You will never stay up all night to play custom games with a full lobby of friends ever again

>you will never stay up all night to play custom games with a full lobby of friends ever again

No more:
>fat man
>cops and robbers
>omega fortress
>ghost busters
>Halo racing
>forge fighting
>sky forts
>ice cream man
>Michael Jackson
> Assassin's Creed
>Duck Hunt

Why even live?

Other urls found in this thread:

We used to play those fat mam/saw maps all the time

faggots 2 was better

>you will never play a game that relies on skill again
>you will never play a competitive game that doesn't have micro transactions, season passes and gear to improve your character to make up for lack of skill
>you will never have a matchmaking system that pit you against people with similar skill, and even if you played against boosted kids it was evident they boosted and dropped like flies to make way for high-intensity comp

>implying anyone but you and your retarded friends played/called it by that name.

Fuck skill

I don't think I'll ever be able to sit down into a group of random people online and have stupid fun with silly game modes where everyone gets along...

Other then that asshat who presses X to stop the timer. Fuck him.

>Why even live?
I get sad whenever I go back and play Halo nowadays.

>tfw no LAN pizza parties and cases of Cherry Dr. Pepper, and staying up way into the wee hours of the night only to depart the next morning with a newfound sense of camaraderie and love for your fellow man

>tfw it's not Sunday so this thread will die because it's not comfy late Sunday night Halo thread day

Fuck you, I loved custom games and had hours more into it than online.

However, I loved the thrill of meeting new people that could actually play the fucking game, or talk shit and actually hit.

>he doesn't play Master Chief Collection

I do, it's just not the same. None of my friends play anymore, and I'm no longer a teenager with no cares in the world

No. Fuck skill, matchmaking, ranked, all that dumb competive advertised shit

I'll never find groups of internet pranksters that could all sit down and play some silly fun game modes together again in my life. Thats honestly depressing to think about.

But fuck the guy who resets the countdown timer

>it's a Halo nostalgia thread

>no custom game browser
>no post-match lobbies so you can stay with the same group match after match
It's so much harder to do customs now than it used to be.

You gay

Just start a Sup Forums custom games thread and post your gamertag. We had one going last week and the lobby got full in an instant.
Also, can't you download maps/gametypes from Halowaypoint?

>fuck, it's snowbound
>*beep, beep, beeeeep*

The beeping sound of comfyness when you play.
Lad those were good times.

Call it nostalgia bias then


I know. I've been reminiscing about the good old days too.
>this year will be halo 3's 10 year anniversary

Bet you didn't even have recon kiddo

These threads are shit and you are shit

Halo 3's servers are still up and have people. There's no reason you can't go and play the MM or set up a custon games lobby. The same is true in MCC's Halo 3's. And it's true for Reach, 4, H2A in MCC, and Halo 5, all of which have objectively better forge modes with more custom game options.

Stop being a fucking baby relying on nostalgia and actually go play Halo you cuck, if you did you'd realize that 3 was the second to worst game in the series for customs since forge was too clunky and it sapped all the creaitivyt 2 had for it's customs.

I want 3babies to leave.

Well OP I kinda just did

Also, to add on, the fact that people are too busy circlejerking over their old memories and ACTUALLY PLAYING HALO is why halo is shit now.

People just want to submerge themselves in nostalgia and circlejerk over how shit 343 is (ignoring the fact that 5 has some of the best gameplay in the series, objectively the best forge, and the recent books have all been great) instead of actually playing the damn games or atually having meangingfull disscusions about the series in these threads.

99% of the people in these threads aren't Halo fans, they are just nostalgiafags that care more about reminsizing and wanting the series to fail then actually enjoying it

I wasn't ready for these feels.

>Nostalgic Halo thread pops up
>343i defense force pops in pretending like Halo 4 and 5 weren't fucking travesties
Take the Call of Duty out of my halo, then I'll consider playing a newer one

5 removed almost all the Codshit from 4 though. Have you actually played it or have you just watched videos of it.

The only "CoD" feature still in 5 is sprint and the issues with it are fixed.

i defense force pops in pretending like Halo 4 and 5 weren't fucking travesties

Your insane, i'm in these threads all the time and the only time i see people defending 343 is for Halo 5. 95% of these threads are either Bungie Halo praising or 343 bashing

The feels are intensifying. We may truly never have a time as great as the age of Halo 3. Man those were the days and it will for ever be the one true halo for them all.

a moment of silence.


I've been a fan of the series since before CE even fucking came out when I read The Fall of Reach. 343 has fucked up a ton but the times they do do shit right people just bitch and moan anyways while praising bungie for stuff they'd shit on 343 for.

It's a mess and by this point the 343haters are worse then 343 themselves.

It's gotten to the point where 343 is actively undoing postive things they've done just because they get told everything they do, good and bad, is shit. At DICE they said that they'd be focusing on making, essentially, more dudebro friendly dumbed down stories in response to fan feedback.

Except Halo 3 is worse then Halo 2 in every way other then forge and theater.

3babies are the worst

>he never played splatoon

>they like 3 better! Better call them babies and act auperior! Haha that'll show them!

I often wonder whether things were actually better then, or if it's a product of nostalgia and 12 year olds now and having the same experiences playing Halo 5.

I really dont know anymore. I play new games and none of them mean anything to me. Did the world change or did I?

I'm a CE baby and 3 was much better than 2 from simple weapon balance alone.

I liked 3's Brute Shot and SMG more. Although the Concussion Rifle was better than the Brute Shot in every way.

The overall weapon balance was pretty much the same: the BR and power weapons dominated anything.
Only difference was that all the weapons were weaker.

>garbage man

I tried to relive it on Halo 5. why is it not the same anons?

>The overall weapon balance was pretty much the same: the BR and power weapons dominated anything.

Not true, in medium/close range the Assault Riffle were a better choice

Don't worry about him dude he's not worth the time.

I wish my 360 didn't brick though. Halo 3 was mu favorite out of the whole series and my entry point. Just my opinion though.

Read the post i'm responding to user. He wasn't making a serious arguement as to why 3 was good or why he likes it the best, he was feliating himself and the other guy over how 3 is the best piece of media in the history of mandking and how blessed they were for experiencing it.

It was a shitpost.

See, I actually think there's a valid arguement here, 2's weapon balance is pretty awful, though i'd argue 3;'s is about as bad since even if the balance itself was better, 3 had a bunch of clone guns which cancelled the improvement out IMO

Basically this.

Hardly. The AR's shot radius is so wide that 99% of the time the BR or SMG are both better choices.

>that one fucker that managed to find a safe spot in mancannons

Not at all. It had a slower TTK than the BR.

Being young and worry free + friends + old game = nostalgia. That doesn't mean the game wasn't great, because in halo's case it was, but for the most part it's nostalgia that makes things "god tier"

Because the magic of video games is gone. Whether or not you admit it, you will never have the same experience as you did when you were a kid.

You will literally never have fun like that again. It's just how things work. It's growing up. It's life.

Honestly it was just at the right time and had the right audience. It's as if all the planets aligned and I can't really explain it either. I tried Halo 4 and 5, but they just didn't grab me like 2 and 3.

It's not even nostalgia about the game itself, it's nostalgia about all the minigames people made.

>that one fucker that drived wraiths
>garbage man is too stupid to shove fusion coils down

Nah I have plenty of nostalgia for co-op campaign and ranked grinding + big team battle.

Not to mention annual

>garbage man blows himself up with the fusion coil
>the garbage man that didn't care and just ran down to kill everyone


I might actually like the 343 games better. The old Halo games felt too sterile.

It's the little flaws that made it so fun.

>that one player who timed the crouch jump just right to get of the Jenna tower and land not fall to his death

>The old Halo games felt too sterile

What? What the fuck does this even mean? Go fuck yourself faggot.

>one tower falls
>jump to the other

>Predator on Predator
>Fucking Bungie BLAM!'d the word

Still fun as fuck.

>5 and 4 are better than Reach, 3, 2, and MCC

Yeah, no. Loadouts, sprint, "war games", new ordered drops, and pretty much everything new they made completely fucked the simplicity and golden formula that made Halo so great.

Get off of 343's cock and wipe the jizz from your eyes and maybe you'd see that the original trilogy was actually superior.

>everyone tries to push eachother off the tower

stop living in the past

>one guy trys to shoves everyone else off
>the fucking madman did

I always preferred Ass Creed to Predator desu.

>That one guy who collapsed the towers on purpose
That was me.

>those high gravity agility courses
>that B-sign
I'll never forget



the fuck does this even mean

user, that post is talking purely in reagrds to custom game and forge functions. Get some reading compresion.

Also, almost everything in your post you mentioned isn't in 5.

Does everybody seriously just not even do a basic amount of research into how 5 actually plays and just assumes it's exactly like 4? jesus.


Mod lobbies, if someone was in a mod lobby in Halo 2 you needed to be there.

Flying turrets were the best thing.

>Get some reading comprehension

Welp, guess I need some reading comprehension myself.


If bungie never introduced duel wielding, vehicle hijacking or equoipment and that shit was in 6 you guys would all be bitching and moaning about how those "mess with the simplicty" of halo too.

None of the shit 5 has messes with even starts, unlike in reach and 4. There are weapons on the map. There's no weapon drops. Descope is back. It has the most skilljumps of any halo game and the most vertical map design since Halo 2.

Also, as mentioned, that post was purely talking about forge and customs

>tfw had a uncensored ver from the OG artist
>deleted it
fuck younger me

>Those maps with the floating fortresses where the humans have to climb while running from zombies
>That custom Sandtrap with the floating elephants where the humans spawned, while zombies flew banshees
>BLAM on The Toilet
>Flaming helmet armor on Bungie Day
>tfw no friends to help me get Recon
>That one guy who got stuck between all the roadblocks and objects on Jenga and couldn't be killed unless the zombies attacked him
>tfw you'll never experience the rush and thrill of playing Fat Kid for the first time again
>Duck Hunt
>Donkey Kong
>tfw you'll never barricade the bathroom on McDonald's with all of the humans at the start of the game to spawn camp zombies
>that one map where the zombie is really slow and strong, and the humans have to complete small puzzles to advance to the next area, before finally reaching the armoury at the end with all of the Spartan Lasers and Rocket Launchers

>icons showing you when power weapons are spawned
>in game timers for power weapons

>tfw still have blue flames and bungie plate on reach
still fucking pissed no spartan bday + flames

the one where the slow invincible guy follows you through the obstacle course is called omega fortress

Time traveling on the Covenant.

Honestly didn't, is this true?

I forgot that was even a thing in 5, honestly. I'm not too fond of those changes now that I think of them, but I don't think they hurt much either.

Are you talking about the one where you skip like 2 whole parts of the mission and get teleported to the final battle? That was awesome.

Also getting outside of the map on the level with the ship shaped like Chief's head

You know, no soul. Clean hallways, endlessly repeating, no emotion. I get that's what they were going for, but I didn't like it, I'm very big on aesthetics.

>he plays Master Chief Collection

>watch icon for sniper
>oops it went away
enemy took snips guys watch out

> replaying halo 3 on the 360
> those feels when you open up an empty forge game and only hear pure ambience

Yep, that's what I'm talking about. Was wondering what the fuck my friend was doing when I first did it.

To my shame I never noticed the MC ship until a friend pointed it out to me.

>not knowing where weapons spawned
>implying people didn't play with talking timers in the past
The only people who could possibly be mad about this decision are the pubstomping faggots who are afraid to lose any bit of their advantage.

I miss halo 3

Why do you have to be so cruel, user?

Jesus christ I remember doing that all the time.

>desperate jumping to stay above the kill barrier

Why did halo 4+5 not have even close to the amount of easter eggs halo 3 had? That was a big part of the charm

flying dumpster was one of the better glitches, though I thoroughly enjoyed climbing the tower after a warthog jump on The Covenant

oh and that secret music from Marathon

pretty sure that was a bug

Ah right, the Dirge of Madrigal. I was a bit annoyed after coming back a few years after Bungie left and finding all the old spots to get out of Floodgate all had invisible barriers.

Bug or not, they were not game breaking and in fact humorous

>this style of FPS gameplay is forever dead because casual shitters have made this industry only want to make sprint and ads "tacticool" shit shooters

I'd have been able to deal with Halo 3's eventual and inevitable decline if we at least got a decent replacement for it. All what I can hope for now is a clone of classic Halo from some company out there.

Campaign shits on Halo 2

>I've seen things you SPARTAN-IVs wouldn't believe. Paris-class ships on fire off the coast of New Alexandria. I saw Spires crumble in the sun near the Babd Catha Ice Shelf. All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to go M.I.A.

Me too :'(

>got Reach on release night
>mom let me play for a few hours
>get to the part where Kat dies
>end up going to bed because I was tired
>next day at school, kid in one of my classes asks me if I've played the campaign
>say "yeah but I'm not finished yet"
>he tells me that everyone dies
Fuck you Heath I'm glad you killed yourself

>boot up reach to go play with old friends
>mfw main menu music kicks in