in the franchise (it's my GOAT personally).
this one was fucking crazy
Metroid was in a long drought since Super and I dont remember Nintendo really addressing the series' absence over those years.
Seeing her show up once again reassured the fans that they remembered she existed at the very least.
Before Smash Bros, her last game appearance was Super Metroid.
People give a shit. Look at the cheers for Ness.
We could've had a a god tier reaction to Megaman in Smash 4. FUCK.
Their next E3 better be a conference, especially since it will be public again. I need to hear the cheers for a new Metroid. Just one last time...
was that bill?
Fucking savage
Yeah, dude's been with Nintendo for long damn time.
seems ike people were more enthusiastic and optimistic back then.
those guys on the crowd must have been some real fucking professionals to not laugh their asses off right there
Not going to lie, Kickstarter was a boner killer. Same with Crash Bandicoot only to end with SOMETHING SOMETHING SKYLANDERS. God just fucking kill me.
>This has yet to be topped
Nobody mentioned KH3 yet? This is the holy grail
This easily trumps it. The internet lost it's god damn mind.
Nah that's fucking gay. You can see the KH3 one people are literally BTFO
This was the most hyped I have ever been for a video game, and the biggest reason I learned to temper my hype for upcoming games due to the massive disappointment that I had with the final game.
God that's fucking funny. Why can't things be like this again?
Then I ended up hating the direction Retro took it in, such is life on Sup Forums.
Hey, remember when people were excited about seeing Conker make an appearance during the 2013 E3?
Remember how everyone then ended up disappointed, but still a bit hopeful, with the rest of the Project Spark reveal, hoping that someone could at least some good Conker stages out of the idea?
Sure sucks to be them.
I guess they'll have to make their own game.
Mine was Metal Gear Solid V. Every single trailer they put out for that game looked better than the one before it, causing me to grow more excited for it than Star Wars fags for The Phantom Menace in '99--ultimately to similar dissatisfaction with the released product.
>that was almost 16 years ago
>it's a "corporate games industry shills act excited because their jobs depend on it" episode
It's still bittersweet because the gameplay and mechanics are the best in the series by far but the repetitive missions and non-existent story just hurt.
I share your thoughts OP, but at the same time, watching these is suffering, because you think about what could have been instead of what we actually got. Not all is bad though, of course.
I'm sorry you have autism and can't see the difference between corporate shills and people who are actually excited.
>that moment when Link appears and it takes a second to process that this isn't a new Mario, it's a fuckin' new Smash Bros
If you think any of the enthusiasm you see in an IGN/Gamespot/GameTrailers video is genuine, you are one gullible fuckwit.
I sure was
Recent one. Too bad the guys in the back stand up so you can't see them react. Bosman is grand though.
Is that Bill on the right? Holy shit time flies.
Man I miss when Nintendo had good presenters. All of the Treehouse people are faggots and Reggie is absolutely insufferable.
It's like you never seen anyone excited before. Which I understand, I mean you probably don't go out much. You are on Sup Forums on a Saturday night after all.
It must be a miserable existence to think every single thing is someone shilling. I don't have the autism required to have a mindset like that. But by all means, go on. :)
FF7 Remake has nothing on KH3, because people literally GREW UP on fucking Kingdom Hearts. I played KH1 when I was like 8, KH2 when I was 13, and then a bunch of games in between, waiting for 3.
I was 20 when that trailer dropped, and I nearly fucking cried.
>That sploit second flash of the title that's so fast it literally takes like 5 seconds to register in your brain (Remember Smash for 64 was a pretty low key/boring game)
>All that cheering for Ridley
Yet they still ignore him
Here's an interesting concept you maybe haven't noticed; People are born all the time and are born at different times. This means that different people grew up with different things. Lots of people were 8 when FF7 came out and grew up with it.
I guarantee there are a lot more Final Fantasy fans out there than Kingdom Hearts ones.
>All these hype reveals
>Most of them turned out to be mediocre games
Whatever dude, keep eating up the manufactured hype being fed to you by the people who exist to sell you pre-orders and season passes. Don't show any skepticism to the people who have vested interests in the financial success of the games industry. At the end of the day, it's your money being wasted, not mine.
What games do you like user?
>e3 back then
>mostly just fans of games, excited as fuck for new releases
>e3 now
>mostly just reporters and employees
what the fuck happened
Because it's easy to please fans who would come to an event and it's easy to create a promising presentation.
It's always been an event for press and business. It's only this year that they've officially allowed in plebs off the street, although the practice has been growing in comparison to years past.
that kid is so entitled that think the world is around him and everybody have lived his life.
(also, people that are still waiting kh3, probably didn't actually "grew up")
Its easy to forget just how hyped people were for TP. While people liked WW, it wasn't really the epic zelda they wanted. The trailer for TP was like "Ok, this is THE Zelda game, this is the super serious, epic as fuck, Zelda". It recalled the Zelda teaser from that 2001 conference.
Some of the reactions to the FFVII remake and Shenmue 3 were great regardless of how shitty they may turn out.
that's because the istant hype we get from an announcement is tied to the saga or the previous title, not the game itself.
and since 90% of the times "the next episode" of said saga WILL NOT be the best one, we will suddenly be disappointed.
that's why a non retard should never be hyped. not on that level at least.
this was probably the biggest fuck you that an game company could do to their fanbase
>this was probably the biggest fuck you that an game company could do to their fanbase
fucking koreans (can't find a better source)
that's great though. why can't we have a megaman game like that?
like the incredibles.
Eat a dick.
Sony did a proto "299" with the used games video
>I grew up with a thing so my thing is better than the thing that other older people grew up with
I'll only give you half credit, cause youngshits like you are the bulk of the gaming audience currently. People in their teens and early 20's, which the industry caters to. People like me that grew up playing N64 and Playstation are in their early 30's and have moved on from gaming.
I was 16 when PS2 released and you were like,8? So you can clearly see the difference in what a teen would like compared to a child.
I loved that. Microsoft's E3 that year has to be the worst E3 any of the big three has ever had. They got raked over the coals.
And this one too. It was pretty great. I love smiling ear to ear when that happened live
It's assumed Kickstarter was just Sony gauging how much interest was in it and they;re actually doing like 90% of the funding.
>People like me that grew up playing N64 and Playstation are in their early 30's and have moved on from gaming.
And yet you still return to shitpost on Sup Forums
The fact people are cheering for this, but we know this is the only reason Microsoft had to do a 360 (i can't loot invincible 360 no scope do a 360 turn around) I mean a 180 on everything they just announced.