Game and food cross promotions

>game and food cross promotions

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You mean like this, user?




ahhhh yes nigga

Reminder for best advergame ever



Years ago whenever I saw a smashburger, my mind went right to gamestop, and I'd be disappointed.

Now whenever I see a gamestop, my mind goes right to smashburger, and I'm constantly disappointed.

Such is suffering.

i always thought smash burger looked a little bit like gamestop

Brutal Chex Quest when?

On a side not, I work at Smashburger.

Don't ever work for Smashburger.


What is a Smashburger?

Avoid the noid

Just imagine if when they brought this out for you, a "So Tasty!" can be heard.

would you like to super size your game for only 19.99?

Decent food.

It is a hamburger place where the gimmick is they press the patties when making them. It's fairly ok

I was offered a job at a smashburger for an assistant manager position. Friend of mine worked there for a few months and told me it was terrible.

That's a gimmick?

That sounds pretty normal and not special at all.

My local burger joint does that too.

It also does double battered deep fried burgers.

It really isn't special, but it tastes decent.

Hence the name smash

>double battered deep fried burgers
You might want to take care user. Otherwise you might be getting a double bypass with that

I think the better question is H Chex Quest when?


Part of me wants to try that, the other part doesn't want to die of a heart attack the day after.

Holy shit, where is this?

You missed one YEAH.

>buy one burger
>get a free double bypass burger
fucking sweet deal user

I didn't know I wanted that

so their claim to fame is cooking burgers the way anyone who knows anything about cooking burgers does

you make a meatball and flatten it on to a hot grill.
that's pretty universal knowledge since it's the only way to get a crust on the patty without losing moisture.
Someone who presses during cooking is the sign of an amateur. You can only press it right at the beginning because the fat hasn't rendered yet so nothing squeezes out

This is more erotic than porn.

source on that, boss?



This place and Five Guys are like the only good burger joints in my local area.


always wanted to eat meat like that

but nobody said she, they just want a source

deep fried butter is just a gimmick. it's basically a cinnamon bun. It's a sweet batter, the heat from the fryer, melts the butter into the batter

basically the only thing they are doing is keeping the butter out of the pastry dough until the moment before cooking

nothing to see here, move along

>sneak king
>0 results


sauce pls

Use your eyes, dingus

second post:

ive never heard of smashburger, over the last week ive seen two, instantly thought of gamestop, and now this thread. wtf?

>Noid promo was cancelled because a schizo shot-up a Pizza Hut thinking the Noid was literally after him

the best part is both companies probably paid 6 figures to a logo design firm to design that shit

what food was inspired by Ace Attorney? noodles?

close. His last name was noid so he thought the commercials were referring to him

Lana Precipitation

this better not be a girl

Faggot. Someone call Pence over.

Hamburgers, apolo.

klonoa's fish taco


Sneak King was a pretty good game.


>smash game stop burger


How this thread went as long as it did without Cool Spot. idk