I dunno how to start a thread.
What do you guys think of the game?
Who's your favorite character? Least favorite?
Favorite part or scene?
I dunno how to start a thread.
What do you guys think of the game?
Who's your favorite character? Least favorite?
Favorite part or scene?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder not to support SJW devs, even if they make cute games.
>What do you guys think of the game?
I like story based games, it's got me pretty enamored at the moment but mainly because my real life is pretty bland and friendless so it's cool seeing these kind of stories unfold
>Who's your favorite character? Least favorite?
Fav is tied between Mae and Bea, I don't have a least though Angus kinda doesn't do much
>Favorite part or scene?
I kind of wish Angus got more time yeah, id love to have seen more of him!
well then post a magnet link so i dont have to give them money
Aren't you tired of the political bullshit you bring up at every occasion?
Agreed. He's a cool dude and has sick malwarebytes executables on USB drives
>dancing at college party
>press down
What was your face when
Twitter - The Video Game.
Wow! So exciting!
Questions still unanswered:
>Why does Mae have her dreams
>Who were the gods in the dreams
>Who was the final god in the last dream
>Was goat god real or just imaginary?
>Is Mae legit batshit crazy?
>What happened to Bruce?
>Is aunt molly a cultist?
>Will Bea shag Mae's carpet for experimentation?
nu-male games
Just so nobody has to ask, the webm is not in the game, it is instead a video made by the artist years ago.
>you lived to see Sup Forums praise indie garbage with no gameplay
While I did wish we got more answers, I kind of liked how ambiguous things kind of got.
It kind of was a bit more 'real' to not have everything answered.
>Aunt molly a cultist
Yeah I also am quite unsure if she was or not.
who is best trash mammal and why is it Mae?
The Pyromancer boss in Demontower is fucking bullshit
>What happened to Bruce?
He killed himself, he said he was going to see his children again but he said before they were gone.
Train tracks.
About the 5th one, yes. She either has psychosis or a severe case of dissociation.
I want to impregnate her with human-cat abominations
>playing sjw indie "games" with virtually no gameplay
Can't stand this "game". There's nothing but dialogue. At least Undertale had battles
>Just in the graveyard
>Gets Maes embarrassing story
>goes with college
>oh god no stop
>please no
I kinda want to know this the most. I really want to know why Mae suffers those dreams, she mentions at one point if she was picked purposely for the dreams but apparently not? or? idk ?
She means well with her friends at least so she's not totally nuts, but.. shit man idk.
I think she obviously has some mental issues, and has to see someone OTHER than the town therapist. >"No he used Repress" in order to help improve on them.
>What do you guys think of the game?
Weird. Definitely enjoyed it, worth the twenty bucks for me, especially since I'm kind of biased towards these story-centric games, but I do have a few gripes with it. Dialogue can be a bit eh, pacing is strange, and the way the story wraps itself up is... weird, and rushed.
Still, putting all of those aside, I genuinely enjoyed the experience and got a few good spooks/feels out of it. Worth the money, had fun.
I might replay it to see what I missed. I never got to hang out with Bea, yet. And I'm sure there's a few things I haven't found either.
>Who's your favorite character? Least favorite?
Gregg. Reminds me too much of a friend of mine, and is making me think about chatting them up again. As for least favorite, hm, probably Pastor K. She just felt awkward, and I wasn't too sure what the point of her was.
Or, if she had a point, it was a bit too hamfisted.
>Favorite part or scene?
Going ghost hunting with Gregg was fun, and the train scenes with Lori are up there too.
Yeah theres quite a bit of replaying if you missed out on any scenes. So totally worth it.
I also felt it was worth the price of admission. I actually bought it like 2 years ago for 15$, and then also got it on Ps4 because I have no control
>MFW I thought it couldn't get any worse.
>MFW it got worse
Speaking of replaying, I'm going to do my second playthrough (Gregg this time since I did Bea the first) what are some easy to miss things? I heard you can go on the roof of the diner or something? is there anything there?
I want to see all the content I missed and I think I missed a ton of shit. I know about the Mouse chick on the roof I won't miss that this time.
Something about pretzels you can feed rats? what? idk
it gets even more worse
Legitimate insanity. Mae is messed in the head and is even diagnosed with it, so returning to town and settling down rather than solving her problems made it worse. She also has been massively unhealthy since college.
Fake and yes
Dead, either by his own hand or the cult, probably.
Oh yeah, did you find the duck float? and Lori M is on the roof and there are some things you can find with her, and even Bruce has a scene or so.
Never again "One time in college"
One of the downtown buildings has a window you can slide open and enter, but you have to wait until the rooftops are open there.
So where are the saves located? I want to start a 2nd playthrough but I don't want to delete my save.
You know those windmills scattered around the rooftops?
Triggering them by repeatedly jumping on them causes a little extra scene in Angus' ghost hunting bit. One of them is in the diner roof.
Sadly, and this is my main issue with the game, to start a new playthrough you gotta actually go into options on the main menu and delete your save.
>Mae is messed in the head and is even diagnosed with it,
How did it happen? what happened to her? I just remember she started seeing things as shapes because of..reasons?
Holy shit I did not know this. I'm gonna try that.
>duck float
Sometimes things just develop, and suddenly come out due to something, in her case it was realizing she kind of was obsessing over characters in a game that didn't matter [if I'm remembering correctly]. This is what sent her over.
>it was realizing she kind of was obsessing over characters in a game that didn't matter
I hope I don't go over the deep end
because I tend to do that
>the song during the second dream
God damn anyone know what it is called?
Yeah she talked about some ghost dating sim, and how she realized they were all just characters on a screen.
And same user, sometimes games hit us hard.
Man the second the soundtrack comes out I'm getting it.
No, they haven't released the soundtrack yet.
>finding this comfy little game and its relaxing music only a couple days ago
feels good knowing that i didn't have to wait for three years for this game to come out and can play this charming little game from the get go
Look up the Lacanian Oedipus complex. It's the idea of when you recognized things as things (signified/signified) and mentally break and want to just return to that point. Like that moment when you realize cartoons are nothing more than animations when you're a kid.
It's related to the mental disorder of disassociation where you just completely fucking lose your shit, conceptually. College, bitch
I absolutely love the song in the town itself just walking around, it's kind of sad yet happy at the same time, hard to explain. Well the first few days anyway I remember the music changes later
How the fuck do you get on the diner roof and the one left of Rat kid
I couldn't figure those two out
such a great song - until the soundtrack comes out im just sitting here listening to youtube.com
>didn't have to wait three years for this game
Y-yeah me too user.
The one by Lori has a smokestack or something between the two that you can jump on to make the leap.
The diner one is a bitch, but in front of the diner, by the door, there's a lamp you can land on. What I did was get on the streetlight to the right, jump just as you're about to walk off of it, and then spam jump to ensure that I jumped off the lamp onto the roof instead of just walking off of it.
So let me see if I have this right:
Is this the latest indie FOTM game (ala undertale) that people sperg over because of it's WACKY, QUIRKY, LOL SO RANDUM with FEELS story, writing, characters and not because of the gameplay?
What should we call these games? THey're not really games, people people just sperg over the FEELS and """humor""", never the gameplay, since these devs and players obviously don't care about gameplay...
>Lacanian Oedipus complex
Are you sure that's the name? When I look that up it just gives me shit for the Oedipus complex, and unless that has multiple meanings, I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant.
>And same user, sometimes games hit us hard.
I think my problem is I tend to look at the characters, the events, the settings and then just think on my own life and just..wow, I don't know something happens. I mean I'm grounded enough not to be dumb and think "my life sucks boohoo" because it absolutely doesn't. I may have 0 friends but I have a loving family, a (albiet part time) job, and a home. It can be much worse and I'm in a good spot overall, so I keep that held in my mind..
but then I think of Mae and the characters and settings and shit idk. I wish I could have friends. Go on adventures. Live in a town where everyone knows my name and I know them. Connect with people like that, with friends, develop something like Mae and Bea did.
Idk. This doesn't happen too often, but a game like this really makes me think about these things and it puts me in a really somber mood for a while.
fuuuck dude yeah normally i hear about a game and end up having to wait at least a year for it but i only stumbled upon this one because i saw a thread last night - so glad i did though
I saw a trailer for it and saw on the site they let us pre-buy it.
Totally worth it though.
Even though pain.
Yeah this game is kind of hitting me hard on some of its themes.
I legit heard about this game for the FIRST time just yesterday in a Sup Forums thread. Man, I feel for that guy waiting 3 years for it.
Yeah, I'm wrong. It was his Mirror Stage that explained everything.
It's hard to pin down one specific thing for him because there's some overlap with his other stuff.
It was a painful three years man.
How tumblr is this game? Does it pander too much to nostalgia, feels or "So relatable" bullshit?
And if anything, it kind of calls out how some people can act. It doesn't paint Mae [or all of the characters] as good or bad.
If anything, the game calls out Mae for acting bad but never says she is a horrible person for feeling a certain way.
And definitely not nostalgia driven.
based on this post, don't play it t b h
bruh what are you even doing in this thread
I remember seeing some promotional art when it was first announced, but completely forgot about it until it released.
Surprised it took them 3 years to make this game. I know development can take a while but still.
I imagine it was story re-writes or coding changes.
Or optimization n such.
>you will never be 18-20 again and play rock band with all 3 of your buds
It hurts.
>not in it for the comfy atmosphere
Wikipedia says that has to do with babies recognizing themselves in mirrors, and unless I'm just glossing over it, I don't see anything describing what you were talking about. Was it mentioned in a paper he wrote about the mirror stage and doesn't have a specific name or something?
That sounds nice
Why? do you mean he game is tumblry
Legit curiousity
Yeah don't worry, it doesn't paint acting the way Mae does as good or bad. It just says she acts how she does, and when she's bad other characters know and tell her.
It doesn't glorify any sort of tumblr-esque stuff.
Why does one of Mae's ears look kind of chewed up? Did it happen in a knife fight? Is that like a trendy thing cats do to themselves in college or something?
As far as I can tell it's never explained. But Mae does get into some situations, like fights and climbing a lot and other dangerous activities so it can only be inferred she probably scraped it somehow.
Or she wanted to be cool.
Chicks dig battlescars.
I believe she mentions that a dog bit a piece of her ear off
Oki doki I will give this game a try
This game is made by mentally ill bluepill nu male cucks. So dissapointrd to see that Sup Forums had been partly subverted by weak men with shoit taste in video games. Stop giving the people who are destroying what millions of your ancestors fought and died for money.
fuck off cultist scum
Yeah, its story driven but if you like that sort of thing its a really good story. It's definitely NOT for everyone.
Who is the best dancer and why is it Bea's noodle dance ?
Threadly reminder that Mae is real and you should comfort her.
>it's another one of those games where the actual product is insanely flawed but discussing it is comfy and fun
memes please
If you don't like Tumblr you won't like this game. It glorifies the blue pill self degenerating millenial life style that is destroying the west. There is literally a scene where the creators sperg out about gamergate and misandry. Don't be a pussy and buy a game with gameplay. If you want a story go read some literature
Does this count?
I wouldn't call the game insanely flawed, but it's definitely got its issues.
Namely on the PS4 a good chunk of graphics never loaded, but did on the PC? And some things do feel awkward.
The fuck is going on at the bottom right?
I know it's loss, but is she crying tears of joy?
Mae had a hard life.
hi there mr developer
>mr developer.
Hahaha implying I can create anything and don't just ditch my projects at the start.
>Sup Forums unironically playing a game where some randumb-tier faggot does GIR's Doom song
This game needs some more memes, ASAP
Stop shilling this fucking non game
What scene is that pic from? Is Mae making fun of her for wearing the shirt from Urevoltuon? I did all of Bea's events and never saw that
someone find the blank template for this and do something with it
>29 posters
>91 replies
so it's mostly a circle jerk and a few shills
great walking simulator dev now fuck off back to le.ddit. At least Hollow knight has gameplay
It's Beas FIRST event at the mall.