New Numbani pics

New Numbani pics

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wow, it's the same map as last time


I see no difference in the first pic, is it just the spawns that are different otherwise?

the fist is gone

The middle part is shattered and the Doomfist is gone.

Can't wait to rack up environmental kills with Doomfist's knockback

The doomfist is missing. You can see the shards of glass lying around.

This kid from the first trailer stole it, he's a badguy because he wants blue pussy

Are you retarded?

Holy fuck, more than one person...

But he already banged half the cast in that one good Overwatch comic

Um, what is even the point of pushing the cart then? Or are they gonna add something else?

Why is the payload the same minus the doomfist
Why on earth would you want to escort a empty cart
Why didn't they change to payload to some kind of scanner

>yfw he's making a new orgy comic that has him being double teamed by tracer and sombra

>leave Overwatch for me

will it be a two hero reveal? there's obviously Doomfist but also that ''something to make us feel safer'' robot made by that smart niglet

The two most boring characters.

It's still a very nice cart.


There are more in it like someones going to get monkey dick but he delayed it since he got death threats for saying that he doesnt care what the comic says and he will continue to draw tracer with the shota

reminder that he guessed a few things that was already talked about previously?

You push it there and Terry crews appears and congratulates you with a cheeseburger

>no Pharah
>weird bdsm one
He's nothing to me. Nothing.


>inb4 ehentai
I'm on mobile...

Pharah is too perfect to put into a doujin, she needs to be in a vanilla one

>full book isn't translated yet

Fucking Christ


No, Pharah needs to be doubled teamed in the dirt by abusive men!

Lets all take a moment to appreciate the lack of F2P maggots in this game.

>Overlyshit is getting reskins of in-game maps """""FOR THE LORE""""" of a multiplayer only game while the map count is still pitiful compared to even the greediest AAA games

is overlyshit the best insult you could come up with?

Good thing they are all free, which instantly makes it better than 99% of modern AAA multiplayer shooters.


>no F2Ptards
>game still has a shit community


It is, though: hentai(dot)cafe/yurikawa-what-did-you-come-to-japan-for/

The artist's name is Yurikawa.

Shouldn't you be farming essence or ubisoft creddits for your next character dmg boost ?

Why push the payload if there's no payload to push?

Chapters 1-2 are, the entire Tank isn't.

Those fuckers at Fakku licensed Yurikawa's tank but didn't do anything beyond the first chapter


First guy is right

I thought I'd be happy with the lack of F2P idiots, but I'd take them any day over the garbage esports community.

>f-fuck off to your OTHER GAME
>the one you didnt mention
>I'm not angry

Is Fakku's licensing the greatest treachery of the modern age?

That's what happens when you insist on a 6v6 (or smaller) team limit.

I mostly play Mystery Heroes now simply to get away from low/mid silver faggots bitching and moaning about a meta that clearly isn't doing anything to help them anyway.



>tfw i subscribed to Fakku

It's a fucking travesty, the first 4 chapters are delicious Vanilla brown and the rest of the tank is just as good. But you can only find the first 2 chapters in English and an announcement that Fakku licensed the book almost a year ago. Not a fucking peep since.

Wait so what's the point of the map if the objective is gone?

I'm surprised no one leaks Fakku's stuff to exhentai. Do they have some sort of anti screenshot mechanism?



I like it, Numbani is finally starting to look more like real-life Africa

So, what the fuck is the point of the map going forward? If we're not protecting/stealing Doomfist, why are we here?

You are a piece of shit and I hope you burn.

When was the quadraped thing talked about

tried telling me reddit friend this and he denied it saying that he the poster predicted stuff that already happened. He has no idea how many fucks on here make threads predicting shit

Just to suffer.

What exactly are you delivering if the doomfist is gone?

Mei is up next

Except OW confirmed Lucio is next.

They do leak it I can do it but the problem is they are watermarked with your usercode so they can easily ban you.
I didn't sub because of that, I did it to support english doujins
been there done that

You forgot to reply to these guys who:
Called you a retard and
Made you look like a retard.

Just black it out, is it that hard?

Found Chps 1-3 at least

>Just black it out, is it that hard?

Yeah because this looks so legible. Same with blurr, it's too much work.

Yeah what turned me away from Overwatch after about 60 hours was that it didn't have that 'meme' factor like TF2 does. Now it does sound stupid and I only have about 20 hours in TF2 but it's just that sensation of being able to try your own little strategy in the corner or mess around where you can't in OW due to 6v6 and the maps.

Origin story, not cinematic.

The maps are the things that triggers me, not even good flanking routes, lack of choke points.
Tf2 makes a better job at this, or atleast the community, they are one of the best out there for sure.

>It's okay when TF2 did it with the Snipers scar after Meet the Spy was shown but not okay when Overwatch does it