The open world action-adventure genre is the perfect genre

The open world action-adventure genre is the perfect genre.

Fight me.

It can be done very well and be fun, but so can every genre.

i agree thats why revelation online is gonna rekt the mmo market

In theory

Name an example

Isometric RPGs and grand strategy games are the only games that need to exist.

Perfect genre that still hasn't had a 10/10 game and likely never will.

it just came out tho

What just came out?

Not until someone finally tries to compete with Bethesda, at least.

I think a really good open world game would feel more like a large scale Metroidvania, where it feels like you're unlocking the world as you play. If such a game were to be made it would probably be my favorite, as long as the combat held up.

Those are boring, slow and clunky


I played this a long time ago, but I don't remember much about it other than the setting being really cool.

Bethesda is a fucking plague.

But they have an unchallenged monopoly on an entire game genre.

No they don't. There are numerous amount of open world games out there that are high quality and financially successful.

And they've managed to strangle fantasy open world games and who knows when we'll see them recover.

They still don't offer everything Bethesda games do, like mods.

I agree, but only when it has mechs.

A lot do have mod support but all the modders flock to Bethesda so they get no support

That's usually because they don't offer proper mod tools.

Yeah, I'm not aware of any other open-world fantasy RPG that is both very open to modding and gives you actual mod tools.

They're low quality overall though.

>dislike the directionless nature and empty feeling of open world games
>all games are slowly moving towards this because "quantity > quality!!!"


>Falling for the asian mmo meme yet again
will they ever learn

>dislike the directionless nature and empty feeling of open world games
Do you like being told what to do and where to go better? I'll take freedom to explore over being lead around by the nose any day.

The problem usually isn't open world and lack of direction it's that open worlds have become larger and less interactive. That's the trend you should be complaining about.

See I'm with here, I'm tired of playing games with a story that drags me around.

I want to explore on my own and make my own story in an open world, but every open world game is either "we're open world but you still have shit to do so look around for a bit then get back to the main story" or "here's the sandbox you want but there's fucking nothing in it have fun"

I wanna make my story you fucks but I gotta have something to make it with.