Holy shit, BotW in 6 days! Are you just as excited as me? What are your expectations?
Holy shit, BotW in 6 days! Are you just as excited as me? What are your expectations?
It's gonna be shit
Some reviews show up with uncut footage so I can get a proper idea if I should go buy it
Poll time.
How many of you are interested in like actually being in a relationship with a cute boy who loves you and vice versa? How many of you just have traps/cute boys as a fetish and nothing more?
Prepare for the kneejerk "it's shit" shitposting because it's so popular Sup Forums will pretend to hate it, just like Witcher 3, Undertale etc.
But this is a Nintendo game, so we'll see
it has some technical issues, but as for a zelda game I guess it's okay? is definetly not a masterpiece.
I want a cute boy who would play video games with me
I think it would be so cute if he played healer and I played tank in a MMO and we bought each other outfits
Just a fetish. And mostly fictional ones.
Honestly, just having somebody love me and whom I can love back is fine, I wouldn't even care if they're a cute girl or cute boy.
I've already got a cute Girl (Female), so I'm content for the time being.
I expect I won't find a Switch to buy and I'll be screwed.
I am excited, but I wont be able to play it until I can afford a switch. So Im looking at at least a good month or two after release to get my hands on it.
>TFW Canadian college fag who's sole income is autismbux.
Too poor to buy it senpai. Maybe in 6 months.
Just buy the Wii U version. I already have a Wii U, it's been gathering dust for a couple f months so it's good to be finally be able to use it again.
First party Nintendo games are $100 on Ontario. I'm too poor even for it after expenses.
Post more cute Toon Link reactions.
Fuck off you god danmed peadophile
A shit game along with a shit console.
I'd be happy with either a cute boy or a cute girl who loves me. A-as long as they're okay with my vidya habits and play with me sometimes.
based as fuck
Stay mad
No expectations, not going to both with it. Rather play Nier on the 10th.
Get raped in prison like you do to children
Nice projection
Peadophile accusing others of harming children
That's rich you ruin lives
>tfw driving myself insane watching webms and preview videos of something I won't be able to play for months because work/college got in the way of me preordering the system
This game just keeps fucking giving
>Shield surfing
>Throwing metal weapons to use as lightning rods
>Using stasis to pull some Mercenary Tao shit
>Mounting deer, riding them to your destination, and then killing them for meat
Post more WW Toon Link manga pages.
Too effeminate to be a hero
Do you see that eyelash?
It feels great to witness the start of the fall of Amercia, you fucking degenrates will probably die out in a century or two
a century or two? try 4 years with my man Pence at the wheel
You just wish you had a nice boyfriend
So what is this from?