You did save Chloe, right?


From her suffering? I sure did!

In game universe wanted her dead. So did I.

no, fuck that little bitch, I let her die the first time and I considered the game finished.


Yeah right.

That asshole dug her own grave, thats why the universe wanted her dad so bad.
Her life wasn't worth the whales she killed let alone everyone in the bay.

No, actually I turned off the game after the second time she died. I ain't wasting time on time traveling lesbians.

Not again.

obviously. the entire game revolved around the relationship between the two characters. the universe wanted her dead but the moral of the game was never abandon your friends and fight the 'man' until the end.

if you choose to save Arcadia bay, you seriously fucked up or just not intelligent.

Sacrifice the whole town of people in order to save some stupid hipster bitch in gay blue hair who doesn't even have tits, let alone personality? No thanks

yes i did.

quality thread you got here. Theres literally nothing else to say now

Do people unironically believe this shit?

No. user just wanted to make up for his inferiority complex he developed when he realized he has a terrible taste and liked one of the most dull, bland and annoying characters in the history of vidya because that's the closest he could ever get to interacting with a female.

> game offers a choice
> "only one right choice, if you chose what i didn't choose you are fucked-up or dumb"
> actually a functioning human being

u for real?

Not because I like her but the other ending is illogical as fuck and all your choices are erased.
Besides, the main character loves her so I wouldn't sacrifice a person that I love for some shitty hippie town.

>let mother nature throw a hissy fit and kill a whole bunch of people to save your waifu
>or let her die like she's supposed to, ignoring your magic time travelling ability and dying sad and alone some day to not be a terrible person
I ain't playin' this shit. Glad I waited to see if the ending was retarded before getting it.


>hurrr durrrr you must play the way some user wants you to ! Fun is forbidden ! just follow the trends and be rad

next level retards we got on LiS threads.

yeah, friends/family take higher priority than just some randoms in the city


Mostly because it was clear sacrificing Chloe was the "writer-intended" ending, and honestly fuck the writers for making such a shitty hack ending to the game in the first place.

>sacrifice hundreds if not thousands of people just to save a bitch the universe will keep trying to kill anyway

You deserve to die, Chloe. Accept it.

But saving Chloe erases your choices too because the whole town is fucking DEAD

>Mostly because it was clear sacrificing Chloe was the "writer-intended" ending,

Bay ending was added during the development, it was not their original intention.

nice jimbo!


>your choices matter
You either revert them and make it like nothing ever happened or live in a fucked up world that you couldn't save.

max is a qt3.14

>ill post a meme,that will totally show him
Im not Chloe ,im Anthony Burch and you can go fuck yourself.
this triggers the Sup Forums

If it wasn't their original intention how come the Bay ending is like way longer and has more dialogue the Chloe ending which is just them driving for 30 seconds

I mean, if you save her, the universe still wants her dead, right?

So it's just going to keep throwing bigger and bigger disasters at you until she dies.

Oh I did save her, not because I liked her or because "Muh lesbando"
But because fuck that peice of shit town, fuck the people in it. Only thing I felt bad for was the whales.

i choose to not be cucked by god or what ever gave her time power
it's just a story about the loss of someone close to you and acceptance

Eh, it seemed to me that the arcadia bay disaster was the price, and she would be let off the hook after it.

>If you save Chloe, everybody dies
>The most powerful tornado in United States only killed 695 people
>The tornado looks like it barely downed a few buildings and created a bit of rubble

At least make Arcadia Bay looks like this so I don't have to use my imagination to pretend it was deadly.

That's not how you're supposed to play video games.

Yeah I saved Chloe, I think it was my inner contrarian saying fuck you destiny i'll save her if i want to, not to mention its fucking obvious Max loves her too much to actually give her up, even if at times i felt Chloe wasn't as commited.

>the whole town is fucking DEAD
>telephone poles still standing upright at ground zero with wires attached and drooping

The point of the Bae ending is that you're WILLING to choose Chloe's life over how many the storm will take. It is never implied that every single person dies in her place.

Don't care. I'm tired of being disappointed by shitty endings after getting invested.

>and fight the 'man' until the end.
Kind of hard when "the man" is reality itself.

>submitting to the will of the cosmos

Nature can go suck a dick.

>more dialogues
It doesn't.

The reason is longer because the song is longer.

>universe actively tries to erase a useless piece of shit like Chloe
>people think this sack of shit is more important than the lives of hundreds or thousands of people
fucking kek if you think the game is about morality than the moral choice is to end her before her peers and betters get hurt or end up in dangerous situations

He did nothing wrong.

Life is Shit is probably one of the worst memes to come on the internet.

Fight me

No the step dad did literally nothing wrong other than not convincing his wife to not disown and cut ties with the worthless child he was forced to take on

Everyone in Arcadia Bay deserved to die anyway. Stupid idiots can't up or down the one road in town.

I picked ''Save Chloe'' because I'm tired of this ''YOU HAVE TO FIX THE PAST TO SAVE THE FUTURE'' shit that's in every single piece of media involving time travel, and actually being given the choice for once was refreshing

what did Chloe offer to society or do that was worth more than the lives of everyone else in town

Entire game really hinged on the relationship you had with her.

She's a bitch I never really cared for, the decision was her life vs the lives of possibly thousands of better people.

Who else used Japanese dub

And I would sacrifice my whole town for a person I love.

I killed that fucking christian bitch, fuck her

Warren is the best character.

>mfw the Sacrifice Chloe ending was supposed to be sad and make you cry

Chloe dying was literally the best thing happened in this game.

Not vidya

>it's okay when we talk about japanese visual novels

>idiot who'd have been caught over a dozen times, but for the writers making everyone else incompetent
he did nothing right user.

Filming and stalking girls at the school he worked at was very degenerate.

What do I look like necky beard and the chamber of vape?

>liking warren

>All these failures who let her die
Excuse me? Did you not get that the entire universe and all around it wanted her dead?

I don't play games to let games decide who live and who's ready to die, and I did not spend most of my life repeatedly shooting escort characters in the back of the head to become a hypocrite now. The universe wants her dead? No shit, it's been doing that all game, if I wanted to give up I would have done it when she died the first time. It's on, universe fuckers!

Or at least it would be if the game didn't half ass it and not reveal anything about why you had these powers in the first place and focused on shitty tween talk instead of the interesting mystery.


go back to your general, faggots


>letting the only good character die

>Universe gives me time travel powers for no reason.
>Spend the whole game saving people and making everyone's life better, frequently at the expense of myself.

Sorry, I'm not going to be the universe's punching bag forever. I'm making one decision for myself. Arcadia Bay is filled with terrible people. I can count the decent ones on maybe one hand. Let it burn.


>mfw there really is a general

Why? Out of all the games that need a general, the shittiest tumblr-written non-game that came out 3 years ago has one

I ask the same question about Undertale and Katawa Shoujo

The games final choice is fucking awful. If you go back and let her die, it basically nullifies all the choices you made so far. The game is overrated trash and is only barely made better than some of the telltale games because of the time travel mechanic.

it was for their protection

And let best girl die? I think not

She was in the hospital, she lives in either choice

we don't know how that monster tornado turns out

I'd take Chloe over the rest of the town

>end game choices

>nothing you did mattered
>nothing you did mattered


Just like in real life


My otp is unironically,
>Lando Calrissian and Max
>Luke Skywalker and Kate
>Chloe with Atton
How degenerate have I become after one play-through this game? What scale of autism am I on?

>the universe wanted her dead
>gave someone the power to make her not dead at the precise moment she needed them
Really makes you think

No one will fight you here because practically everyone agrees with you.

We know the monster tornado was not strong enough to blow over a billboard

The universe wanted to teach Max a lesson about being an entitled millennial slut and accepting what life gives you instead of trying to change everything for your own selfish ways.

Max smiles at the end because that's when jesus fingers her.

>nothing you did mattered

I chose dropping this boring hippy nerd art wank of a """""""""""""game""""""""""""" 10 minutes in

I seriously hope you don't consider japanese VNs as games as well

It's probably the comfiest game I've ever played minus the implied rape and suicide attempt

Why would I? At least they have more depth to them then LiS

Cause they're both better.

That's not saying much, though.

>RWBY poster
>being skug about having 'good taste'
Someone post the window jumping Web.M

Her dying for others is her first legitimate selfless act and integral to her character arc. Saving her robs her of any growth and kills the point of the narrative. Game sucks anyway tho.


I killed Kate tho

Hospitals aren't made out of paper and it does have underground shelter.
Also, she texted Max one day before the tornado came out saying that she will leave the town with her parents.

L for lesbian?

why keeping Chloe alive caused the tornado and not having to drop paint on that cunt?

Keeping Chloe alive doesn't cause the storm, you have a vision of the storm before you even meet Chloe, and the Prescotts know that the storm is coming too.

The writers are just lazy nu-males

I'm guessing the people who chose to save the city either haven't had really great best friends or haven't experienced a gf/bf relationship before.

kinda feel bad for those peeps desu lol