Is this game just WoW with a different coat of paint or is there more to it?

Is this game just WoW with a different coat of paint or is there more to it?

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It got catgirls and triple triad!

WoW with a paintjob

The biggest feature last expansion was flying mounts

>triple triad
I quit FF8 because of this. You're telling me Square had the fucking nerve to bring it back?

I wish to lewd the Khloe

>Faggots and ERPers shilling their linkshells in idleshire shout
Time to find a new server.

It's not as "deep" as in 8. It's really just a minigame you can ignore.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Just wait for her older sister

Shouldn't have rolled Balmung.

not cute enough

I guess It's spread to Leviathan.

This game is more than just WoW with a different coat of paint. there is clearly more to it. allow me to explain...
When Boss casts Soar, he shows 3 rectangle AoE's toward the edge of the arena. After Rectangle AoE, the boss disappears and spawn 3 mirages at the edge where the three rectangle AoE were targeting at. Then, 6 red unavoidable circle AoE(size of shadowflare or a little bit bigger) spawn on 6 randomly selected players. When 6 AoE's explode, three Divebombs of mirages happen at the same time, so should be away from mirage's divebomb range AND avoid clipping each other with red AoE circle. After the damage, one random player is targeted with a Stacking AoE marker(Thordan's Dragon's Rage AoE with 4 arrows indicating inside) while the other random player is targeted with a small red marker. Most of players should get into the Stacking AoE to soak the damage together, and the other player with a small red marker should be away from anyone around to avoid additional damage. MT North, OT South, 2 DPS East, 2 DPS West, Healers stack with any tank/DPS Look out which pattern of soar (you have bunch of time to look out. memorize where soar AoEs are at) IF Evenly spread, there are 6 safe spots. go to the closest flank of a mirage IF 2 Mirages together, there are 2 large safe spots. position yourself not to clip each other with red AoE. After Soar, you have to deal with a host of mechanics that casual PF players can't even comprehend. It's amazing how indepth FFXIV is, it is clearly the pinnacle of Themepark MMO boss design. I say this as a MMO aficionado myself. It is the best around.

TL;DR: read what I fucking said.

>everyone in my fc wants to do nothing but roulettes and raids which don't interest me
>just hop on to make my money gathering and hoarding my wealth until expansion
>they don't understand

it's an abstract shlomo type of feel


it's a WoW clone that's better than the real WoW game.

skip soar or disband ;)

>Want to play
>Done with savage for week
>Done with scripts for week
>Done with 24 man for week
>Tired of pvp and I dont need anything from it anyway.

Bosses make circle you don't stand in





Someone post the C@ lancer from faerie who's supposedly quitting because of the lack of Dancer, I didn't save it earlier.

do you have a bf luna? did you get laid luna?

just because you personally don't want to do something outside the game doesn't mean there's nothing left to do

Pretty much me exact add about 10 other completed things to the list.

I have so many other games to play but none of them interest me. I am a fucking retard.

Sometimes stand in circle if you have a marker

Sometimes boss makes lines you walk towards/away from

Grind the same repeating quest for items with worse stats





Thanks, user.

So this whole game is the bad guy makes a circle and you either walk away from it or match a color/symbol to it


>You have gone the way of Warlords of Draenor
what did he mean by this

>want to play
>got war to sixty a month ago
>only play the shitty card game all this month because I don't want to grind for gear to replace my ilvl142 gear

Ok so last thread died while I had to deal with roommate normie stuff.
I was looking at started a new character on a new server after coming back from pretty much the launch of HW.
There was a lot of shitflinging between choosing Leviathan over Ultros but if anyone has a guild that isn't lame let me know. I don't mind if the population of a server is lower as long as the people we do groups with aren't idiots.


I'm leveling blm in potd and how am I supposed to play it at 60? Do I not even use transpose or blizzard I anymore? Just sharpcast fire I then fire III then enochian and fire IV/blizz IV? Where do I fit the thunder spells into that?

come to Siren

At least you have shit you could actually do.

Join Famfrit
It's a 10/10 server





>Ultima Weapon

>Good King Moggle Mog









>Cloud of Darkness

>Nael deus Darnus





>Thordan and his Knights of the Round



>Brute Justice


>Nidhogg at the Final Steps of Faith

>Sophia the Goddess

>Cruise Chaser


>Zurvan: Skip Soar or Disband

If you don't play on Cactuar you're a faggot.

Cactuar or Sarg

From what I heard of leviathan, it's sort of a mini gilgameme.
Ultros is comfy, we have a Sup Forums fc, no drama, but it's not a big server.

Leviathan is Gilgamesh Jr and the only ones active on Ultros are /vg/ and neogaf
Excalibur, Exodus, and Cactaur all have populations in between those two withless cancer, there are some guys from Sup Forums in and is Sup Forums on Cactaur if you want to play with Sup Forums people

khloe is not for lewd
now go collect those 3 lines user

Fuck Naeri Frost that early pulling cunt

There's a lot more focus on the story and characters.
Also, you can easily switch jobs on a single character.

Famfrit is best server
>We're entirely made of shitposters

>>The biggest feature last expansion was flying mounts


What was the biggest selling point other then new dungeon/raid/level cap

Fuck there big new feature this update is swimming

Is Cactaur on a NA server?
Do any of you have a FC that need people for when Stormblood drops? If so what role?

>all those fucking edits
god damn dancers are pansies
dancer could have been really neat as a healing class

Cactuar is on aether, you don't want to be there.

DPS is in high need
It's why they're adding two new DPS as the only expansion jobs

New classes is and always will be the biggest feature that hypes people for expansions.

>muh melee healer
You're just as retarded as they are

But isn't new jobs kind of expected with a MMO expansion
>If storm blood dropped with no new jobs people would be in a shitstorm

you could add every tank/healer job imaginable and people still wouldn't play those roles
tanking in particular needs an overall rework, hopefully their new balance system addresses some of the problems with tanking

Man that shit didn't work in FFXI. Least Drk tanked, as it took all the hate. Shame about the lack of survival, glad they fixed that in 14.

It just reminded me of fistweaving from WoW, that's all.

Shit so is Leviathan or Ultros on Aether?

So if I wanted to go weeb master I would go monk for the gear, what would I do for red mage?

Leviathan and Ultros are on Primal.

Don't wanna roll on Faerie in that case because they do it here too.

Those are on Primal.

For SAM, yeah, get MNK gear. Augmented Ironworks if able.

RDM would be casting gear that BLM/SMN share. Again, Augmented Ironmeme if able.

Fuck off

Real talk.
The expansion has to pull some pretty incredible stops
The fact we got fucking samurai, which looks like another boring DPS class at that, means I have one new class to look forward to.
The enviroments to explore and story almost had me until they said "LEL WE DECIDED TO MAKE IT ALSO DOMAS EXPAC XDD"
Now I kinda don't even wanna bother. Because it's just fucking ancient asia. And it's gonna have the cool area kinda pushed to the side.
Not even a new race to get behind.
If it's more small tiny trickle of content I will just unsub. The only thing I'm into is RP. Legit if they dont give more, actually fun content than tomestone grindan I dont see this game being worth a sub.

The gameplay changes wont mean dick if the actual game is still content-less.

The fuck it's like 2 buttons after you unlock them. You can't be that stupid can you?

So it doesn't really matter for the dungeon finder stuff just what fc I wanna be in. It sounds like there's more Sup Forums players on Ultros so I'll probably go with that.
If you had to choose between Red Mage and Samurai which would you say had a more interesting rotation? Sorry I know it's a subjective question but any input is welcome.

>if they dont give more, actually fun content than tomestone grindan
like what
be specific you dumbass nigga

>The only thing I'm into is RP
nvm your opinion must be hot garbage.

With Samurai, do you have a skill where you throw money at mobs? This is important.

At the least give us more means of grinding tomestones. two dungeons is just not enough for any sane person to like. You can only grind classes for so long before the game is just boring.
At that point you're replaying a very very boring set of dungeons until max.

we dont know what most of SAM's skills are yet

>more /vg/ players on Ultros
If you want to be on primal you want to be in leviathan, excalibur, or exodus

you earn tomestones for doing dungeons, trials, raids, pvp, diadem, palace of the dead, treasure maps, aquapolis, beast tribes, etc.

what more do you fucking want

Red Mage and Samameme aren't out yet dude.

thordan ex is still the best primal fight

Depending if you are a good player or not, saving a fail raid is possible.

Oh yeah and also that the devs really care about the game and what they do with it, unlike Blizzard that stopped trying long ago

One of the choices of 9 Seals on Wondrous Tails is often 300 Lore, as well.

You described almost every MMO boss if you simplify it that much. The vast majority of MMO mechanics can be summarized with:

>Stand in/out of thing
>Kite thing maybe
>Burn adds
>Tank swap

Theres usually only one creative mechanic in an XIV or WoW tier.

well I'm not into ERP or cat people pics so that doesn't sound like what I want to do.

I know but I was hoping for a nudge in a direction so I can level a class that has similar gear.

What's wrong with Aether?

datacenter with 2 infamous quarantine servers and the rest are literally mateus levels dead.

I'm gonna guess that Red Mage might be a bit of a more mobile Black Mage

Samurai might be fun for the memes, and Monk isn't that bad to play as, it's fun. It's hard to decide honestly dude

I'd honestly say Samurai, out of a hope that it's slashing down debuff is tied with one of it's major, higher potency combos. But Red Mage might be useful if they put Refresh in for their skillset, which I'm sure they'll do.

Garbage as far as the eye can see.

Zelda and P5 can't come soon enough. I'm so goddamn tired of shitters in multiplayer games.

>well I'm not into ERP or cat people pics so that doesn't sound like what I want to do
That is literally what /vg/ is all about which is ultros, the other servers to avoid are balmung and fairy but if you're going to be in primal you wont encounter them

>rest are literally mateus levels
Cactaur is larger than Ultros and has a better clear percentage as well, if Cactaur is dead then Ultros is deader than dead

Lets break this down
As I've said. Two. Two whopping easy as piss dungeons that turns into repetitive muscle memory
Give so little tomes it's genuinely not worth. But assuming you're retarded and -did- farm trials, see the dungeons. Except even fewer variety.
Again, very little tomestones. You farm raids to get better gear so you can have gear to be set when the next extreme raids come out. That's it.
With these ques and, again, so little earn? Not to mention the PVP in this game is dreadful and not balanced in the slightest with the barest attention from devs.
oh i'm laffin. Next.
This is the only contender on the list. It actually has good farm potential and a -decent- tome reward. It works and square saw that. That's why it's still getting attention.
Only good for gil potential in groups, the tomes are -okay- but not near optimal at all.
Why did you say the same thing twice? No really? I know you don't think maps are worth it outside of aquapolis.
>Beast tribes
Boring ass dailies that dont get you dick for tomes. Only the crafter ones are worth outside of funny dances.
go on.

Balmung and Fairy, the rest is fine and if you can put up with Leviathan then Gilgamesh won't be an issue since it's literally the same type of people on both

Check the Census, ultros is more populated than cactuar. Who gives a shit about cactuar anyways, it's on Aether LMAO

>sort of interested in trying xiv
>see screenshots
>hotbars cover half the screen
>meters fucking everywhere

>tfw wipe to Sohm Al HM's first boss because the Healer and his derg butt buddy are too retarded to do the mechanics right the first time
>wipe at .5%
>if the AST gave me a single card instead of me to the derg doing 800 DPS we wouldn't have wiped
>AST continued to feed every single card to the derg
>derg doesn't AoE at all on the trash pulls

I should've just left after that first wipe

dumb catposter

>Sohm Al HM's first boss
It has mechanics?
I did T6 when it was relevant but Rafflesia 2.0 doesn't seem to do anything; I just burn it with no repurcussions.

Also I'm the healer so I'd be aware of any ramifications for ignoring mechanics, the boss kind of just sits there spawning bees and impotently trying to suck people in with a hilarious 3 second "Consume" cast timer afterward.

>That Timestop during the Alexander's theme live performance at 2:05

Holy fuck my dick, I definitely have to go to the next one, they all seem to be expensive but pretty chill.

Yeah, what a shame. If only you could customize the HUD or something.

You know you can customize it right?

Man, the map and the waypoint system in this game sure are annoying. I'm getting lost all the damn time. Hopefully, I'll get used to it soon.

you can tone it down a bit so its less intrusive , a lot of people like to have crap ton of class switch macros and emote buttons for some reason and it looks godawful

I've heard good and bad about Leviathan but what about the other Primal servers, does anyone here play on them or are they ghost towns?

yeah totally, just look at this customized UI that's totally not a mess of hot bars, frames, and meters.

You get used to the map. Remember that you can Ctrl+mouseclick the map to give your coordinates and mark your map.