Final boss heals its entire HP

>final boss heals its entire HP

>Final boss consists of 1hit KO moves

>Final bosses theme has latin chanting

>Boss owes 14 months of rent

>final boss resurrects himself

final boss runs away

>final boss has only one weakness
>attempting to exploit it causes him to spam insta-death spells 7 times a turn

Final Boss is a QTE

>boss is the good guy

>Boss lowers your level by 5
>more than once

>Direct combat with the boss changes to a chase segment

>Final boss was just pretending to be hurt for fun and didn't actually take any damage

>final boss paralyze you, poisons you, freezes you, puts you to sleep, confuses you and burns you

>the boss's healing is only slightly lower than your damage meaning either the boss fight will take forever or you'll have to load a save and grind

>final boss is The Boss

>Boss cancel move charging animation because he knows when you are in defense mode

>final boss isn't the final boss

>final boss breaks the 4th wall and corrupts your save file if you lose

>final boss charms your teamember
>he then fully heals him

>Boss has a fuckton of health and can heal himself to full health at any given moment, which made someone cut off their internet in anger

I used to play tons of games that did this. Boss would get down to 1/4 and heal entirely extending the fight. It was always infuriating.

>final boss finds out you still pee the bed and have to wear diapers even though you're 13 and tells everyone at school the next day

>there is no final boss, that would be "too video gamey"

>Final boss input reads

>Final boss has a stupidly long, yet easy first phase
>Second phase is actually difficult
>Have to replay the first phase every time you lose

I hate this

>boss can heal 50% of it's health every 50 seconds
>if you can't deal enough damage to kill him off in 50 seconds it's literally impossible to beat him

I hate this shit.

lol so random!

>final boss is a cinematic qte

>Final boss taunts you and calls you a cuck if you die.

>Final boss is a God

>boss is nearly impervious to most forms of damage
>is extremely susceptible to status effects
>status effects suck everywhere else

>final boss happens to be a sexy monster which wants to be hugged

not a final boss but

>think boss is defeated
>actually initiates second phase and does massive damage to entire party
>second phase is extremely difficult

>Final boss is just the last decision in the plot
>Is the only decision in the game that really affects what ending you will get

I hate it when the second phase is just first phase but faster and harder hitting since it just means that the timing I've learned for first part has conditioned me to take some hits.

>final boss bribes you to get beaten
>money, armor and weapon are saved in your next load
>you could probably get more rare things if you get beaten next time

El chavo sucks.

You suck

>Final boss beats up your pregnant gf if you lose


This guy is about the same as you described

>final boss is immune to the paralyzing chicharra

>boss casts zombie on entire party
>then casts life

>final boss 1hit KO you with chipote chillon

>final boss wipes the raid because when enraged it summons an add that inflicts the chusma debuff

>final boss is not Hitler

what games let me get bribed by bosses

>final boss is stronger depending on how many times you saved throughout the game

>final boss was your teacher
>final boss waits for you to fight with everything was taught

>final boss can 1-2 shot a party member
>final boss always attacks twice

no u

>Boss hit power soo strong that your hit animation can't even process it quickly enough

>final boss can do this
>final boss can also do that

>boss does something to fully restore their HP
>it doesn't heal anything
That fucking robot in Earthbound. Eats a sandwich and the game says its HP is maxed out.

It heals nothing.

>Final boss is just boring easy

>final boss gives a speech
>if you try to listen to the entire speech your party member will get frustrated and one shot the boss

Boss turn your allies into dust

>Don't fuck with this Widow

i really wanted her to end up with the teacher, sadly it was just repetitive and nothing will progress

>Final Boss has no buildup and is almost wholly unrelated to the plot of the game


>Final boss consists of 1hit KO moves
>It's a turn based game

Maybe she just didn't wanted to marry again and enjoy Jirafales daily "Coffee" with no compromise

i suppose, i mean quico spend his time outside when that happens, mostly, i guess she told him not to enter when jirafales was inside

a ver cabrones, ya es hora.

de que ciudad son?
que edad tienen?
que videojuego estan jugando?
vieron la imagen del extraterrestre en Sup Forums?

>de que ciudad son?
>que edad tienen?
>que videojuego estan jugando?
ahorita MHGen y Digimonworld Next Order
>vieron la imagen del extraterrestre en Sup Forums?
vi varias, no se cual fue realmente la imagen del extraterrestre, si te cagabas del miedo?

Não sou cabron, boludo.

>si te cagabas del miedo?

no se user, a mi me toco ver un screamer pero era falso, aunque si me saco un buen susto

de que extraterrestre hablas?

como me caga que eso pase

Me gusta que hacen el hilo en espanol de Sup Forums
Hace poco empiezo a estudiar espanol y me gustaria practicar el con ustedes.

also, videogames

>de que ciudad son?
>que videojuego estan jugando?
Caida de Eden.
>vieron la imagen del extraterrestre en Sup Forums?
Si, no se cual es el alboroto, se ve tan falsa como todas.

>press y to win
Eso se ve increiblement estupido.

anytime, just beware, most mexican poster use slang a lot so it might get confusing

>final boss has a huge monologue
>you shoot him while he's talking
>he dies in one hit
>if you don't shoot him, your companion steals your kill

What the FUCK was his problem?

that looks fun

Oh no we're being invaded by mexicans

Mexico City
Que alien

no lo dejen morir!

>Bring Boss to 1%hp
>Enrages back to 100%hp
>Kill Boss
>Comes back as a Enraged Ghost
>Kill him for a third time to final beat him

Where's Trump and his wall when you need him?

at this hour probably prepping the bull for Melania

>bring down final boss to 10%
>heals to full
>again to full
>yeah no I'm not dying
>no save point if you die mid-battle
>have to repeat it again
Fucking bullshit quest

>YOU heal the final bosses' entire HP

But Trump aint no cuck

>final boss heals himself twice during the fight and on the hardest difficulty, three times.
>1st intermission phase is gay as fuck
>Getting back to the last phase takes 10 minutes

>final boss makes you heal its entire HP

>Persona 3

>Final Boss is timed
>Can only attack boss after he does certain attacks

>you were the final boss all along

>Final boss is a fucking joke and piss easy to kill
>The super duper hidden boss is so fucking hard that even at max everything he will fuck you brutally

>that useless fucking party lineup
I know exactly where this footage came from.

>you were the final boss
everyone attacked you because you were the threat and not the other way around
>who you believed to be the final boss was the hero of the game

has a game with this twist existed?

>super secret hidden boss is just some old guy
>hard as shit and will fuck you up
>beat him and unlock the super duper secret hidden boss who is some sort of mecha-angel-thing
>easier than the old man

was there ever a game when you fight a party as the last boss that was equally strong as yours?

que cuentan? que tal su noche? hace tiempo que no entro aun hilo

>boss offers to let you smell his feet

>the 1hit KO move has a 100% chance of hitting and this cannot be mitigated in any way
>If the protagonist dies, it's game over

no mucho, aqui otra noche de sabado frente a la computadora.

Quisiera salir

>Final Boss is so hard and kills you so many times, that on your final fucking attempt you ace him because you've instinctively know how the fight will pan out, and know exactly what they're going to do, how they're doing to do it, how long it will last, how much damage you can do before they hit you/escape, what the next phase is, the things that'll happen during the next phase and a whole array of things that the fight becomes trivial and easy

tambien planeaba salir pero nadie ofrecio casa o depa asi que me quede aqui tomando, tampoco quisieron venir