Hollow Knight

>What is this shit?

A nonlinear action platformer that released Feb 24th on Steam and GOG for $15

>Why should I play it?

For its great atmosphere, OST, boss fights, and level design

>How long is it?

20-35 hours depending on how much optional content you do

>Where's the torrent?

Google it.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a bad first post to keep copy and pasting, it's far too shilly. Change it next time.

Enjoying the game so far, although having to find the guy for a map every time is frustrating and poor design imo.

Music when I was wandering the garden reminded me of Grandia, so it must be doing something right.

asking again, what's a good way to make easy geo so i can buy everything all the jews hanging around have to offer?

asked last time but will ask again, where is the map dude in the snowy area with the bee area

>This is a bad first post

go to the arena

Officially lost. Can't get past the red circles (2 are the purple mushrooms that only give you low bounces, the other is a cube). Been to Fog Cavern but couldn't find a map, only found a connector to greenpath, and a path to the left I couldn't progress through. The two rail systems in crossroads are offlimits currently too as well. I can't find any spots that aren't "lol come back later with the right powerup"

Where go?

How's this?
>What is this shit?
A nonlinear action platformer that released Feb 24th on Steam, Humble Bundle and GOG for $15

>Why should I play it?
Do you like Metroid, Symphony of the Night, Metroidvanias or bugs in general?

>How long is it?
20-35 hours depending on how much optional content you do. There's an achievement for beating the game in under three hours. May require NG+ but if anyone can beat it vanilla in under 3 hours please record it.

>Where's the torrent?
Hell if I know but here's a Mega with the preorder bonuses in it.

the rain area is pure kino

Go farther down-right in the Fungal Caves and find the Mantis Village

The enemies were so cancer.
I'm stuck on the boss.

Where's the arena ? I finished the game without finding it

...and where is that?

Was killing all the ghosts in the graveyard a bad idea?

>purple mushrooms that only give you low bounces
sword strike down on them

Can someone tell me how to reach Kingdom's edge ? I tried going into that opening in the elevator shaft between king's station and resting grounds but it was a dead end

I accidentaly dropped down from crystal cavern to where the 3 dreamers are. I got the dream sword and backtracked back to city of tears, where I see one of the dreamers marked,

So far i got dash and walljump. (did mantis lord)

I am not sure where I am actually suppsoed to go next

the shills aren't even trying anymore

Ah, thanks. I figured it was a block until I got double jump or something like that.

>Having to find the map guy
FUCKING THIS, this shit absolutely killed me while I was exploring the toxic forest area, I never found the map guy and had to worriedly run around untill I got to the boss and could buy the map in town after.

Also the lack of interesting enemy drops that I've come to expect from these kinds of games is a bit dissapointing.

I'm literally going to buy this unless someone in this thread convinces me not to.

Do you have something else to play right now? Do it and wait for a sale.
Do you not? Buy it.

i got there with the tram

don't buy it

Convinced me.

>from resting grounds to the center of queen's garden without getting hit or using the stag

this is a joke right

pale ore locations boys.
i need one more for the fourth nail upgrade and i have no earthly idea where it could be. any assistance is appreciated.

From where ? The only trams I can see are Deepnest - Ancient Basin and Forgotten crossroads - Resting Grounds

where can you upgrade the nail? at the smith in the city?


Fucking christ, how do you get to any of the dreamers? I've explored almost the entire map and I just don't seem to have the right upgrades to progress.

has anyone figured out yet how you can get through the bacl shadow wall things?

also how do i get to the queens garden?

Someone post that global map again.

Where the fuck do I deliver this foower to?



>All the Lesser Spirits are Backer Rewards
Some of them are also really cringey. Half of the stuff in the Glade. Hard to believe that Cloth is too.

Dont make bulletpoints for it unless it's on /vg/ faggot

This game is just so much better than the other indie Metroidvania's we have had lately like Ori or Valdis Story. There were other good ones but this one is superb.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Hollow Knight developer

Can I get a map of where queens garden is?

Anyone got a map of City of Tears? I really want to stop playing for a bit but I can't find a damn bench or Stag station.

Literally never heard about this game until today. Picked it up today beat the first boss. Seems pretty polished for an indie Metroidvania.

Just don't do this, it doesn't look like you love the game and want to talk about it, it looks like you're literally trying to sell it to me.

>We are friends. Welcome. Sit and rest.

Both Ori and Valdis are fantastic, the former being one of the best games to come out this decade.

Why is Hollow Knight superior?

Why do bosses feel like they have retarded amounts of hp?

You aren't taking every chance you have to hit them

Not the other user but hollow knight puts you into it with like the bare minimum of what you need to know and just lets you discover shit on your own and the game is fucking enormous. I've spent like 13 hours so far and I've only gotten one dreamer as of yet. Ori is entirely too story driven for my taste even though it's a beautiful fucking game with really great platforming despite being a tad short, and while Valdis has a better combat system the artstyle is really not attractive and you're pretty railroaded as to where you're supposed to go.

Does the glade have nothing besides a King's Idol?

There's an Essence tree, too

Some of them do. Example: The 3 Warrior Spirits I've fought thus far have had a huge amount of HP for what they do.
>Elder Hu spams coins and you can only reliably get a hit or 2 in between waves, 4-6 if you are lucky enough to not have a coin drop overhead and he doesn't transition to coin wave
>Xero spams swords that readily catch you no matter where you are and doubles the speed at about 2/3, doubles the swords at half, and is really spammy overall, but has a ton of HP
>No Eyes teleports about her rooms and just sings wall spirits fly about in the room, more damage taken, more spirits
>Mostly hangs around up top, the Ghosts do too, so getting any hits in at all with so many Ghosts is almost impossible, so unless you can readily predict them all, you gotta just chill on the lowest level until she picks one of 3 spots you can suitably attack her

That is irrelevant. The amount of hits translates into hp.

What is the point of the Moss Prophet?

Because for the most part you can hit them at any time rather than being a Zelda boss where you have to wait to hit them while they're vulnerable

>end of Deepnest
>Mask Maker
>he does nothing

what the fug

A long fucking time ago I found a room with several of those bugs that you save. The ones inside the glass jars. I think it was in deep nest somewhere, any ideas?

If you mean the ones you already saved, they're all in the top left of the Forgotten Crossroads.

So how much of this game is remembering things to use items on you find later? How often is it a "where the fuck do I go" game?

Maybe I'll try this metroidvania out, been hankering for a new one. Recent-ish ones I've played:

Unepic - Was okay despite the memery.
Ghost - Same devs as Unepic, was okay too.
Valdis - Didn't like the artstyle and combat system, didn't finish it.
Ori - Pretty good.
Enviro Station Alpha - Pretty good. Didn't bother getting all the true end junk though.
Salt and Sanctuary - No map, really? Didn't bother finishing it.

Why would you need a map in S&S? Everything is pretty straightforward, and how can you not love those "oh shit I'm back here now" moments?

Just didn't click with me for some reason.
Also I was playing a pirated copy. Maybe I'll try it again when it goes on sale. Usually buying a game gives me more incentive to finish it.

Hollow Knight reminds me of Salt and Sanctuary, because EVERYHTIN HAS TO HAVE A DARK SOUL MECHANIC

Only early on. Once you get the Wall Jump ability, the game opens wide up and there's only a few spots you gotta backtrack for after getting other things.

Most fun I've had with a 2D platformer since Shovel Knight 2bh

Oh I forgot a few more

Shadow Complex - Probably one of the few metroidvanias I completed more than once (on the 360 and PC). I like it. Tad easy though.
Pharaoh Rebirth - Not really a metroidvania. I stopped playing after I realized I forever missed a collectible at the beginning of the game though.
La Mulana - 'nuff said.

There's a ton of shit that I have no idea what to do with. The statue in the Basin, the statue in the Den, a bunch of other shit. What the fuck do you need or are they just there for aesthetic?


Man, this game is kickin my ass. The demo implied it wasn't a horribly difficult game, but the Soul Sanctum was unforgiving and the Crystal Mines, holy shit man. Doesn't help I can't find map man.

Can you save the miner bug, she's all spoopy and talking to her doesn't take her out of it.

One is in the shop, one is in the Lost City nearish to the Soul Sanctuary. Only at the Crystal Mines, haven't found any others.

>lost city
The fuck am I talking about. Drowned City? No, wait, it's City of Tears isn't it?

>this boss is just rythmically jumping on the player and there's nothing particularly difficult or interesting about fighting him
>we could add patterns to make him more unique or exciting
>OR we could just throw a bunch of random shit onscreen
>lets do that second one

>Indie game with voiceacting
>voice lines are pretentious made up language

No thanks

Are you talking about the first boss?
Sounds like the first boss.

It gets harder user, trust me.
Enjoy the teleporting boss that jukes you out and throws homing projectiles at you.


holy fucking shit what

I don't really see how that's a problem except for the Stag having annoying sounding lines.

If you have a really bad memory, no sense of direction, and a poor attention span, don't bother. Go for Rabi-Ribi. They're both good games but there is a huge emphasis on exploration in this.


pirating it now

thanks bro

That's precisely the problem, there is no way to know which boss I'm talking about

Is it lost kin ? Fallen knight ? The Collector ?

If you're talking about what I think you are, you need an item from later in the game.

>Can you save the miner bug, she's all spoopy and talking to her doesn't take her out of it.
I hope so.

That's not even a boss.

Haven't gotten to Lost Kin or Collector yet, so I dunno.

Anyone know what's in here? Is it worth the key?

A hot spring, it says on the sign.

I've gotten the Dreamer in the Deepnest but how do you get to the other two? Is there a specific item or upgrade you need?


if you could get to the one in the deepnest you can get to the other two

Metroidvania, platforming is kind of required here, but it's not just a platformer.

>Combat is the same throughout the entire game (AKA really not that interesting except for the boss fights which are very well-designed)
>Having to find the map guy is piss poor design and makes me dread walking into a new area. Just give me another trinket at the map shop that lets me map out areas before I've met him. Maybe make me buy unused map pages or something.
>I can understand not having a fast travel option, but for a game like this where you move so slowly through the environment (even with wall jumps and air dashes), at the very least an expendable item you could use to head back to the stag from a bench in an area would be much appreciated
>No consumable items, no different weapon types, most enemies while being visually distinct are basically reskins of one another
>Horizontal rooms are great, vertical ones suck. Horizontal feels like Cave Story, vertical feels like I'm stuck in a shitty Metroid clone

I'm enjoying the game, but fuck me do they leave out a few features that would make the game INFINITELY more enjoyable to the regular player for the sake of making you explore/go through rooms again.

Having a consumable you could buy at the home shop for a hefty amount of Geo would be nice, actually. Would give you something to spend money on too.

Maybe suggest that? The devs are pretty quick to respond on Steam.

>crystal snail
someone played mega man x2

How do I get to this asshole?

This one's actually pretty good though.

It's like a 2d Souls with an insect theme. Art is nice, combat is good, world has a sense of mystery.

I took a risk and bought it but everyone should at least pirate & try.

>A nonlinear action platformer

Just call it by its name, a metroidvania

>It's like a 2d Souls


Man, that seems a lot more useful than the fucking graveyard

your loss my dood

Climb the tower
There's no trick to it you probably just missed the way in

no idea, but where the fuck did you find the kingdom's edge map guy?

Can I get another delicate flower if I fuck up?