You know it to be true

You know it to be true.

This is probably the best thing you could have posted to bait people.

>game that actually has hype
>compared to game that has to keep calling itself BADASS

Badass vs meme games?

I hope you have a good thread.

>Despite this being the first post, people will still respond genuinely.

So they're both shit meme games?

Yeah I remember that time Guerilla Games tried to call out Nintendo as direct competition

Good times

Was Battleborn also on number 1 spot on Amazon in front of Overwatch?

BotW > Horizon > Overwatch > Battleborn

Should have used two games of comparable quality instead of MOBA Team Fortress 2 clones.

Not even the same market mate

so you are telling me all them are shite?

Killer bait, accurate bait.

All games are bad man, we should all just give up on them.

I agree. I haven't had the impulse to play a game since I started working. Sadly it hasn't stopped me from browsing this fucking board. All in good time I guess.

Horizon: Zero Sales will sell less than BoTW
t. PC/Boner

Combine the wii U copies as well. Some people don't want to drop over 300 smackeroos for a single game. Or couldn't because of supply scarcity.

Also you can't buy BotW anymore on Amazon except for Switch digital download.

>Bullshit "anti-CIS Scum diediedie trash" vs Masterpiece 100/10 "Proves Ebert 100% wrong about everything"

compared to

>Bullshit "boring in every way trash" vs Ass-tastic bullshit online only 100 % meme?

Not the best comparison, OP.

>shilled harder than Uncharted 4
>Uncharted 4 sold 9mil
>there's 60mil PS4 owners
>only 2mil Switches because of artificial shortage

yeah sure toddler

I find good little indie games help get the spirits back up.

fixed that for you, Mr. In-Denial

Even so, the switch version and the wii u version never outsold the psn cash cards, horizon is currently outselling everything, it's been at number 1 all day, in addition to psn downloads which amazon doesn't account for.

Point is horizon is a brand new ip selling just as good if not better then a 30 year old franchise with a pre-existing fanbase.
To insinuate it's a Battle Born, a commercial failure caused by a popular similar game, is just silly.

Pretty impressive for a console that literally isn't even out yet, compared to one with a 40 odd million install base.

Because they can't.
They are basically sold out.
You can only buy digital codes right now.
codes that you can't purchase right now because Amazon won't let you until the game and console actually hit shelves.
also Cash cards are always on top. Nobody wants to link their CC to PSN.

this is the perfect fucking bait image op

wait, forgot to fix the top

>counting bundled games.


So, Zelda is a way better version of Skyrim? Sweet.

Its also pretty impressive for a new IP. Compared to one with years of nostalgia, hype and a huge following.

Why do you nintendrones feel so threatened by Horizon?

Perhaps you're not confident in your latest Zelda game?

>literally who developers who have never made a good game vs. proven industry giants
>appeal solely to SJWs vs. appeal to literally everyone
>middling reviews vs. firm GOTY declarations
>unmemorable, annoying and haphazardly designed cast vs. characters everyone will know by heart and make tumblr fics of for years to come
>ugly, visually cluttered environments and UI vs. immaculate visual design and aesthetics
>edgy tryhard lore vs. a fully realized world
>can't get a single thread on Sup Forums that isn't shitposted to death vs. has generals out the ass filled with lively discussion
>is being released mere days before the game that people are REALLY waiting for and will completely and utterly eclipse in critical and commercial reception

Any more I'm forgetting?

I switched to paypal after the big hack a couple years ago

>Get random phone call
>Excuse me, Mr. user? I'm calling about your card, did you just attempt to purchase $5000 of Sony Playstation credit?
>Shoot that shit down, cancel the card, pull out everything off of everything, totally switch to paypal on EVERYTHING and if I can't use it I buy prepaid cards

InFamous was pretty cool

>being this mad that that BOTW and Overwatch are inferior

I bet you're on my twitter block list. Or you should be.

Yet it's the Horizon-kuns that are doing all the shitposting, rather than the other way around.

I think you need to step out of Opposite World.

except BOTW isn't going to fuck over HZD anywhere near as much as Overwatch did Battleborn
>exclusive to different systems
>not online multiplayer-oriented (therefore playability won't be tied to how many people are already playing it)

>appeal solely to SJWs


Both are completely unrelated games? I suppose so.

But that is completely true in the case of HZD and Battleborn. I'm not sure what issue is.

how they are on different consoles

>appeal to literally everyone
m8 that's not a good thing

I'm not mad, Overwatch is just better than TF2, and BotW looks like it'll be better than Horizon.

BOTW exclusive to Wii U/Switch & Horizon exclusive to PS4 whereas Overwatch and Battleborn were multiplat

are you stupid or something


>Not appealing to SJWs

are you actually fucking retarded

that game's message is as subtle as a cannon being fired through the side of your house

not quite

The difference is that BB and OW was actually a choice people had to make since they were available on the same systems

With HZD and BotW you either own the one respective console each game is coming out for or you don't, if anything it's about what console you want rather than a specific game

ok so tell me how zelda or Horizon will take from them if somebody only has a switch or ps4


bitch are you blind

So, Zelda is better than Horizon, since Team Fortress 2 is superior to Overwatch.


Nigger are you blind? 90% of horizon related threads are started by nintendrone shit posters.
It's not the one with hourly hype threads, hell look at this very thread right now

Pretty sure she's designed mixed race.

>ok so tell me how zelda or Horizon will take from them if somebody only has a switch or ps4
my point was that BOTW isn't as much of a threat to Horizon because they're on different consoles

>Sales=how good a game is.
Also, that's a brand new system game compared to a PS4 game.

are you fucking retarded

ok i didnt understand your post my bad

>Went from an Irish-looking ginger to what is clearly supposed to be some kind of mulatto mutt because race-mixing is in right now

Are you?

>blocking Trump
>being a child

glad to know that we don't have to take you seriously anymore

>willingly using Twitter


you idiots are fucking stupid

>Better than anything

I'd rather watch paint dry
Maybe take bets on which color dries fastest? About as fun as playing Skyrim

Exactly user.

>mfw I deleted all of my facebook, twitter, etc bullshit but my fuckoff part time job and half of my Uni shit expects me to have one so I had to make a bullshit fuckbook page with bare minimum of info and an old pic of me

How is that shit not illegal

I'm not the one without an argument.

holy shit these cases really do line up


BoTW has been placed ever since the presentation though.

>Pokemon GO BTFOs consolefags!

so for babbies

100% agreed