Wait, what?

Wait, what?

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't care if it is or not, it's shit.

Sonypony butthurtt would be hilarious though.

It's a PS4 exclusive*
*also available on PC and Xbox One

Key word is "can be" not "will be"

It could be nice to mod it but I also thought the same thing about dark souls and it ended up barely having a modding scene so dunno

After weeks of shitposting about how bad it is, those same people will probably praise it as game of the year if it does come to Steam.

They only had a 3 month contract and it would be absolutely retarded not to cash in on multiplat.

It's clear the game is popular.

Its a good game, if more people can play it and give them money for Nioh 2 im all for it

t. PS4 owner



Who cares, the game was nothing special

Enjoy a mediocre game PCucks

more like..... niohT an exxclusive!!!!Q




grow up dude

>name fagging for 10 years take your own advice haha


shut up

Provide source to the article you autistic prick

kys faggot


Sweet. Now everyone can enjoy a great game, and we can all enjoy Zelda, Nioh, Nier, etc.

And we can all shit on Horizon that piece of shit.

It's a good year bros.

stop using my name thanks

It's shopped from an article about that Crash Bandicoot remake bundle you fucking idiots.

You're using MY name. What the fuck is wrong with you?


I'd say enjoy the game but most people in this thread won't be playing it

Enjoy your console wars.


why would you call me that?

seriously grow up

why would you steal my name and pretend to be me?

you should be the one growing up

Why is Geralt in samurai armor?

I'd say you're all faggots.

please stop harassing me or i'm getting a mod in here


please stop harassing me or i'm getting a mod in here

Nothing is really stopping it.
Sony only footed the bill for production costs in countries other that Japan.
Sony doesn't own a single thing about the game.

I'm calling the police if this doesn't stop right now.

>google it
>it's obviously fake
When will you non-sonyboys just man up and buy a PS4 already?

I love going on craigslist and sucking fat old men cocks

Not if I call them first


Well there goes another reason to buy a PS4. Maybe in 2020 it will be finally worth it to buy one.

stop using my name

Maybe you should check for a source before posting, user.

After you m'lady

fuck you

never EVER

>mfw my Xbros and PCfriends will eventually get to enjoy Nioh as much as I am

People figured this was happening forever ago. I'm happy about it, looks like a good game.

You guys all realize OP is fake and are just pretending, right?

It's fake, no such article exists on gamespot


Finally, someone else who treats this like the good Christian imageboard it is. I thought I was the only one.

I know that feel my fellow sonygod

Oh shit I'm sorry

>TFW your console doesn't suffer from having NO GAMES to the point that you literally spend your time making fake articles about games coming to your system instead of playing video games


PC gets literally every worthwhile PS4 game and additional exclusives.

Don't worry, it really isn't that good. I played through the whole game already.

>repetitive as fuck, every level looks the same and you fight the same five enemies the entire game
>game follows the same setup for enemies throughout the entire game. you fight some shitty human enemies, then come across a big demon enemy. rinse and repeat
>dual katana with onmyo magic buffs and debuffs turn every single boss into a piss easy cakewalk
>armor has useless extra effects that do not matter at all
>diablo-like loot system which means you're constantly picking up armor and weapons that are barely more useful than the ones you're currently using
>no builds necessary. one build can be made to use all weapons besides axes maybe
>stamina becomes infinite during the second half of the game and light attack spam becomes the most effective way of dealing damage
>living weapons are literally "press x to win"
>can summon teammates to turn every boss into "press x to win" because the teammate you summon is usually insanely overleveled for the area you're in
>no PvP
>shitty side missions that take a couple minutes to complete and are usually the same thing over and over again
>game stops being fresh after 10 hours only to leave you with 25 more hours to grind through repetitive easy missions
>level does not matter, I finished the game 40 levels under recommended level with no issues
>by the time you're at the end of the game you can just run through the fucking levels until the next checkpoint with no issues

It's really fucking mediocre. It's a button mashy action game once you play more than the first 1/4 of the game.

N___ E___

N_I_ E_R_

>Still doesn't have a fucking release date for PC
Top kek

Reminder that the game which started this meme was later released to PC.


I sure do love sucking cock