Am I too old or depressed ? Is there hope for vidya ?

>For Honor crashes every seconds
>Zelda looks boring and not-zelda like
>Horizon sounded hype as fuck, but in the end, it's a Farcry TPS with SJWs elements
Is Nioh good ? I'm feeling depressed about how all these games seems to play and look.

also bored gamer thread, where we discuss the state of vidya and how boring the last 5-10 years were.

>Zelda looks boring and not-zelda like

No you're retarded.

stop buying AAA you retard

>not Zelda like
People cry rehash, and now that it's different, you say that?

fellow oldfag who is beginning to hate video games

I'm hyped for the new Zelda. It looks different and innovative.

not-AAA are boring as well user. They are either indie shit or fun arcade games who doesn't offer a long gameplay

OP here, it's just my opinion, i'll still play it becaue i'm dumb, but it'll probably be a boring open world just like every single shitty open world we get for years

i'm happy for you, and I hope it delivers what you hope it is.

>see past zelda trailers and footage
>shows entire dungeons and boss fights, etc.
>look at botw
>"maybe there's dungeons. you have to play the game and find out! teehee. oh but look you can pick apples and collect bugs. look how much fun this is!"

why would anyone be excited for this?

Is that a monkey

this is exactly how I feel about it so far.

If you think Nioh is going to save you, you're in for disappointment. It's fun for a few hours but it quickly gets boring. Sorry bro. I'm looking for the same thing you are.

>enjoy games
>2007 happens
>no longer main demographic
>standards remain the same
>industry standards plummet to match what new normalfag demographic allows
>forever playing a backlog since nothing meets my low standards.

Thanks for saying the truth. I hope we'll seek what we want one day.

You should play Rainbow Six, OP. It's a really solid game, I would say Ubisoft has been smoking some good shit lately. I guess their break from AC is doing good for them.

I don't know man if you don't like modern games I guess that's ok but I still have fun with them. Resident Evil VII and Gravity Rush 2 starting the year off strong! I'm not getting a Switch at launch but I hope the console does well because Nintendo is the wildcard we need.

Anyway, if nothing new is appealing to you, why not take a trip back and clean up what you missed? You can easily either mod older systems like PS2 and Xbox with little effort and minimal expense (a PATA hard drive for PS2, a special USB cable for Xbox) and have access to their entire libraries. Emulation is a thing, and if you have an original hardware fetish like myself flash carts are a worthy investment. I always seem to fuck up battery replacement on old carts half the time so this alleviates that problem as well.

Been to an arcade recently? Lot of good shit coming out there. The Time Crisis series got its latest entry and the new Wangan Midnight 5 cabinet has online features. Of course nothing beats a classic shmup or a fighting game in the right environment as well.

Basically, get out of your comfort zone. I've noticed "gamers" tend to restrict themselves to one idea of what video games can be and then get tired of this idea that they themselves created.

pretty much. ima have to try and figure out how to get an emu later working cause im tired of modern shit

das rayciss

>SJWs elements

You guys really are scared of loosing your little safe space aren't you?

Nioh is fucking awful, Horizon will probably be a decent game despite Sup Forums making up shit about it, Zelda might be good, and Nier will be the true patricians choice.


Zelda literally looks like a breath of cold, fresh air. This is coming from someone who's never played any Zelda before.

Maybe it'll be what skyrim was meant to be.

OP listen to your gut. Just grab a game any game and play. I just got out of a similar rut of having no interest in gaming and yes Nioh is fantastic if you want a more traditional cheesy atmosphere in your game.