Game Trivia Thread

Did you know...
>Shigeru Miyamoto got the idea for cat mario one day while making dinner. While attempting to prepare his dish, the cat ran up his leg and sat on his head, inspiring Miyamoto to give Mario a cat suit.

> The cult hilt Earthbound originally had the character Ness naked in Magicant. This was a deliberate choice by series creator Shigasoi itoi who was a known pedophile.

> The US released Super Mario Bros 2 was originally a game called Doki Doki Panic in Japan. The actual Super Mario Bros 2 was a romhack made by chinese hackers and accidentally released to Japanese gamers.

did you know...
OP is a fag?

Yo momma.



Donkey Kong was based on a childhood experience Miyamoto had where he was nearly attacked by a escaped Korean Gorilla named Dong Ki by the staff. Miyamoto was found hiding in a barrel after the incident.

>Shigasoi itoi who was a known pedophile.
Im gonna remember that everytime i see earthbound

Is that true?

>While attempting to prepare his dish, the cat ran up his leg and sat on his head, inspiring Miyamoto to give Mario a cat suit.

Yoshi was named after a man shigeru miyamoto met at a restaurant. He noticed the guy had an abnormally long tongue and would eat anything that walked by. He'd then immediately turn the, into eggs.

>There is a rare SNES game called Dragonball Z: Kengaochi Budopairu Tipiana Giragumesh Hyper Vegeta Messhomuru, in which Goku learns the Sashimi Hami Salami Tenko-Bairu Go Go Fighting Gun Kamehameha, a move capable of killing all of his enemies and dodge child support

Did you know Seabass is a big gay.

Did you know the Video Boab Oyedivuth is a big gay.

Lol what a retard

Did you know...
>easter egg if you type in Laura's real life name right here instead of her ingame name

Half-a presses

The idea for Donkey Kong Country came from Shigeru Miyamoto's trip to Orlando, Florida, where he saw a black man and his son throw barrels at an alligator.

Get a load of these gays

Please tell me her last name.

Is this the disinfo thread?

Did you know? Hideo Kojima is not the original creator of Metal Gear Solid. Katsuhi Magickalhambone, the idea factory behind Earthbound and popular anime series One Piece, came up with a plan for an Escape From New York game at a lunch with Shigeru Miyamoto, prompting Miyamoto to go on and make Metal Gear Solid.

Did you know? D-Dog is not actually a dog, but a wolf.

Did you know?
>The iconic cuccoo easter egg from The Legend of Zelda series was inspired by an event when Shigeru Miyamoto was only 11 years old. As a boy, he killed a chicken for fun cause he was fucked up and ugly and didn't have any friends. When he programmed the feature of killing chickens into the game, it felt better to him to torture the chicken endlessly instead, as well as spawn more chickens on-screen to increase the pain.
>this feature was preserved and expanded upon for the latest Zelda; in Breath of the Wild, the player can kill every kind of animal including companion dogs - but the iconic chicken is still invincible and must endure endless torture.

Did you know that if you take your cart of Super Mario World while the Super Nintendo is on that the game doesn't work?

Is in the source code. That's how people discovered this """"""Easte Egg"""".
Game is open sourced.


no, this is actually all true though..

Did you know?
>The design for the Boo enemies in Super Mario Bros games came from the time that Shigeru Miyamoto decided to cut of his head and put it in a cryogenic stasis box, taking notes from Walt Disney. When he was frozen, he stuck his tongue out, and his skin was pale.
>Iwata liked to fuck with employees by hiding the head in strange locations, like in the fridge in the employee lounge. This led to lots of screaming in horror, hence the enemy's ghostly nature
>Once it was clear they needed him, Iwata had a new mechanical body built for Miyamoto's head to inhabit. His first word upon reawakening was "Boo" hence the American name

>and dodge child support
So this is why niggers love DBZ so much

i choose to believe Miyamoto is secretly into some weird shit

Fun fact, when video game companies started pushing the "Winners don't do drugs" campaign the drug companies struck back with a "Winners certainly don't play video games" campaign. This was so much more successful than the anti-drug campaign that the stigma around gaming remains to this day.

I like the "miyamoto and other famous ninty devs are sociopathic goofballs" meme

>In Blitzkrieg, trains can repair broken rail just by driving over them slowly. You can spam RMB to make it get tiny bursts of speed and drive over broken rail quicker.

The Darknuts in the Zelda games are based off of Shigeru Miyamoto's struggle to keep his wife's interest in him after she developed an interest in African-American men.

The Nanking Massacre for one.

A rare early behind the scenes look at the making of Yoshi's Island.
