So my my autistic friend said that the victory for the Imperials would be the only way to stop the extermination of man by the Thalmor, but if Talos worship is ban, wouldn't the races of man be fucked anyway?
Which side the civil war in Skyrim would ultimately save the races of man?
We are only powerful when united, amicus.
The empire needs Skyrim as Skyrim's people need the empire.
Else, the elves will hold dominion over us.
Whichever side the last dragonborn picks because he could probably wreck anyone's shit if he can beat Harkon, Alduin, and Miraak.
the empire doesn't actually want to ban talos worship. they didn't even enforce it until ulfric and his band of fags started shit. the only reason they cracked down on it is because the thalmor would have cracked down on them if they didn't, and they couldn't afford another war with them. if the empire won they would have literally zero reasons to outlaw talos worship after they regroup and BTFO the thalmor, but pic related's autism couldn't handle that.
An independent skyrim would have enough resources and manpower to repel any elf or imperial invasion. The land is rough and easily dependable.
You have to be a fool to think a weakened Skyrim could hold off the Dominion.
>An independent skyrim would have enough resources and manpower to repel any elf or imperial invasion
So why didn't the Nords manage to beat the elves in the war?
the Stormcloaks are at best in alignment with the Thalmor's interests (Skyrim independent from the Empire), and at worst the whole rebellion is kickstarted and backed by the Thalmor.
Nords. The Imps are too fucking cucked to even exist now.
>literally kneel down to gracefully prep that knife ear dick when turning point multiple strategic victories across Cyrodiil had the knife ears running
That was when the Empire died.
I fucking hate this argument. The nords don't have fucking meta knowledge that the thaljews are ebin puppet masters.
>"war" is meaningless
>you can literally murder the emperor and the game world doesn't even acknowledge it
I can rationalize the Emperor's death no bding talked about because it's being super hush hush by the Empie. Imagine the shitstorm that would ensue when all of Tamriel finds out the Emperor was murdered. Could be used to rekindle the Empire being weak and it was the Thalmors doing.
Believe it or not, this is actually writing. Google 'russian cursive'
whatever, the point is ending the conflict. the setting to lorep rogression is: Skyrim was devastated by a civil war, no matter the winner, the next big event will probably gives 0 fucks about this, that's why it was so open, the
only thing that will be set in stone it that a civil war happened and the Dragonborn stopped it before it was too late since: _____ happened and _______
Any winner would be a problem to the Thalmor, the entire point of the Thalmor in skyrim now was to keep the war raging forever weakening the strongest opposition to Talos worship ban.
American's have no clue of anything in the world outside of the outhouse in their backyard.
It literally doesnt matter because the canon ending which is whatever Bethesda picks will make it so no one is exterminated
>arguing lore within the boundary of the games story and not the whole picture
You have autism
A united humanity is necessary to not get fucked by the elves
Assuming the Empire can fight off the Thalmore, the worship of Talos will be reinstated. Hell it will probably be reinstated at the start of the war.
The threat they're both facing are the elves and it doesn't really matter who wins when the dragonborn is there to fix stuff anyway.
You did save best girl from the Thalmore right?
what the flying fuck?
>no option to blackmail her into becoming your sex slave
>implying she didn't sell her people out
Which side the civil war in Skyrim would ultimately save the races of man?
>implying I didnt RP as a high elf thalmor mage wiping out filthy humies left and right
God I just really wish there was some kinda thalmor mod
or even better
a FORSWORN mod that would be cool. never done a Forsworn play through.
get fucked imperials. Aldmeri Dominion here to fuck yo bitch and sterilize your children.
>implying you don't use sexlab
nope. turned that negress in asap