I don't care about her game, but she is the best designed vidya girl I've ever seen

I don't care about her game, but she is the best designed vidya girl I've ever seen.

that's just your dick talking

so Sup Forums, who da real m/v/p?

ur mom

Youmu is pretty cute.

>talking about characters from vidya you haven't played
Don't do this

Too bad she isnt even the MC of her own game.

inb4 brap pics



Paizuri when.

She is such a cock tease

Akihiko Yoshida is literally the god of creating sexual female characters.

Thigh game is off the fucking charts in everything he makes.

Not really. She's certainly become overrated very quickly.

Who is then? The twink?

She is 95% the fucking girl from Demons Souls, even with the eye patches


Yeah, the shota. Half the plot of the game is that the guy is pissed off his waifu dies early on. You can only play as 2B for one ending thats really mediocre and lasts 9 hours and post game that doesnt really matter unless youre a completionist.

If you say so.


At least she stays relevant to the end of the game.

somebody has to post it

Oh, thought she had white hair

Well I go down to 66%

>having an opinion is bait
Fuck off back to 9fag you utter newfag.


>character with short hair dressed in black
>hurr she must be from dark souls haha braise the sun Sup Forumsros
Reddit is two blocks down.

None of these things were said you projecting turbo faggot.

>2B posting

Fuck off. The game even cucks you from her. You waifufags need to be gassed.

Souls fanboys have no business calling other people faggots. Know your place, newfriend.

Does anyone have the mods for this? The link on hongfire was taken down.


That is because she is the only girl you don't have to look in the eyes user.

When literally all the promo material showcased 2B and her gameplay I feel this shit counts as a bait and switch.
I thought 9S and A2 would just be NPC support characters; I'm not mad about them being playable, not at all, I just think it was disingenuous to center everything around 2B only to sideline her after act 1.

fucking dropped

She's not even in my top 10. Looks like generic weebshit if I'm being honest.

Once again
>no u
Fucking amazing


Im just mad that she gets the deceased loved one treatment to serve as a major motivation for another. Of course, it all boils down to the fact that I really dont like 9S in the first place. It doesnr help that he gets the last ending outside of Ending E so his gives off more of a lasting impact than the rest, especially C, which IMO was the better closure ending.

Of course there also the post-game. We know Square is going to dump 2B costume DLCs by the truckload because she's literally the main selling point of the game, but what good is it if you only ever get to use it when the main campaign is finished?

Textbook soulscuck deflection. *sigh*

Would be better if she was wearing bloomers instead of leotard.