You know what, I don't even care that it turns into an unfinished mess.....this game is comfy as fuck
You know what, I don't even care that it turns into an unfinished mess.....this game is comfy as fuck
>Best story
>Best world
>Best characters
>Best side quest
>Best combat
It's the best Final Fantasy since VII.
Nope. You XV fags are the worst.
It's the 3rd worst Final Fantasy behind FFII and FFXIII. Saying it's the best since VII is an insult to VII's legacy.
The constant fetch quests are kinda annoying though
>XV fags
its just one guy
Only a matter of time before XV kun arrives to pointlessly defend this shit game again.
But II and XIII are better than XV.
OP here - it's really not that bad. First 8 chapters are comfy as hell.
Then it all goes to shit.
>best characters
>four guys, all wearing the same shit
>all cardboard cutouts of anime stereotypes that have been around for ages
>angsty bitch main character.
Are we talking about different games or what?
Ony of many, for they are legion.
You know what else is a legion?
Breast cancer.
And breast cancer is a horrifically debilitating disease similar to Square cucks who get hardons for XV. Like breast cancer, they will continue to fester and support garbage, thus killing the industry from within.
Confirmed for never playing FF2
Final Fantasy characters have always basically been anime tropes
Its a comfy game until you reach chapter 7. I dropped the game at chapter 8 becauae how bad it was getting. The shitty action combat system and bad boss designs killed it for me.I might return back to it before the year ends.
Not really.
XIII was one of the worst JRPGs in decades, and FFII gameplay is some of the worst in the series.
Be honest guys, was he right?
>Chapters 1 - 8: Aimless wandering.
>Chapters 9 - 14: Breast cancer.
>Chapter 15: Tech demo.
He's retarded, considering FFXV has invincibility frames
>XIII was one of the worst JRPGs in decades
You're right and XV managed to be worse now stop shilling this piece of garbage.
Nobody cares, fuck off.
Well, Bayonetta is the better game DESU
Not shilling if I'm still calling XV shit now, am I?
I could basically play fishing for hours. It's relaxing.
I never played any FF game but I'm listening to XIII's soundtrack right now and it's amazing.
XIII's soundtrack is pretty fucking meh in terms of FF soundtracks
All Final Fantasy games have GOAT soundtracks, one consistent area in the series.
Music is merely an accessory.
A game's gameplay is it's soul, and XIII has the worst of it, therefore making it garbage.
>XIII's soundtrack is pretty fucking meh in terms of FF soundtracks
That's a pretty awful opinion.
I'm not well versed in their soundtracks, but I'm liking the mix of electronica and symphony.
I wouldn't know.
Eww, JPOP-tier levels of shitheelness.
>XIII has the worst of it
Yeah no.
It really isn't.
III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and XV are all considerably better
I've never played the MMO iterations so no idea if those are better as well
I really enjoyed the moogle carnival I hope they do more stuff like that
FFII was shit, but it was still more tolerable.
I'd rather upchuck my own feces than suffer through the equivalent of of having a cattle prod inserted up into your urethra.
Going through the seven stages of grief I see
XV's is garbage, VIII and VI's OSTs are amazing though.
What make's II so bad, I've only played IV-XV.
XV's isn't close to the best, but it's better than XIII
>comfy=shit game that you like
so is this a unpopular opinions thread?
Maybe for for philistines, XIII having jazz fusion tracks makes it better on that principle alone.
To add though, VIII is legitimately god tier in terms of soundtrack
>jazz fusion
>a good thing
this is bait isn't it
I found it boring. I pretty much stopped playing when I had to constantly wait for ignis to catch up to me and that molboro battle that forces you to run away.
Whoever thought those things were a good idea is a fucking dipshit.
Yes I agree I would say VIII is the best and I fucking hate that game.
who really gives a shit about post nobuo soundtracks. Unless they they got Revo to do it. I can't fucking believe that a budget game has an infinitely better soundtrack than everything square has done for the past 15 years
I'm not hearing jazz fusion at all.
Hey now, Yoko Shimomura is pretty damn good
Hamauzu is pretty good at times.
You just sound like you're not willing to try new things.
FF2's gameplay is crap. Go lookup a jewtube video or some shit.
Those are all GOAT Final Fantasy songs.
>jazz fusion tracks makes it better on that principle alone.
Sup Forums, is this actual typed out autism?
Does anyone know if XV-kun is coming, only reason I'm still here.
Think you posted the wrong links. I thought you were gonna post good songs
I happen to like somnus....agree on the other ones though
user...Somnus is trash.
XIII's music kept me playing.
XV's did not. I found it forgetable at times.
Agree to disagree. I think it fits the theme of the game quite well.
Motherfucker, Eruyt Village alone is GOD-tier desu.
It's the worst of the 3 posted
No, it really doesn't.
It was meant for VersusXIII, as in, the TRUE VersusXIII, not this XV garbage.
Same. Tabata did the best he could.
Oh boy. Here we go.
>It was meant for VersusXIII
>Therefore it's trash
>Tabata dindu nuffin!
You XV fags are fucking delusional.
>Proving my point.
Nomura left him with a broken mess. He fixed it up the best he could.
>He fixed it up the best he could.
Making a story worse than the original which was also horseshit because Nomura desu is not the equivalent of "best", user. Go finish guzzling Square's incandescent homogenized semen.
>Nomura desu is not the equivalent of "best"
Who the fuck said that?
He made a finished product out of it. The original story was incomplete and we never saw it so how do you know it was better.
Not him, but based on every other Nomura story that has been was probably better
>He made a finished product out of it.
So, being 66% through your game's development before being swapped out for a worse director is considered finished?
Is this what modern gamer tastes have come to these days?
Versus wasn't even 20% done by 2012 you fucking retard.
>tfw there's a decent chance KHIII is never released on PS4
Nomura may very well be a hack
It's a breddy gud grimdark fantasy. I don't know why people are complaining
>TFW people bought a PS3 for Kingdom Hearts III and it's released on PS5
KH has good story? Are you retarded?
It was meant for this game, Shimomura said herself that the themes from Versus are still the same things in XV.
Stay triggered bitch nigger, so much in denial by how much XV is superior to other FF.
It's better than whatever FF13 trash they were forcing into it before.
>Numbers pulled straight from Nomurafags ass.
He's been a hack since 2002. Only emotionally manipulated milennials think his calcified dogshit is kino-tier OOT-worthy praise.
He's also one of the catalyst's who contributed to Square's decline in quality as well.
>KH has good story
The original game sure. Everything since then? Not so much.
Referring to it's announcement of director changes in 2014, you aborted fetus fuck.
It was the start of the emo animu themes of the Final Fantasy franchise that would plague it in later years to attract virgin weeaboos.
>It was meant for this game, Shimomura said herself that the themes from Versus are still the same things in XV.
They didn't transition well at all. Only uncultured fetishists think that.
Holy fuck, it's XV kun.
Also, FF6 is still the best, so no, XV is still garbage.
Every KH has shit story.
Nomura left in 2013 and by you retarded Nomura cuck logic Versus was the same as Nomura's XV which is wrong anyway, Versus was barely 20% by July 2012 and in 2013 they moved the entire game to Luminous engine and recreated and reevaluated everything from scratch around July 2013. Kingsglaive started in October 2013 then Nomura left December 2013. They only announced he left in September 2014. Eat shit Nomuracuck.
Yes it did since the lyrics of somnus still completely fit the story and literally mentions the perpetual night in it.
Nope, XV is better. 5 is better than 6 toom
>Numbers pulled straight from Nomurafags ass.
FF13 had a fantastic combat system that the sequels only improved on, a good story, fantastic music (stay mad Uematsu fags), and interesting cross-character dynamics. It beats the shit out of 7 and 8, and shows a real iterative improvement over 10.
What does XV have aside from an open (read:cookie-cutter) world and a magical boyband? Half-assed summons? A story that felt like it was written for another game? You "at least it's not 13!" shitposters are pathetic.
It's not better.
FF6 changed JRPGs forever.
XV did not.
I don't even know how people can deny that XIII has the most nuanced combat in the series. The power of hiveminds I guess.
8 is way worse than 15
8 is worse than 13
>FF13 had a fantastic combat system that the sequels only improved on, a good story,
>good story
Is this autism?
To be fair the game never requires one to actually use any of the things like ATB refreshing or cancelling command strings, except for the post game missions.
>best world
>when XII exists
How the fuck is V better than the historically genre defining VI?
That's hardly fair, considering the emo themes didn't come back until 7, or 4 at the very earliest.
>Final Fantasy
>Good story
Is this autism?
At least it's better than Automata, alright.
Would you consider XV and V to be the best offerings from the series?
66% is 55%? Also Tabata is talking about since he took over and they rebooted it, not Nomura stuff you retard.
FF13 has no such thing faggot.
6 did nothing 4 didn't already do.
XV is the best one.
It doesn't, fuck off.
How is 6 genre defining? It did nothing that 4 didn't already do.
Yes V was my favorite prior to XV, now V is my second favorite with XV my favorite and 6 my 3rd favorite.
Got bored of /soc/, can you guys hook me up on games? I only played Final Fantasy 9 but got bored of it halfway through, please no comments on my picture...I had flu that day, thanks