Mobile Games

>Good mobile games don't exist

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I already play FFRK
Give me a reason to play this

They don't. Saged

FF brave exvius is better and plays more like FFRK

what other mobile game can i get other than Hearthstone?

BE seems like a mess to me so I don't feel like playing it
How is Mobius different from the other two?


its just tapping the screen and selecting a skill from 5. Basically you play 1 character and have 1 job at a time


That doesn't sound very interesting
How's the story? I know there is one and there are crossovers with other FF games

I enjoy it, but it does kinda rely on you getting lucky for your first few draws so you get a good job warrior like Dark Knight that can use one of the "Free" event swords and not being a tard wasting your Magicite on ANYTHING but Gift Boxes.

I also think it is kinda failed to really give incentive for the actual attack Gacha as far as i played, and the Job One always give you something you don't have, i "only" just finished Chapter 4 prologue though, but i did complete the Mobius Reactor, though not 100% i just wanted the Masamune X.

I also kinda enjoy the PLOT, even if it is kinda simplistic.

Just remember the basics of Mobage, NEVER SPEND A DIME!

You only have one character instead you roll for Jobs and Cards that are your attacks.

And specifically you have 4 Cards of your own and barring some exceptions rent a fifth one, which incidentally means you don't actually need to roll the Gacha if something is broken enough (Read: Great Gospel), just follow enough people who has it and you can rent it for every fight.

That said, the "Legendary" FFMain Character jobs are either available trough the Attack Gacha rarther then the Job one(Cloud) or buyable for a SHITLOAD of Magicite (Tidus).

And with a SHITLOAD i mean buying magicte for it would cost a solid 75$.

If you don't care about that shit though? Pretty lenient.

No real Waifu material though, only girls are Sarah and Echo.

I first play Romancing SaGa 2 on my phone and it's one of the best JRPGs I've ever played, so it's not like any game on a phone is inherently bad. However it seems like made-for-mobile games tend to have certain cancerous elements designed to maximize revenue (read:pay2win) and those elements often detract from the overall quality of the game.

If anyone has a list of good games that happen to be on mobile (as opposed to "good mobile games") I'd love to see.

How's that Orlandeau?

I don't care because I'm not a whale but Olive is really impressive.

One of the things that turned me off is that everyone was the same white haired dude. Is that true? Can you change how he looks? You mentioned getting Cloud and Tidus, do you actually play as them or does he just...dress up as them and have their moves?

What's the deal with Exvius and Orlandou? I feel a bit out of the loop

He still isn't out yet and if we were on the same schedule as jp (we aren't) he should have been out by now. GL has been having a lot of exclusive events instead like valentines day and now the community banner coming out soon.

Lvling up your jobs cost a lot of orbs like insane grinds to go up levels.

I like the characters and story better than FFRK

When he came out in Japan almost a year ago, he was the best unit by far, and still is one of the best units in the game.

We have been waiting for him since then, and if we follow the JP release order we should have him by now, but Gumi keeps tiptoeing around him and releasing dumb shit instead of giving us the Orlandu that we all want.

Well it's not as if RK has a real story or characters, so liking it more than RK on that aspect isn't saying much

There are so many ftp ff mobile game. Are any worth the time.

ffbe has a good story and I played a bit of mobius. If you only want story they are both good. If you like grinding mobius has a lot of it, if you like collecting characters BE does that well. Literally all three were good but mobius was too much for me grind wise, FFRK is about collecting equipment and BE is about collecting characters.

FFRK and FFBE play the same, turn based combat but characters in RK can be customized more.

He just dresses up as them, it usually looks really stupid which is one why i prefer the "Normal" Jobs over the Legendary despite MUH TIERS, as for moves, while the limit break is one of the character most attacks are relegated to attack cards.

To take Cloud for example, in his job you have Omnislash as your ultimate, but stuff like Blade Beam are attack cards and can be used by any job (Though one Job "Type" enjoys benefits, In Blade Beams case, Ranger.)

That's why you Draw one Job to focus on ASAP and get the fuck out of the shitty Onion, friendo.

It takes a while, but jobs generally heavily favour one element orb, and once you unlock Sub-Jobs you can game the system by equipping all slots of the specific element you want and just have that you initiate the fight as a Subjob with your actual best shit, you get the orbs from what your "Main" job got equipped (The Cards of the Main job are also what gets all exp, so it is a good way to level new cards if your preferred ones are at Level Cap), you can easily get 1500+ orbs of a type per battle, when the final most expensive costing 90000 of a specific type and mixes tend to be 32000 and 4000 at most it is surprisingly effective, it alos works for DROP UP abilities, so you can have those shitty Soldier cards to up the Guard Scorpio drop rate for example and still fight properly.

And the prices tank to pathetic again ones after the 4th panel so it is really only panels 4 and 8 that are really that bad, i can definitely see it becoming a issue for the people who wanna power up ALL DA JOBS though, im just the kind of guy who would focus on one at a time, not gonna draw a new one until I get that Dark Emperor.

Not really, i just waste time with Mobius while shitposting.

I guess that's why I like it more then. Also I couldn't really get into FFBE story.

currently in Mobius there is this event thay uses the assets and models of the FFVII remake, in the JP version you can equip a Cloud skin that gives you other movesets as well

Nope. One of the best multiplayer games out there is a mobile game