what goes through your head when you hear those words, Sup Forums? do you feel dread? do you accept your imminent death?
Overwatch thread :)
what goes through your head when you hear those words, Sup Forums? do you feel dread? do you accept your imminent death?
Overwatch thread :)
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I'd be feeling pretty high.
I ALT+F4 and then delete system32 to make sure i'm safe.
>ulting as soldier anywhere within roadhogs hook without walls and/or cover
you reek of bronze-gold league
I don't really worry unless I also hear wha wee wom a tic tack
>playing overwatch
How many kills is the bare acceptable minimum for his ult?
I've got jews in my sights
If I hear it from in front of me, nothing. Just get behind cover or rine.
If it's behind me, I just accept my fate.
I feel aroused
I'm reminded of the fact he's going to have a canon male lover.
>Mercy on call
>Reaper here
>Sombra online
How do cope with the incoming loss?
>also playing as soldier 76
>high tail it to around a corner
>right when it ends slam his asshole with a helix rocket and some headshots
>three non tanks
>non reinhardt tank and one non tank
>any non tank using their ultimate and one non tank
If you don't do at least one of the three above, you wasted your ultimate, unless you cap the point or win shortly after using it.
yeah that's what i thought, getting 2 non tanks feels like i wasted it unless i get a hard to kill pharah or something like that, which i probably shouldn't have trouble with but i'm new to shooters
Not only is Reaper the most realistic character to pair 76 with, it'd also cause an absolutely ungodly amount of asspain in the fandom, far far beyond what lesbian Tracer did, so I'm doubling down on it and saying "please let it happen."
I get more upset over pic related.
Woah, excuse me.
Pharah, Genji, Hanzo, and Healers are who you should go after with his ultimate first.
Then if someone on the enemy team is using their ultimate and can be killed during it, go after them if at all possible.
Should never worry about tanks with his ultimate unless you absolutely NEED to hurt them.
I get potg with the ult I just activated, because I'm the guy playing S76.
Why is easier to reach Platinum in Overwatch then it is to reach Platinum in League of Legends?
Games go by much faster potentially.
>"Let's shoot for a new high score!"
D Va, on murdering people
How should I know? I don't play league of faggots.
>haha, eeeeeeeasy
>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults
Don't say a word. Just post your face when.
she looks a little mixed up
>walking around town
>hear church bells go off
>look at watch
>Its noon sharp
>Hear that voice clip crystal clear in my head
Side note should they nerf everyone elses ults or just remake/buff mccrees ult to not make it garbage?
Or the smarting move and just removing ults completely in comp?
Ana is really the only problem with this game.
Ana enables the bullshit that is the meta currently.
>mccree flashbang cancels high noon
>doesn't cancel tactical visor
defend this shit
>Fighting a Roadhog with a pocket Ana
It's fucking cancer
The main issue is her gun and e.
The debuff on e is just pure bullshit and her gun allows her, on a whim, to either kill or heal someone. While mercy has to wait to pull out a gun to deal some decent damage.
Just imagine the fucking destruction an ulting Soldier could create with Ana boost, Mercy boost, and Zen orb at once.
Mass murder.
>removing ults completely in comp
I would go from never playing comp to exclusively playing comp
>1000 HP
At this point, pretty much everyone believes or hopes its going to happen.
>APM jom ollyeo bolkka?
his ult is fine
you say it's garbage because you expect to get a sextuple team wipe every time you declare it's the time when the sun is highest in the sky marking the middle of the day
>underestimating the heteros
The only counter to that is Ana, wowee good meta.
Bastion is the new nano king on PTR. He's literally unkillable with nano on in either sentry or tank mode. Straight up live through all of Pharah's or Reaper's ult.
The lead writer shoehorns it and he made Genji and Mercy a thing.
It's happening.
Honestly I wish blizzard would do this And make 80% of their maps actually fun to play on but I fucking swear they are so fucking stubborn to change a major aspect of a game cause they are afraid to admit their own fucking mistakes.
Season 4 is going to be even more cancer. It's going to be the literal tank meta.
>pre-release open beta high noon
>Be Reinhardt main
>Try quickplay
>No one gets behind my shield
>No one charges when I charge
>No one is ever even close until I earthshatter
>Be Reinhardt main
>Try competitive
>I am always the reason a charge doesn't work out
>I am always the reason someone dies
>I am always the reason a choke didn't hold
This life is suffering. Make sure you vote for your Reinhardt when he gets a card, I can guarantee you that fuckers deserves it. Appreciate your Reinhardt.
>play quickplay
>shield lasts forever
>play comp
>shield is gone 3 seconds after I press the button
why are there two Mexicans in Overwatch but no Dutch, Greek, Swiss or Spaniards?
maybe someday
Norwegian countries are already represented well.
Shit taste. Nobody wants that.
>S76 was oblivious to Reaper's desire for attention, recognition and even love
>just like Othello was to Iago
>and just like Othello, Iago totally destroyed his image and everything his life stood for in jealous revenge
Not only can I dig it, I kinda want to see it confirmed.
>sheild constantly getting worn out
>put it away before it breaks
>friendly team thinks I'm not blocking because I'm bad
The community for this game is pure autism. I had a guy spaz out at me for not charging into an enemies Reinhardt when our entire team was trash at doing damage and couldn't even get a single pick.
Really, regardless on what you do your team will probably call you shit.
how's this sound
>two Mexicans
Sombra and?
Remove Ults and make Soldier 76 the only playable character. There, I fixed Competitive Play. You're welcome, Blizzard.
>No Swiss
Are you forgetting?
Reaper, but he's American
The truth.
As Reinhardt that is literally your job. Keep the team alive, pick engagements, counter the other Rein, and receive literally all the blame if the team loses. And if you win? "Haha, gg EVERYONE ;)"
I had a guy in comp shout
I checked his stats... Less than 5,000 damage as Pharah 80% through the match. He was fucking bronze in damage done on a DPS character, but the reason we're losing is obviously because of Reinhardt because fuck you.
you're fucking cringe-worthy terrible
don't even do it for fun
High Noon is McCree concentrating and aiming. Getting stunned would interrupt that.
Tactical Visor is Solider 76 hitting a button on his computer hat and running a program. Getting stunned would not interrupt that.
>tfw did my placement matches, got into platinum, then never played competitive again
>tfw memed myself into being a Mercy main
Why does no one care about my well-being 80% of the time
>Appreciate your Reinhardt
>in QP
>guy goes rein says he is a good rein
>decide to play bastion since they have fantastic synergy if rein protects you
>tell him I will stay close to him to protect him and he should do the same if I go sentry mode
>follow him in recon shooting off and heckling from behind shield as he moves
>group of a few people show up
>go sentry
>rein walks away from me
>we both get killed
this was the rest of the round too. We could have won so easily, rein / bastion combo is fantastic when they work together right.
>promotes homogays
>doesn't promote glorious girl love
It's not fair! ;_;
>poo poo in the loo designated shitting streets shitskin character
>anything higher than poop brain tier
How do I play Zarya?
t. literal retard
Tracer was literally just confirmed as a lesbian you fucking retard.
>reaper/tracer constantly flanking and killing me uncontested
>team spams "need healing" while I'm dead
This is good content
I'll tell you if you've got anymore
I wouldn't know famalama. Whenever I play zarya its like I am tickling people with a feather ray. When I fight a good zarya my HP gets shredded like its a death beam.
no one cares about that cunt
Ok, now tell me.
Yes because it's basically a guaranteed two kills
if you have a good rein or d.va its 0 kills
I said "glorious" in you literate inbred cocksleeve.
Ain't nothing glorious about Tracer and Lesbian#2.
Zarya is the biggest mystery to me because I never play her. She kind of reminds me of Pharah. When you play against a shit one you barely notice they are in the game and when you play a good one they dominate the whole fucking team and you're powerless to do anything about it.
The amount of asspain it'll cause is why I want it to be canon
i break line of sight and shoot at the only angle he can take to shoot me, he runs into the first rocket getting bounced, and then runs into the next cancelling his entire ult as he dies and faceplants the capturepoint and that's another game in the bag, shitters best not mess with my quake skills or ima fucking murder a nigga #UNDERWATERBOYS
The game's entire scoreboard system is designed to make useless players feel good about themselves, which makes the whole thing devolve into a blame game that much faster.
I think healing is what makes this game so tedious.
There's no fun when every gets fully healed under 1sec and the game will have to be fully balanced around that fact also.
Is reaper still viable?
>favorites are in all 4 tiers
>in comp
>first chokepoint on Eichenwalde
>find perfect moment
>charge and kill enemy Rein
>run around left side
>start capping objective
>FOUR PEOPLE peel to deal with me
>my team didn't push past the one motherfucker still defending the choke
>"wtf rein"
>First box I open during the event gets me this
>Have been opening boxes since launch and still have yet to get Bloodhardt
Fuck this game. Its the last skin I need for Rein and I just can't get it. I think I've gotten nothing but sprays and icons like 5 boxes in a row now.
flash dat thing
The scoreboard pisses me off to no end. Who thought it would be a good idea to merge assists with kills in the score board? Literally no fucking other games do this. I wan't to know what I am contributing not the tally of everything. God damn it.
No. Not until they do something to Roadhog. If they make his hook a trap instead of stun, Reaper will have use. Even then it's not really guaranteed
>About to hit three stars on my account
>0/13 Reinhardt skins