Switch ports

What Wii U games deserve Switch ports?

Smash 4, Xenoblade X and TMS#FE immediately come to mind.

The last two with proper localization would be pretty awesome. Also a damn shame Nintendo decided to port Xenoblade to New 3DS and not Switch as that game deserves a clean up graphics wise. Not even huge graphical improvement just what other companies do with their Sony remasters.

All of them. Nintendo would be dumb to not port all the Wii U exclusives to the Switch considering nobody bought the Wii U and the Switch is going to sell really well. But if I had to choose, Tropical Freeze, Smash 4, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, and Pikmin 3. I already own all of them, I would just like if more people owned them as well. I think they're all really good, especially Tropical Freeze and Wonderful 101.

mario maker

Dark Souls

Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble

None of them really "deserve" it, though XCX would be awesome if it got a whole new ost. I hate the field themes.

SM3DW, Bayo 2 & W101 ports would be fine, but everything else should just get a sequel. I know that a Sm4sh port is very likely, but that's the one I think they start fresh on most.

If Smash and Bayo 1 & 2 got ports, I'd cop a Switxh

>XCX remaster where you can switch the XCX music for XC music

all my money

bayonetta 2, smash, and maybe xenoblade X. Then i'd trade in mine for a switch

I would rather get a new smash game

they'd have to be insane to not port mario mark

I left the typo in just so you guys could experience my stupid typo

I pretty sure they'd rather just make a sequel like Splatoon 2. Smash seems like an easy enough port since they can make a Deluxe version like MK8.

Also I feel like an asshole for forgetting Bayonetta 1+2.


Actually, a good idea imo would be to use them as extra fodder, like they did with Bayo 2 havign Bayo 1 in there also.

Something like buy the new Retro Dk, get TF, or buy Xeno 2 get XCX

If they post smm i hope they add smb 2 usa

>xenoblade x

im sorry i fucking love that game and I have near 800hrs clocked grinding for mechs, but im not playing a new file on that game fuck that

I'd like Bayonetta 1 and 2. Would be so cash to have those two on the go.

Let the poor sods who never did enjoy it.

Fuck, I could probably replay it and finish it in 50 or so hours if i really tried.

Not sure if I'd like to see Smash 4 get one. The ruse cruise still being a thing would be hilarious if it ends up getting some extras, but with the Switch there is the opportunity for another Smash game to happen and thus a new cruise

fuck it
port monhun 3U and i'd give it another few hundred hours
keep me going while i wait for a new game to be announced for the thing


This meme needs to die. It's literally an isolated case for MK8.

I'm curious as to how long the master sever for the Wii U version has until it gets shut down.

Bayo 2, XCX, #FE, Dong Freeze

Smash4 so they nerf Cloud. I don't mind him in singles, but it's a pain in the butt to deal with it in doubles, and worse yet if there are 2 of them.


No. FE itself needs to die already. The last thing it needs is a successful spinoff

I think the problem with that is they'd be leaving a lot of money on the table. Bayonetta was a super special case and the combo pack costs over $100 now physically while you can still buy the Bayonetta 1 Wii U port digitally. These remasters can pad a library for a while, (see PS4) so Nintendo would be stupid not to release them individually, especially considering Switch is guaranteed to outsell the fuck out of Wii U so they'd be reaching a ton of new customers who never played these games on Wii U

i'd just port 4u if we're doing games before Gen

underwater fights should never see the light of day again

Bayonetta, just because I want to suffer and have yet another version of the game that can't maintain a constant 60fps

Quick, what extra features would you want in these ports? Mario Kart 8 got new characters and a revamped battle mode after all.

>Xenoblade X
Volume mixers, option to enable/disable vocals in songs, additional party members.

>Mario Maker
Co-op. It'd be terrible but hilariously so.

Smash 4, DKC Freeze, Bayo, Pokken

>Smash 4 port

Literally pointless. Why not just wait for V?

Because porting 4 doesn't mean 5s development will be affected, or delayed and a shit ton of people didn't buy a Wii U, ergo shit ton of people didn't buy, play Smash 4.

Wonderful 101 with some tweaks, like fixing the framerate in some areas and changing the GamePad sections.
Bayonetta 2 with some extras, like a few solo bonus scenarios where you play as Rodin or Balder.

i mean my dream scenario is Sakurais doing the Smash 4 "deluxe" port while an all new director + team is making Smash 5, so theres a good stop gap between 4 and 5 instead of a ~6.5 year drought

>and a shit ton of people didn't buy a Wii U, ergo shit ton of people didn't buy, play Smash 4.


>instead of a ~6.5 year drought

Just play smash 4 normally..

I'd much rather see it just get ported for now. The Smash 4 roster is damn near perfect in my opinion, all it's really missing is Wolf and Ice Climbers. Ridley, K. Rool, Dixie, etc. would be nice, but let's face it, we're never getting them, apparently.

Starting over means characters get cut. I'd rather they just port Smash 4, bring back a couple of the more missed vets, port up the 3DS-exclusive stages, and make Classic and Smash Tour not shit.

Then a new Smash a few years down the line and I can start worrying about which of my favorite characters will get the axe again.

>The Smash 4 roster is damn near perfect

> all it's really missing is Ridley, K. Rool

Reading comprehension, dumbfuck.

Get some fucking taste, fag.

None. Buy a Wii U if you want to play Wii U games. Nintendo shouldn't be fucking Wii U owners by releasing the definitive edition of all its games on Switch, and they should be giving Switch owners something new regardless.

Wii U ports are insulting to Wii U and Switch owners.


>The smash game with literally no positive aspects should get ported

Are you retarded?

Best thing about Smash V is that this piece of shit noncharacter is the first to be cut

>If they port SMM I want them to add Donkey Donkey Picnic: the sprite swap: the game

How about no

Meleefag, I'm guessing?

Actually, an expensive third party like Cloud would likely be the first to go.

Keep that salt coming, boys.

was tropical freeze that good? I picked it up as a nintendo select thing or whatever but never got around to it

I think its the best wii u exclusive, but I'm also just a huge fan of 2d platformers.